Campaign's nonsensicality and changes (MEGA-THREAD)

Lemon Sky is ofcourse above us the amateur modelers BUT their models to be honest are so bad that with limited sources we can do better ones(or lets say more fitting ones), and Shar did not referanced them he was trying to tell that ‘it could be done by professionals better than amateur modelers’


See, I like the Necromancer, the Blademaster and the Dreadlord completely, utterly and faithfully. The Knights and Rifles are decent. I could see why you would have a problem with the Footies and Ghouls, but even they are passable.

The crux of the matter is the neck. The greatest que?stion is that of pride. Are they going to swallow it? Will the neck be reduced? The neck must be reduced!



I don’t think the words ‘bad’ should be used unless to indicate quality.

I mean there’s so many different ways to interpret ‘models are bad’. In most instances, it comes down to not liking a certain interpretation, and so it’s ‘bad’ instead of ‘something I don’t like’.

I recently saw a discussion about Starship Troopers netflix series. The topic in the discussion veered to people talking about the original film and how it ruined the book. Here’s the thing - movies can’t ruin books. Movies are adaptations of stories and scripts. They can choose to be faithful adaptations of source material, or they can choose to be different. The source material is never affected by a new or different interpretation. SST as a movie should be regarded as its own product, and not a replacement of any existing product.

In that regard, Reforged will and should always be regarded as an adaptation of Warcraft 3. It is not a replacement for WC3. We have full access to the original and that’s not going away.

I personally love Starship Troopers both the book and the movie, and I regard them as two completely different things with extremely different tones. I will do the same with Reforged, and it’s VERY clear to see that it is not a faithful adaptation of WC3 . I mean look at the Gryphon Aviary model. It’s a completely new take that doesn’t look like it fits the Warcraft aesthetic we’ve seen before.

In terms of quality, I will agree that there are a lot of inconsistencies to the polish of the models, but there is still time to see how it all flows with the game. I mean, by all means, when I came off of SNES+ era of 16/32 bit rendered sprites, all N64-era low poly models looked bad to me. It took time, but I learned to love the aesthetic.


I honestly think they are good models overall.

The bad ones would be ghoul (too WoW’y) , footman (tiny sword) and bad visibility from above, abomination (stitches-like) and maybe Paladin (Buzz-Cut boi)

Then don’t use it as an example of a visual thing that’s a piece of lore?

I mean, naw. Not really. The most I’m wondering about is some sizing issues (Necromancer’s staff s huge, Footman’s blade could be a bit longer) or colour choices (Ghouls being slate coloured instead of flesh coloured, would prefer the Tauren being a darker brown). Otherwise it’s small forgettable stuff like “it’d be cool if Knights had their wreath-styled circlet”.

How much LemonSky pays for you, I’m just curious

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Mostly I’m just curious who pays you to single me out every time when other people (Adunai, Triceron, EternalShade) also aren’t bending over backwards to find reasons to hate the visual designs of Reforged. (Even though, hey, I posted very briefly about things I’d change with the models.)

Designs that are Warcraft in nature. Yes, it’s not “your” Warcraft but that’s because the series has been marching on since 2003. Just because you firmly want to remain ignorant of the evolution of the IP doesn’t mean everyone else has to.

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Troll’s missing hind-toe?

Potentially, Blood Elves having Green Eyes before they meet Illidan. I really hope they do this one justice and make it a story thing, not just start with Green eyes because TBC made it a standard.


Ignore him everything is minor to him

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I dont think this much attention to detail is a good thing considering its an RTS with view from top.

Like if they really making lore changes the focus of the project then yes they cant ignore it but I doubt it .

I can’t really remember any lore significance from the novels or games, but there’s also so much Warcraft stuff out there that it’s hard to miss.

This one would make sense, yeah. I don’t remember if the missions pre-escape to Outland with Kael’thas’ campaign had any green-eyed Sorceresses or Priests (though Kael I think started with them?) because it’s been a few months since I last played through the campaigns. Spellbreakers they can get away with I think? I don’t remember off the top of my head when they pop up but I swear you don’t get them until after the jailbreak and exodus to Outland?

I’d have to go and look again, but can agree it’d be a nice attention to detail if - once high elves formally turn to blood elves with the siphoning of Fel/demons - that’s when there’s the full switch flip and all elven units get green eyes.

Plus a Kael’thas model with blue eyes would just be fun to have in the map editor.

Blue eyes? Golden hair?

Is this insinuating anything?

Anything related to the supreme “Aryyan” race?

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They don’t have any of that in their TFT lore because it was never a thing.

Green eyes is purely an invention of The Burning Crusade. Lore-wise, they say their eyes turn fel because they tapped into demonic magic; something that Illidan taught them back in TFT. In effect, it’s a retcon, and we just accept it since we can just infer it from TFT. There’s no expectation that it would ever have to be visually represented there since it’s an old game.

But now we’re revisiting it, and now we do know Blood Elves in Reforged have green eyes (Kael in icon art, Spellbreaker model on the website) so this does become a lore issue that is unclear how it is being implemented. The lore is clear about when they get the green eyes, and it’s not any time before they meet Illidan.

As for troll hindtoe, I’m neither here or there for or against, but I see it as a case to be discussed since it was a prominent feature in all of Warcraft concept art and ingame depiction up until recently.

Save the Troll hind toe!!

This thread details it more than I ever could.

There’s other stuff too like Dreadlord’s tail, but honestly I don’t think that’s a lore thing since it wasn’t consistent with either WoW or Heroes of the Storm. Hindtoe however shows up on even the latest Blood Troll models in BFA.

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I’m currently replaying through the Blood Elves campaign in TFT, and no Elf has green eyes: swordsmen, archers, spellbreakers, sorceresses, priests and Kael’Thas all have normal eyes


It’s a good thing I’m apparently just losing my mind, since I know the Priest and Sorceress units have RoC/Frozen Throne versions. Completely thought they were rocking green eyes too. That’s what I get for making Orc my 1v1 race and Night Elf my team VS team race. Thanks.

Totally fair, and I did never think of the point brought up in that thread about it being used to climb since they are jungle/mountain/forest-faring folk. Like a lot of stuff in World of Warcraft, do wish they’d prioritize some lore/writing/fluff now and then even if it’s minor. Flesh things out more outside of major narratives.

Wait! My mistake: TFT priests have green eyes. It’s not so noticeable in their portrait, because there is also a blue glow, but the eye texture is actually green.
Other elven units have normal eyes, only priests have green eyes for some reason


Yeah, in TFT Blood Elf eyes are inconsistent, which may indicate random eye colors kinda like how hair color ranged from blonde to red.


Genetic diversity? AHHH

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There’s also one change that really irked me that wasn’t lore related.

They changed the Militia’s shield-and-axe combo to shield-and-sword, while also swapping the hands they use the weapons in.

Now I can get it if it’s a change done for a certain purpose, but all I can think of is how this messes up Custom Maps if someone used the Militia model for their ‘Axe-man’ unit and suddenly he’s using a sword.


Yes, I also wondered why they made that choice. An axe makes more sense for a peasant, since they always carry one around to chop lumber. Besides, in the real medieval world, a sword was very expensive and noblemen only were allowed to carry one. Of course Warcraft is not the real world, but some realism woud make it more believable. And finally, replacing the axe with a sword feels like a change just for the sake of change. It seems unnecessary.