Blizzard stole my friends, community and my favorite game

No, but they also weren’t going to update their maps for reforged anyway. The old maps will still work in the old game. You literally don’t run into the issue in this case.

I feel like people are so angry they’re not actually thinking today…

It’s the state of the world…

Maybe I am not reading between the lines, maybe I am too lazy to download linux so that I can play this stupid old game…maybe it’s time to move on with life or something lol

I’m sure if you talk to your friends one of them can help you understand.

You do have places you can talk to them other than , right?

Well most of them do. Since trying to keep multiple development branches in parallel is stupid and impractical. They also release updates for a reason, such as to improve balance, fix bugs or add additional content.

All recent maps were made for patches which are no longer available.

Dude I found tons of sites with the old patches just typing “Warcraft 3 old patches” on google. It’s 2020 you shouldn’t be having this much of an issue with this.

Also no holding onto your old versions isn’t remotely impractical. They’re like 20MB max per map. And then people who backed up their maps probably have like 20 versions of some maps they’d be more than happy to spread all over the net. I have 838 custom maps myself from just not getting rid of them.

so heres the problem…

I love reforged, but custom campaigns, the good ones, like Lord of teh Clans, or The Last Guardian, DONT work with it. They don’t work in classic mode or reforged, there is no way to launch them from teh game. My WC3R installed overtop of my frozen throne, now I can’t launch classic frozen throne because it broke the old install. WTF how can I play these campaigns now if I can’t even launch classic WC3 anymore.

I don’t actually play with anybody I know, but the DotA community is pretty small within TFT currently. We play with generally the same people throughout time, as the community gets even smaller. One of those threatened extinction gaming things.

For some reason, the aesthetics and mechanics of the old DotA is so much more pleasing than any other moba I have tried out.

the real question would be how didn’t they ruin it

the new UI is ugly compared to the original, so is the voiceacting, the models are overdesigned garbage wich look straight out of a mobile game, animations are crap (specially portraits), so is the lightning in some cases, the models don’t fit with the rest of the game aesthetics at all, they terrain also looks horrible when used with the new models, they also feel oversized and out of place

they got rid of the custom mapmaking preview picture because i guess there could be a nasty picture in there, speaking of custom maps, the world editor still a buggy mess, they completely REMOVED custom campaings so you are forced to use an older instalation of warcraft to play them so unless you torrent an older version and play it you won’t be able to do anything because as soon as you connect to the internet with your classic client it will be bloated with 20GB+ of reforged assets whenever you bought the game or not, this also halts any future developement of said campaings forever or until they decide to read a feature that they never stated they would remove, i guess they are too incompetent to deal with all the bugs they introduced to them so they rather just get rid of said feature entirely lmao what a joke

it also got “”""""“upgraded”""""""" to Bnet 2.0 wich brings all the wonderfull(NOT) features associated with it such as there being only one account per CD-key so you can’t change your name anymore like in the old game and once you are banned that’s it you need to buy the game again, there’s a little wonderful report button to get rid of all the toxicity and things i don’t like yayyy, i guess we should ignore the fact that some of the most fun custom maps were not afraid of going off the rails with these stuff and that made them special, but oh no that could hurt SOMEONE feelings in this day and age so we must ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOW IT

lets also not mention how they updated their Terms of services to PROHIBIT any copyrighted material from appearing in custom maps, so there goes 99% of original and interesting maps, they also now own all the maps that are hosted on bnet wich are all since everybody is forced to use it to even play, wouldn’t want another Dota 2 slipping out of their greasy greedy hands again oh nononono

MP is also broken for most people atm but i guess that’ll be fixed eventually, doesn’t excuse the horrendous balances desitions they have been doing throught the past years but that’s a topic for another time but still has some weight into why the game is in such a bad state right now

i lost my faith and trust in blizzard years ago but these kind of events just cements by beliefs, such a disastreous launch and they can’t be bother to put any effort into one of their most beloved games, its disgraceful and shame on everybody responsible for this mess


RIP Kobe, RIP wc3, RIP 2020. gg
Quoted for reiteration. Well written. But I kind of like the idea of less spamming racism and misogyny.

One does not want old patches. One wants the downloader only ones from 2017 to 2019. These added a lot of new features which custom map makers quickly adopted.

256 MB is the current limit. Been so for 2 years odd.

Of course as a developer I hold on to them for backup purposes. But I replace all published versions with the latest as part of release. After all, I do not want people downloading old versions of maps since the newer ones are improved.

My very old computer has 10,000 odd which actually would work with the stand alone patches. Most were rubbish however.

One should be able to play custom campaigns from within Reforged. If not this is a NYI feature.

They are the exact same models with the exact same textures… (play classic graphics).

Seeing how SC2 has tons more picture content, it might be they were intending a different way to preview maps, similar to SC2. Possibly another NYI feature.

That has always been the case. Since bans were for CD Keys and not accounts… Violating accounts were usually outright closed permanently.

I doubt many are disappearing. StarCraft II still has DBZ, LoZ and other maps.

Eh. just wait then i’m sure some guy is going to keep his version from updating and figure out a way to box the version up.

I don’t mind paying extra money to Blizzard in a different way (e.g. monthly fee for accessing I just don’t like this new game called Reforged.

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So ironic… Blizzard didn’t want to split the old WC3 community and the reforged community, so they cut features from reforged multiplayer (UI and quality of life improvements). Instead, however, by forcing the old community into this new game, they ended up screwing up that old community and the new one (It’s like taking orcs and forcing them to migrate to a new land…).

Well, Blizzard, congrats you kept the communities united…in hating you.

Seriously, I would’ve bought this game if it had new pathfinding, less unit blocking, and improved UI. But noooo, we have to keep the playerbase together. You tried to please everyone and ended up pleasing almost no one. How can random dudes on the internet have more common sense than game directors who have years of experience and have gone to good colleges…


nope, they have totally broken the ability to play custom campaigns, you can load them from the editor but half the models are missing and won’t load in classic or reforged modes. and since you can’t even launch the original, all the great custom campaigns on Hive Workshop are seemingly totally useless now until blizzard decides to fix a feature they don’t care about. It seems that NO custom models will work anymore either.

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Maybe we are all morons on a crazy ride…

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everything was doin’ well… it is ACTIVISION to BLAME!!!

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Then you arent a true war3 player or fan. I bought the reforged for this… because even after all these years it remains better designed game to me than SC2… but the game is kind of dead because it’s been many years and even reforged does not bring the activity I would expect (I would expect at least SC2 activity). Nothing to do with their delays or unfulfilled promises.

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my campaigns got wiped for no reason recently. i was done with night elf TFT.

same. i made the same type of “im sad post” but they dont care. just want the money and they made it lol.

Gatekeeping? For a game that you yourself admit is dead?

Here you can download TFT: