Comparison of war3 (1.35&2.0) videos with low fps

Although you may not understand Chinese, you can definitely feel the lag in the video
The first video (23 minutes)

Video duration: 23 minutes
Video time(recording time): Recorded on February 21, 2023
War3 version: 1.35
The second video (1 hour and 4 minutes):

Video duration: 1 hour and 4 minutes
Video time(recording time): Recorded on December 27, 2024
War3 version: 2.0
Let’s use the method of controlling variables (let’s select the same game scene)
Please watch the first video (starting from 12 minutes and ending)
Please watch the second video (from 18min to 19min)
I chose the same scene as the first video, you must have noticed the lag in the video
If you observe carefully, you will find that there are many units in the first video,
3-4 times that of the second video
But strangely, the fps of the first video is also several times higher than that of the second video
Draw a good conclusion
2.0 is undergoing negative optimization


Some people are actually getting better performance (and some are not), so that’s really not a good conclusion to draw.

There are so many variables here, you haven’t listed the hardware specs of the machine in question (which could have easly changed since a patch version from several years ago), you haven’t listed your in-game graphics settings, etc. etc. so no one can really draw a conclusion from any of this.

There are too many unknown factors here for your comparison to be valid.

his comparison is valid


It’s not valid. There is too much missing information.

In order to be able to draw that conclusion, you need a controlled test, where all potential varying factors are kept the same between tests. There is no evidence they’ve done that. In fact, it’s extremely unlikely unless they’ve never updated their OS or device drivers in the intervening 5 years.

You can’t make something true just by saying it or agreeing with it.

You cant tell me what is true or not based on my agreement

That sentence means nothing.

Just because you agree with something or want it to be true, doesn’t mean that it is.

And it isn’t. There is insufficient information to reach the given conclusion- or any conclusion other than “there isn’t enough information.”

For example, I could run the old version of the game on the highest end gaming rig, and the new version on a budget PC, just to make it look as bad as possible. The point is, we don’t know what they did or what their configurations were when they made these videos. You can not reasonably conclude anything from it because of this.

This is not an accusation of any sort- I’m only saying more information needs to be provided for the comparison to be meaningful.

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There are too many unknown factors here for your comparison to be valid.

There is only one variable (the war3 version of the first video is 1.35, and the war3 version of the second video is 2.0)

Oct 2024
CaptainJack:Never heard of this CPU. There is no AMD CPU model name that has “x3d” on the end of it.

The 5800x3d was released in 2022, but the great Capitaljack doesn’t know what the 5800x3d is in 2024. Obviously, he doesn’t understand AMD CPUs. As for what he said he has AMD CPUs, who knows if what he said is true. He also did not provide any evidence


we need creat discord for exchange

Driver versions are a variable as well.

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Everything you just said there was without acceptation, wrong.


There are countless variables not shown in the video:
The hardware of the PC used in the first video and the hardware of the PC used in the second
The operating system version in the first and in the second
The network environment in the first and in the second
The other hardware and peripherals connected in the making of those videos
The graphics settings used in the first and in the second.
I could go on and on, but you can’t compare framerates in two videos if the environments werent the same. Any of the unknown factors above could affect the results.

As said in the other thread, I admitted this error long before you were ever even aware of it, holding this over my head serves no purpose other than to troll, and it also has nothing to do with this topic. Obviously I am now aware of its existence. I never claimed to know of every single new product release by AMD, there are literally hundreds, I can easily miss some of them. Like I said, no purpose to this other than to troll. Good job, you baited someone, you’re a forum pro.

Everyone has a different experience depending on their hardware, and other factors. I’ve actually had better performance this patch than any other since day 1. And I know there are people who have had a very different experience. The point is, this is less an issue of optimization and more an issue of “our crappy engine doesn’t like certain combinations of hardware and software.”

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If you do please invite me as well… tyranny here is unbearable

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There is no tyranny here. What in the world are you talking about?

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Declaring something to be wrong doesn’t make it so.

You are literally programmed to just oppose me no matter what I post. What I posted is the truth, whether you like it or not.

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I have already made it very clear,
only one variable
The situation of the same computer in February 2023 and December 2024
Only the game versions are different (1.35&2.0)
If you insist on saying there are other differences, then the only difference is the time

There are countless variables not shown in the video:
The hardware of the PC used in the first video and the hardware of the PC used in the second
The operating system version in the first and in the second
The network environment in the first and in the second
The other hardware and peripherals connected in the making of those videos
The graphics settings used in the first and in the second.
I could go on and on, but you can’t compare framerates in two videos if the environments werent the same. Any of the unknown factors above could affect the results.

These are all the same!!!
I have attributed the issue to the game version problem (the culprit behind the decrease in FPS), but there are always people trying to redirect it to other places (such as: hardware、graphics settings 、system version、etc), Attempting to complicate the problem.


I don’t know why our comments are moderated but his aren’t… Good day freinds!

There is, our comments get deleted for moderation concerns, while you’re free to harass fellow players with impunity. That’s tyranny.

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My speech from 10 hours ago has been deleted again

So, you mean to tell me that you’ve never performed a single windows update, graphics driver update, installed any new software, or anything between the time 1.35 came out and now? I find that so hard to believe that it’s almost impossible.

And even if I did accept your statement that literally nothing has changed between the two videos (which is a near impossibility), you still haven’t actually listed a single one of those variables for either video. How can we know they were the same if you didn’t name them once in the first place?

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I’m not harassing anyone. There is no tyrrany.

Also, it is impossible to have tyrrany on a private forum in the first place, Blizzard is not a government and can run its boards however it sees fit.

And for the record, my posts were deleted too. It would really be in both our best interests to just stop speaking to each other if we can’t do co civilly.

You got in trouble for making personal attacks towards me, and I got in trouble for reacting to them. So your first misunderstanding is that I’m allowed to do whatever I want, when that is not the case.

  1. I was banned for 2 weeks for making a joke post that someone at Blizzard decided was a “threat.”
  2. I’ve had multiple posts in this thread deleted right along side yours and others. Why? because this is distracting other readers from the actual topic.
  3. I’ve recieved shorter suspensions for using certain words (which I honestly regret) on a few occasions.

I am not some sort of perfect angel, I don’t work for Blizzard, and it’s pretty clear to me they probably wouldn’t want someone like me working for them anyway.

I will not be replying to any more posts that attack or defame me, and will simply flag them instead. My honest advice to you is to do the same. If you feel you’re being harassed in some way, you should flag the relevant post and let that be the end of it. All I can tell you is I"m not harassing you or anyone, do not intend to harass you or anyone, and apologize for any feelings that have ever been hurt.

Your post, and mine, will both probably get deleted for being off topic. Do us all a favor and keep your future posts about the topic instead of the people posting, and I will do the same, and we can all enjoy posting here.

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