I don’t play RoC I prefer TFT but losing RoC represents bad customer service. Especially since many players have lost 17 year old accounts, Pete Stillwell said in interviews that people with 17 year old accounts would receive a special tag next to their name and accounts would transfer over to Reforged… was that a lie?
I know Pete also said in an interview that Reforged could possibly have two ladders (one for classic TFT and a more “progressive” one for Reforged). It would be really nice if blizzard communicated with us before shutting down a game.
Can we expect the same treatment for classic TFT? Does blizzard plan on making just one ladder for Reforged and Classic combined? I surely hope not
Reforged should have been its own separate game. You should have left WC3 alone and released Reforged as a stand alone game. It would have had far less complaints. You could have still used the original WC3 engine with the new modifications you are making. No reason we should have to trade in the old game just to get the new one. I also believe Blizzard is shooting itself in the foot with all these new players downloading TFT for the first time wondering wtf is wrong with this game? People who preordered had higher expectations from you
The only “news” or rumors I know of that are important are the new items and item level system blizzard leaked sometime ago, which IMO is not something anybody asked for. Theres so many ignored suggestions around here on what things people want fixed, the keyword is fixed but not changed. On top of that Beta was announced for early spring!
What exactly is the point of a remaster if your changing too much? its like going from Ghostbuster 2 to Ghostbusters 2016 instead of just making Ghostbusters 3, except we can no longer enjoy Ghostbusters 2 now
Shame on you