Campaign's nonsensicality and changes (MEGA-THREAD)

I was playing “Fall Of Silvermoon” and the optional quest is to kill the runner and stop Sylvanas base from alerting Silvermoon of your presence.

Wait a minute…

You literally played 2 missions before this attacking their outer and inner gates. How did they not see this coming? Like really…

Silvermoon just casually didnt know that we were attacking and they didn’t help sylvanas…?

They didnt sense it???

Technically they should be attacking the undead base aswell with their superior magic (golems/guardians whatever).

Anyone find this abit overlooked and non sensical?

Like the people of Silvermoon are just chilling until we attack their base…

Plus where is Kael thas? And any hints on tht?


now that you say it…

Althou not explained in the campaign in wow you can see where the inner and outer gates were… And they are the ones connecting with the plagelands quite far from the actual city…
Also taking into account only the farstriders guard the borders of their land it makes sense they didn’t know…

(golems and other non sensical stuff came after wow btw, by warcraft 3 elves were more like lord of the rings… So no robots)


No I mean the final assault on the literal city. Play that mission and turn on iseedeadpeople and you will see.

But Dalaran prepared their city will magic aura (weak asfk if u ask me) because we kill the archmages in the 2nd final mission undead.

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If memory doesn’t betray me the assault on the actual city came after the death of sylvanas… If u see the maps, sylvanas died somewhere around the ghostlands most likely in tranquillien… The only city that is supposed to have a direct trade of supplies with the city and its close enough from deatholme (Arthas base) which is still quite far from the city… Still not even in Eversong woods


Cut them some slack. Back in 2004 things were much simpler. They had no golems/guardians/whatever back then as they were only invented much later for WoW.


They were, top militia from silvermoon was attacking Arthas from his very first step into quelthalas, I don’t understand why you would take apart sylvanas army from silvermoon’s since they are essentially the same…


You literally played 2 missions before this attacking their outer and inner gates. How did they not see this coming? Like really…

Well it’s a game and therefore it follows its own logic. It doesn’t have to abide by standard real life rules. If this was a movie we would probably see Arthas invading Quel’Thalas with Legions of Undead Armies not just a small platoon. The whole of Silvermoon would be aware of it desperately sending reinforcements to the inner and outer gates.

They had no golems/guardians/whatever

Yes they did.

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Exactly my point.

The same goes for the NIGHT ELF 01 mission where you play MGS style hiding from doom gaurds and trying to make your way to base.


Like a shade is better…

To be fair, at that time Archimonde did not have a Gem of True Seeing. In the final mission he does. He got tired of Tyrande’s shenanigans :smiley:


Same for DuGalle decisions on StarCraft Brood War or the whole StarCraft 2, lore inconsistencies have alwais been a big problem for Blizzard


But we a chance to fix it right now as for Reforged they are overhauling campaign.

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No,we do not want it, thanks.


There are 2 versions of campaign in Reforged.

Classic (For you and your kind)

Reforged (For new and improved version)

So you cant really hate…


Hopefully, but we all know that will most likely end up f@cking up the lore really badly with all their WoW BS


There is one campaign in Reforged, as confirmed by developers just ‘Reforged’ one.


Their is a classic version with updated graphics.

No there isn’t, they said campaign will be only Reforged when ‘Graphics mode’ is on.


Either way son their will be a time to make sense of plot holes.

So we can fix em right now

So leave them untouched, like they were supposed to be in Warcraft III not like todays messed up lore.