Amd ryzen 7 5800 , rtx 3060 slow fps

Well, first off, I have an AMD Ryzen 9 7900X and have never had “unplayable” FPS (People say “unplayable” way,way too often as well. To me, “unplayable” is like, <20fps, but some people will cry “UNPLAYABLE” at considerably higher frame rates) except immediately after the last patch, and that was caused by the game deciding to use the CPU’s integrated graphics, and after disabling that, everything was fine. “unplayable” means you literally cannot play it, not that it is simply sub-optimal or less pleasant.

As far as intel users complaining, all you have to do is search the forum, but there have been complaints from Intel users over the years and here’s a few past threads about it:

heres a more recent one, within the current patch


While there haven’t been many recently, Intel users are not magically immune to performance problems. And despite not having the supposedly best gaming AMD CPU, I have no FPS problems here. I’m sure the game could perform better than it does, but there’s no universe where the 200+ FPS I see in normal games is “unplayable.”

I suspect most of the people who make these claims of “unplayability” are playing custom games with orders of magnitude more objects in play than the game was ever designed to handle, at which point you should be blaming the map creator and the game engine, not your CPU. But even when playing line tower wars with a dozen players with full builds, FPS never became unplayable, nor were there “stutters” or big lag spikes.

So I suppose you’re going to tell me that I’m lucky and have the only AMD CPU across their entire catalog that doesn’t run the game with “unplayable” FPS.