Cheats not working?

Did you guys decide not to add cheats to Single Player games?


They work for me.

I haven’t tried any others, but these ones are fine.

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In custom games against AI, or just in campaign?
I’ve found they work in Single Player campaign, but not in games against nothing but AI (bots)


same here, only works in campaign…

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Cheats arent working for me either in custom game

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Not working for me ether. Tried online, offline and with no Internet connection to my pc.

yeah they need to let people play with cheats in offline custom games


Yes, I don’t understand that either. In the original warcraft 3, you could choose “single player” and create your own game where you could use any cheats. You can also create your own game and even make it private, but when you even add bots and close the free slots, you can’t use them anyway. I had the only time when I created a game and the cheats worked. Then I just had something happen, because of what the servers in the list simply was not, no one played on any map. Everything was empty. I’m hoping that something will work create a game and there cheats worked as well as in the campaign. But then I went out. The servers are loaded. I created all over again and the cheats were already working. I hope the next patch will fix it…

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So has anyone got cheats to work in a private game full of bots yet? Its unbelievable they released a game that has less than the original that I now can’t download. I’m stuck with this lesser version of a game i already owned. Whenever I try and download the classic installer it auto directs my download as a warcraft 3 reforged install. what a crock.

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i tried to use allyourbasebelongtous and didnt work. and the only reason is because my progression did not save on my account so im stuck i guess.

I am unable to use the cheatcodes in single player custom game with computer bots as per previous versions. :frowning: It would be great if the ability to use cheat codes in single player custom games were restored.

To solve any confusion:

The cheat codes work in campaign. Not in custom games versus computers.
The difference is: the campaign is single player. Thus is is allowed.
Custom games are considered multi player. Their hosting area is for multiplayer. That you happen to decide to play vs a bot instead of a fellow reforged player is not of relevance there (at least, not for the system).

This was the same before reforged. However, before reforged you could play custom games offline, without connection to BNet. Playing vs bots in a single player area. Cheat codes would work here. However, in reforged, you cannot play offline custom games. You can go offline, but going to custom games will crash the client.

i played the offline custom games plays fine but the cheat codes dont work. Starcraft 2 if you play offline you can use the cheat codes i did it just 10 minutes ago and they work offline in custom games as long as you have downloaded the map you want to play in offline mode prior to going offline, for example if i wanted to play 4v4 Megaton i make a private lobby for that game, let it download start the map then exit the game once i loaded in disconnect my internet and play it in offline. if fact i just did that to a map called Gold Megaton works fine in offline with cheat code, so they need to do that here exactly that way or if we go offline then we can use it just like in Starcraft 2

They need to include offline custom games and offline custom campaigns and the cheats should come with it. I played the beta forever and I still don’t know why all this was removed.

Part of the fun of wc 3 was just stomping endless amounts of bots in custom games… I guess no more


I also cant get cheats to work in custom games offline, which is the dumbest sheet i have ever heard, im playing by myself i should at least be able to cheat my way through with faster build speeds or extra gold to save time. BLIZZARD CAN YOU FIX THIS BECAUSE WHY THE HELL NOT?

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Not being able to enter cheats is Fing stupid. Legit, I like to have fun just stomping around AI and building up forts. I can’t do that easily now. Awesome. The only reason I am keeping this stupid game is because of the Meat Wagon mount in world of warcraft. what a worthless waste of gaming resources.

my cheat is the turth - YouTube

Has this issue still not been fixed? The irritation. Why has blizzard not responded to this thread yet??? no update for the future whatsoever?

What the actual frickenin’ did I just readed.

I didnt even know cheats used yo work on custom games and if theydid who cares.

Open world editor, add urself some gold with one trigger and thats it. Same experience.