Campaign's nonsensicality and changes (MEGA-THREAD)

Dude they wouldnt be doing this project then.

Like its been 5 months get over it.

Im not paying 40 for the same game…

Buy a new game then instead of a remastered classic? I mean it is Warcraft III not Warcraft IV: Reign Of Microtransactions and The Retcon Throne


:laughing: Okay that was a good one

I don’t see that runner thing as an issue.

First, as Dahaka said, it’s a game, and therefore it has its own logic. I like when a game is coherent and logic, but gameplay is important too. In this very case, which is quite a minor detail of the story, the runner was added for gameplay reasons.

Secondly, I don’t support the idea of changing everything in the campaigns. As an old fan, I would like Reforged to still look like Warcraft III, not a completely different game. If too many things are changed, it will feel too different.

Thirdly, lore reasons. It’s only speculation, but I think the Quel’Thalas storyline is not that bad lore wise. About the first two missions, my best guess is that Sylvanas can be seen as very arrogant: she thinks she can handle Arthas on her own. Or maybe she doesn’t realise how powerful the Scourge is, and she thinks the first defenses of Quel’thals and her tactics will suffice. Either way, she realises that she needs help only at the beginning of the third mission.

Now, in the third mission, why doen’t Silvermoon send reinforcement?
I think the game should be seen as a miniature representation of the world of Warcraft. In the campaign, it looks like the Scourge is very close to the elven capital; you’d need less than 30 seconds to reach Silvermoon. But that’s just because the map was designed that way, for gameplay reasons. If it were the real world (let’s pretend), Quel’thalas would be a huge region, and it would take days or even weeks to travel across it. Now, imagine that Sylvanas’ and Arthas’ camps were far from Silvermoon. Far enough so Arthas’ armies can’t even be seen from there. In that case, it makes sense that Sylvanas tries to call for reinforcement with a runner and Silvermoon is not aware yet of the battle going on.

This argument is getting old. And it is irrelevant. If I buy Reforged, I want to experience it as much as anyone else. If I need to stick with the old campaign in order to enjoy the game, it makes no sense. In this topic, we are expressing our views about how we’d like the game to look like, so you can’t just sweep our arguments away just by saying we should ignore the new campaign.

Even if the campaigns are left untouched, it won’t be the exact same game: you’ll get improved graphics, new voices, new editor features (which will massively increase custom games potential), and so on.


Yes it obviously isnt a real represenation of regions but some sense still should be made.

All of your posts manage to be nonsensical, but this one takes the crown. What exactly is the issue you’re having with this moment? To my mind, it’s one of the most brilliant parts of the entire game - they literally married a neat game mechanic to a cool flavourful lore escape.

What do you want them to change it to? A jump like in movies? Or like Mirana’s Leap? That would be the definition of a downgrade.

Yes, it does look a bit silly. I would suggest clearing some space (it’s a really narrow forest path in the original), or moving the camera position.

But overall, it’s an incredible moment. And it does transmit things to the viewer/player. Archimonde is shown as a stupid brute. He does not care about the lives of his demons. He can be outsmarted by a simple (for the Night Elves) trick. And he doesn’t know (or cares to learn) all of their tricks. You can even see it as a huge foreshadowing for the finale (where he sends huge waves of demons, and then gets outsmarted). In any case, it’s decent character development.


Man, that’s a lot of salt :rofl:

Anyway, you can always play the old campaign even with the new graphics. If nothing else, export it to World Editor, boom: new graphics and assets are updated, then play as custom campaign.

Yh but the distance really shined in Wow during 2004 it seems like it was just overlooked.

Back then i dont think there was a concept of the distance being big between gates…

There are literal RoC Golems guarding le Sunwell in RoC…


Same for dalaran siege later on when killing antonidas


Those were oppressed though. Arthas brought them freedom.

Whereas in Kael’thalas, golems had egalitarian rights.

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What about dragons with the blackrock clan?

I thought the novel day of the dragon stated they were not in orc possession in third war.

They are also in Outland for some reason


Those were the wrong kind of dragons.

Should they have been netherdrakes?

Thats what I think instead of red dragons…

I agree with you one this one. Red dragons aren’t supposed to be on Orcs’ side. I don’t support too many changes in the new campaigns, but dragons definitely need to go away.

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See i dont want campaign changes overall but some stuff need to go.

Its not like that will kill the game like some people say.

Like quality of life changes yo freshen up the game.

Plus some tileset changes for outland would be nice like Black Temple and Zangarmarsh etc

Now that is what will kill the game with retcons, the greatest thing WoW messed up is whole draenei-draenor-outland thing.

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I disagree. The dragons served a storytelling purpose - they indicated it was a remnant of the Old Horde. You could even reminisce that it’s now you who is commanding the dragons in turn (Frost Wyrms), and those Orcs were the chosen ones before you.


Well I get that, but it doesn’t work. Red dragons were freed several years before the events of Warcraft III. They are no longer under the old Horde’s control.

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Could not explain it better

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