Co-op mission like in SC2

A few things I want if they do add this in:

1: dialogue between the heroes, like if the party is Arthas and Jaina they will flirt with eatch other. If it is Arthas (DK) and sylvanas they are at eatch others throats

2: Being able to team up with a AI teamate and not just a human player

Teaming up with AI teammate kinda defeats the whole purpose of co-op

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I would love to have missions like that to be able to play with my gf, especially since she is more of a WoW player and doesnā€™t really enjoy the RTS-genre too much. Would be a lot of fun to play this with her.

I also really hope for the main campaign to get a co-op mode too. I played about half of the custom made co-op with a friend awhile back, and that was extremely fun and cool to do, outside of save/load codes. So I hope Blizzard can do an official release of co-op for it with all the changes the plan to make to the campaign experience.

Kinda, but I suck at co-op games and I donĀ“t want to drag my teammate down with me cause I suck =(

So Iā€™m thinking for Co-Op commanders not directly connected to the four main factions:

  • Lady Vashj: Naga
  • Mannoroth (since Archimonde would probably be too OP): Burning Legion
  • Akama: Draenei
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yeah that would be a nice idea.

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Might as well just make Warcraft 4.

if you want to wait 5 years for it, sure.

Love the idea of coop mode, but I dont want for WC3 to be SC2. If done well, it would be nice, but I dont really care if it is not there.

I would not agree realyy it just gives you more options so you can pratcice against bots without hurting other people.

co-op could be fun. wether the engine supports it is another story.

Agreed. Also:
Arthas should be a playable leader unit for the Scourge, capable of leveling up to 20 with 2 sets of abilities, one reflecting his nature as a death knight, and the other his nature as the lich king (so, he would get Coil of Death, Death Pact, Unholy Aura, Frost Nova, Frost Armor, Dark Ritual, Animate Dead, and Death and Decay).

Anuā€™burak could have an army made entirely out of crypt fiend variants, and play almost like the Zerg Swarm. You could have a Queen as the main building which can uproot to move around and attack, or root to lay eggs like Stukovā€™s buildings. Sacrificial Pits should feature strongly in this, but instead of turning workers into shades, it turns any unit into elder voidwalkers, who serve as the primary casters. And of course, Nerubian Towers everywhere.

An interesting option for the Night Elves would be to introduce a rogue demon faction fighting against the rest of the Legion, and have them form a Satyr army. Satyrs would largely build like night elves, but lack the ancient of lore, ancient of winds, chimera roost, and altar of elders. Instead, the ancient of war can train Satyr Aspirants, who have some minor magical spells and can also summon a Shimmering Portal (you know the one, the flat purple portal that illidan uses in the frozen throne). The Shimmering Portal generates blight, and acts both as an Altar that trains Dread Lord, Pit Lord, and Eredar Warlock hero units, but also as a mercenary camp where Succubi, Doom Guards, Fel Guards, Infernals, Elder Voidwalkers, and Fel Beasts can be summoned, all of which regenerate on blight rather than at night. The Eredar Warlock hero gets Firebolt, Parasite (voidwalker), Dark Portal (two fel beasts and a fel guard who are improved with each level) and Finger of Death.

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Yes Blizzard, please make it happen!!
I can only imagine how awesome it would be to have GARITHOS as a co op commander!


I approve of this, having good old racist Garithos back on board would be all kind of fun lol.

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Hope they bring itā€¦was really fun and the most played game mode in SC2.


I hope too, that they make it to make Warcraft III great again.


If they donā€™t, Iā€™ll just freakinā€™ make it myself. I love SC2 co-op and would love even more to see a Warcraft 3 iteration with heroes as commanders.

Of course, that requires the game to be patched into a playable state where stuff like Custom games donā€™t crash for no reason or fail to start, so weā€™ll see what happens with this product.


Hope they bring it back , for the bad remaster they brought ! as a kind of redemption !

Unlikely. Even if they wanted to bring it back I wouldnā€™t necessarily trust their capabilities to develop it properly. This is nothing in WC3R that would instill any confidence in that regard.

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