Brainstorming: fixing instability issues

Hey you Kaivax

Firstly about balance updates, well done we all appreciate that a lot. thank you and the team for that.

I’ve done some more extensive testing, here is what I found.

Running the game at a resolution of 1080x720 makes the game flawless in response. Regardless of hyperthreading on or off.

However, I notice that the rendering latency does not scale with higher resolutions. which is causing instability issues. Naturally higher resolutions the higher rendering latency. I don’t know if the reason behind that is for security (online verification) or simply an effort of trying to make the game more stable.
Anyways. Fixing this issue has the potential to fix a lot of problems in general, but especially for intel user who must use the integrated graphics.

As proof, in the menu were the latency is zero it cuts down the fps A LOT, but it is better when ingame, as you can see the rendering latency is higher and frame rate is getting more stable.
HTTP s://imgur . com/ a/G0QpSRY
HTTP s://imgur . com /NoaaOrN

To be clear, the issue is persistent regardless if I use the internal GPU and disables the external one (2080 TI), visa versa.

https ://imgur . com/ 0fr6lKG

p.s if the reason for the security, I get but there can be a better way of implementing it.

Maby use the same principle as google authenticator, ish.
eg have the game generate 1000 different unique but random codes that sync with the server. Only the game and server know the codes. It should be verified asap but allow for a 12-sec delay before changing the code. Make every code generated unique to the player/bnet account. That why it can’t be hacked. Well, it can, but it would be pretty useless to hack, since everyone has unique codes^

edit: pp…s admin can remove the link if you want, I know I know. I can email them if you send me the email. Posting proof can be somewhat debatable, but I wouldn’t protest for the third one, i get it^ :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

edit again… letter for reference Open letter to Blizzard