Being brainless fan of old lore is stupid

Did you SERIOUSLY just defend that tripe and call it GOOD?? God, you ARE one of those morons.

Defending bad writing is just… ugh. I can’t. You don’t even deserve an explanation.

Wrong on both counts. WC3 is more Warcraft than WoW is. And esports are made using games.

[citation needed]


It’s a personal opinion, King. No citation is needed at all.

As long as we all know it’s an opinion.

I’d be very surprised if we didn’t.

Wilder claims have been made.

I don’t want to know.

Warcraft III doesn’t have all the emotions modern Blizzard writting have. Warcraft III isn’t deep enough,you don’t know a lot about who is Lich King,How the Scourge was created,who Kel’tuzad was as a human - Warcraft III isn’t interesting for a new audience without fresh air - It’s outdated

The only emotions I get from modern Blizzard writing are an uncontrollable urge to vomit and the constant question, “What the f**k were they smoking when they wrote this?”

Because you don’t NEED to know. Knowing everything about them has completely demystified and cheapened them.

Warcraft 3 has better writing than WoW has had since TBC. You won’t change my mind.


Knowing everything is what people wants! There’s a lot of chanels only based on lore information of different media - and people love to watch or listening about the story behind each character - It’s makes the story more deep and entertaining

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You are a moron youself if you don’t care about the story and character for you is just a character

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It might be better to not engage FilthyCasual anymore. It’s not a matter of the stance they’re taking but just how they’re taking it. Between the derogatory attitude, exaggeration, and general bullheadedness you’re not going to find much of a conversation worth having.

If I didn’t care about the story and characters I wouldn’t be trying my damnedest to preserve them and not have modern Blizzard writing put into the game.

Modern Blizzard writing sucks. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. There’s nothing you can say that will convince me otherwise – in fact everything you’ve already said has only convinced me I’m right. End of debate.


It’s called “A Duck Syndrom”,have you heard about it?

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No. What’s that?

Blizzard’s modern writing deserves all the derogatory attitude I’m giving it.


What you’ve saw earlier - for you is the best.Like if Little duck saws something first and think that it’s a Mommy Duck


How is this relevant?


Your own Nostalgia has blinded you - Warcraft III is your “Mommy” and the best game Blizzard have made

It’s not nostalgia. It’s objective thinking.

I don’t have the time or the word count to go into why modern Blizzard lore sucks and deserves no place in Warcraft 3.


I have Nostalgia too but I can understand that Warcraft III sucks in some way,while you is obsessed with the idea of how perfect it was

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