I formatted my computer.
I reinstalled everything, but I can no longer play Warcraft 3.
I did not buy War3 reforgerd, but I have the 2 keys (ROC / TFT) associated with my bnet account.
On bnet app, I can’t install War3 Reforged, I can only buy it.
Yeah, is it so much to pay 30€.
I totally disapprove of what they did with Reforged.
The features removed… (There are enough topics on the subject) Even if things have improved since the release.
If you can no longer play Warcraft 3 (Online) without having reforged, they need to change their documentation/policies.
I allready try it.
I DL ROC and TFT. (Version 1.27***)
Battlenet, in both games, not working.
I can’t find the last patch (1.3.1) to try to update it in the hope that bnet on this version will allow the update to reforged
Open the launcher in offline mode. Once there, the “Buy” button will change to “Install”.
Once the install is underway, you can log back into the launcher in the upper right.
You are the 2nd report I’ve seen of this. Maybe it’s possible that connecting to Battlenet with the old versions no longer prompts it to auto upgrade to Reforged.
WC3R is the only game that acts like that on the launcher.
I think it’s because Battlenet can’t see registered CD keys when it comes to game licenses. Thus when the launcher checks with Battlenet (when online) it doesn’t see them and assumes the player doesn’t own anything. So it puts the “Buy” button on the screen.
When offline, it can’t check with Battlenet so it doesn’t know the player’s WC3R status. So it gives the benefit of the doubt and displays the “Install” button.
You don’t need to install an old version of the game to get Reforged.
at the battle.net app’s login prompt, click the little button with a gear on it and select “continue without logging in”
This will let you install any game regardless of ownership. After installing the game, go back to the login prompt and log in as normal, and you should be able to play.
I had the exact same issue as OP. The website that Blizzard directs you to download WC3 ends up just being a link to download the battle.net app, which then circles the problem back to the beginning.
Launching the battle.net app in offline mode (by turning my wi-fi off) changed the button from BUY to Install. I then turned by wi-fi back on; clicked install - and the game is now installing…
Its not necessary to disconnect from the internet to do this. At the battle.net login prompt click the button above the name/password fields that looks like a gear and click “Continue without logging in.” After you install, then just click on your name in the top right and log in.
You need to install wc3 classic, then write the serial keys, and if you get a black screen when you start the game, you may need to install manually the directx, if it doesn’t work try launching it in compatibility mode (if you have a very modern setup it may not be supported by wc3(thats why you ahould try compatibility))