It depends, some they can fix, some mapmakers have to fix.
Some custom maps have known desync errors that existed long before reforged, such as clicking certain bosses in Wintermaul, or Geti Star in DBZ tribute.
Desyncs can be caused from certain functions being used incorrectly, which is explained a lot on mapmaking sites.
You ever see that thing where a lag screen pops up, and it will never go away until you press “drop players”?
That’s a desync
For some reason the lag screen is completely removed from reforged though and I don’t know how or why
The Desync issue has been really bad since the wc3 R beta started, a lot of classic players noticed the abrupt shift in quality of service around late 2019. Before that I almost never got disconnected in hundreds of games personally. Something they did in the last year is responsible for this and it predates the official launch of reforged.
I got Ryzen 1600, GTX 1060 and 16gb ram and game doesn’t lag that bad for me… fps around 100-180 on highest, however sometimes getting random fps drops to 30… especially in campaign, but i saw Grubby is getting it too with his high end PC, so its not my PC fault.
Anyway its not a problem, DESYNC is a real problem. it’s so freaking annoying.
Just now hosted custom game twice and it desynced twice in a row at start. Screw this game. Blizzard worst AAA developer in years.
I know a lot of warcraft III players that had issues with desyncs, mostly in custom games. It happened to me aswell at some occasions. They all fixed those with the max FPS setting. It should be above 200 at least. I have no concrete proof for this of course, you will have to trust me and try it. Hopefully it will work ! gl
The fps issues were enough for me to stop playing the game, there should be no reason for a game of this age to drop to 30 fps on a 2080ti when I can play bf5 with Ray tracing at 100 fps+
Running max settings here, with an i7-3770k (ten years or so and counting), 1070 GFX (not even TI) at 1080p with a 10 year old SSD and I get 60fps without drops. So I never see stutters.
I also just have a 200mbps connection and funny enough got 10ms when playing on EU server, 100MS when playing on US server and 250 when playing on KR/Chinese server.
So, hardly lag to speak of, none that their internal buffering can’t smooth out anyway (except for a minor delay when on Asian servers).
So, either you’re doing something very very wrong or you are full of horse shizzle.
I have yet to be disconnected or dropped from a versus game. I guess I’m just lucky.
Dude, you must be trolling. Look around the forum, almost all the threads are people complaining about this very issue (desyncs, lag, low FPS). Do you think we are all liars?
Well it’s weird. Today i have played like 15 games and didnt get even a single desync. 2 days ago i got desync 4 times in 5 games…and i am hosting same maps. Idk how it works. Sometimes i feel like Blizzard decide if it will desync or no, lol. Or they have a moderator who desync random games, haha.
I only play 2 custom maps but in Castle Fight I often get sent to the score screen at what seems like a specific time. Desyncs haven’t been as common for me since the patch in 4on4 but they still happen, or someone getting dropped noticeably.
Simply, read my post and my videos,
I’ve been complaining to Blizzard for months about these desync on some maps. I never had a response from a dev or others.
Guys, i can’t remember where i read this, but to fix de desync at start on few maps, just don’t limit de FPS limit ! To me, it works, i can play on Custom Hero Survival