Cannot find game in 4v4 mode when our team is not fullfilled

cannot find game in 4v4 mode when our team is not fullfilled as 4 players.
same as when there are 2 players in team, cannot find a 3v3 game, but we can find 3v3 game successfully when we have 3 palyers in team.
So now 4v4 can only be started when u queue alone or as 4 players together, cannot when u have only 2 or 3 players in team.
PLS fix it.


Yeah, you said that already.

I can confirm the same thing happened to me when AT with Jumbo. Can’t queue as a 2 stack in 4s. Probably should look into a hotfix for this


Please hotfix it asap really trouble players

I am having same problem please fix

Same, me and my friend cannot do 4v4 together.

I have no problems finding 4v4 when i solo queue ranked 4v4. They need to remove the ranked/unranked thing though. No reason to split up the matchmaking pools.

Please hotfix it asap really troubling players

Not working here either. Trying to que 4v4 with 2 players.

Same please help

I can’t play 1v1’s either. People in the channel are saying its a bug…

Good. You shouldn’t be able to search AT vs RT, only RT vs RT or AT vs AT. This is a good start. If you have only 2 players in your group, you should go play 2v2

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Please hotfix it asap really troubling players

God I love blizzard. Their incompetence actually helped the game for once. Not having to play against against crappy ATs has made 4v4 bnet actually fair.

What? Partial AT was the saving grace to AT v RT. Now youre just left with full AT v RT and the very scarce AT v AT.

I can just leave against a 4-man AT to save myself time and frustration.

The problem is partial AT. I dunno if it’s partial AT since there is no indicator. Sometimes its obvious if you see the same 3 high MMR players several times in a row, but you can’t always tell

Also partial AT makes 4v4 RT stats irrelevant. You have people getting 100 wins 1 loss on their 4v4 RT stats because they always play 3-man AT

Partial AT is the real problem in 4v4 bnet

To take this in a different direction, and another reason why I favor partial AT, is that probably half of games I get I’m paired with 3 25-33% players, while vsing a team where all at least 50%+.
They just need to fix the matchmaking in all respects. %, MMR, prioritization in AT v AT, or even partial vs partial. I wouldn’t mind a default 30 second(partial) or 60 second(full) search time where we can only match exclusively to other partial or AT.

You’re right they have to fix a lot more stuff.

Look. I don’t mind having a totally new player on my team who doesn’t understand basic warcraft 3 concepts like creeping or teching, AS LONG AS I know the enemy team is equally likely to have a player like that.

In a pure 4v4 RT game, if you play enough games (e.g. 100 games) you will have as many noobs/trolls on your team as you have on the enemy team. Partial AT upsets this balance.

I was able to test the current balance yesterday. I played all day yesterday and achieved the highest ranking in 4v4 RT using orc. Without having to play against partial AT, I won about 90% of my games in pure RT games. I met 4-man AT stacks probably 6 or 7 times and lost majority of those games.

Overall whilst the current bnet matchmaker is still pretty crappy, especially compared to w3c’s matchmaker, it is actually tolerable now because I feel like my RT stats actually matter. In the past you had statpadders who only played 3-man partial AT and achieved all those disgusting win rates

This was the case for me two seasons back, however, last season my experience was as the above. Extremely unpleasant having to carry every 2/5 matches with 150-250k score and 30 min games.
“In the past you had statpadders who only played 3-man partial AT and achieved all those disgusting win rates”
Guilty as charged, but for me and others I play with it’s not about the win rates. It’s about not getting a stream of constant leavers as a full AT, or having a challenge vs full AT with 1-2 lesser players.

You know what, I respect that. I think that I’m too judgmental on people who AT. People should have the right to play the game in a way which makes the game enjoyable for them. Dealing with leavers/tkers/trolls is not fun, and AT helps prevent that.

Look, you make a good point.

Actually I almost forgot. I’m okay with partial AT but partial AT stats need to count toward 4v4 AT stats. Like the way w3champions did it for their 4v4 ladder.

If Blizzard can implement this like the way w3champions did it, then I would have no problem with partial AT.

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