Amd ryzen 7 5800 , rtx 3060 slow fps

Hey guys. I just installed Warcraft 3 Reforged on my Alienware R10 with Cpu Amd Ryzen 7 5800 and Rtx 3060 with 16 gb ram but i got only around 70 to 80 fps then I will drop to around 40 to 50 fps in game (4vs4) . I used to have Intel I5 9300 with Gtx 1660 super and 16gb ram, my fps was usually over 110 and barely drop under 80 fps in game. Each system has the same setting. Can you tell me how to fix this problem. I thought my new System is stronger Cpu and Video Card and I will get better fps but somehow I got Fps slower than previous system. All driver up to date and I only play on 1080p setting. Thanks


Multiple topics about this issue at the moment… You are not alone, no fix for now.


My rig:
Legion 7 with Cpu Amd Ryzen 7 5800H and Rtx 3070 with 32 gb.

Freeze for around 5 seconds per every 30 seconds.

I think they have problem with AMD cpu.

Hope they can fix this.

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We have a thread going on in bug reports where you can document your specific hardware, things you’ve tried and other information into a single thread. This will be the best way to help identify and solve these types of problems.

There’s no problem with AMD CPUs specifically. Intel users have also reported problems. Thanks for your contribution though. My AMD CPU runs the game just fine with no periodic stutters or low FPS. If this was a general link between CPU brand and the game, everyone would be experiencing the problem. But I’m not, and I’m certainly not the only one. There are specific causes of certain FPS issues, but in general, really the game just isn’t well optimized.

Newer AMD CPUs often have integrated graphics, and with a recent patch the game has started preferring integrated graphics over graphics cards. Your symptoms align with those experienced when this problem occurs, and if your CPU has this feature, the FPS issue can be easily eradicated by disabling the integrated gaphics so the game can’t use it. I myself experienced this problem as my Ryzen 9 7900X has an integrated graphics feature which was never a problem until 2.0.1 when the game suddenly decided to start using it, resulting in single digit FPS and crashes, as the integrated graphics is only allowed to use 512MB of RAM. Disabling them completely resolved the issue for me.

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Yes, you summarized it very well, amd cpu question
The worst optimization is on AMD CPU,
Intel CPUs also experience a decrease in fps, but the issue is not as severe as AMD CPUs,
Summarized as an AMD question, it’s really great
A few people say that the issue with AMD CPUs is incorrect (perhaps only one person said so, look at the comments of others, they are all people who own AMD CPUs)
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Wrong, the worst optimization is everyone, because it doesn’t matter if you have AMD CPU or not. Intel users are simply more likely to have bought higher end CPUs and thus less likely to be impacted too much by the crappy game engine’s performance on them.

The issue affects everyone, you see more AMD people here because AMD is usually seen as the budget option and people tend to have the lower end CPUs which make the issue easier to see. It i s not any specific fault of the AMD CPU. If you think AMD CPUs are so terrible why are you using them?

I’ve never played game that only runs bad on one brand of CPU, with the only exception being Intel’s newest generation which everyone is calling crap- but it’s crap regardless of the game or software you’re using, not just one specific program.

And I’ve said this many times already, but the AMD CPU I am using does not have this mysterious FPS problem every other forum poster is complaining about. And funny enough I seem to be the only one here with this CPU, which means if anyone else has it, they aren’t here complaining. And I find that to be proof enough it’s simply the caliber of CPU you and others have from their lineup, rather than anything specifically to do with the game’s interaction with any CPU from AMD.

Bottom line is, even if it might be easier to notice, this issue isn’t specific to one CPU manufacturer, and should be removed from this discussion. Yes, the game has obvious performance problems and I agree with that. But they are NOT specific to one CPU manufacturer.

It’s ridiculous for people to come in here and assume the game doesn’t like their specific CPU, when the reality is… it doesn’t like any of them. Which tells me that anyone who comes in here and sees these threads is just saying that to provoke responses from me… i.e. trolling.


There is no fix, it’s just how they have programmed 2.0 utterly inefficient

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Wrong, Warcraft 3R 2.0 simply prefers intel chips because they do better at single threaded processing. Crappy game engine worked fine on old hardware!

Willful negligence on your part, Warcraft 3 reforged worked just fine on decade old hardware. Win7 is still listed under minimum requirement along with Intel i3-530!!! and an Athalon Phenom II X4 910 (released in 2010)


This is absolute nonsense and reads as nothing other than a dig at AMD users.

This has very little to do with that, any modern CPU available today has a high enough clock speed, enough cache, and enough of every performance-affecting metric, whether it’s Intel or AMD.

There is no “negligence” here at all. And personally, Warcraft 3 Reforged works fine on my AMD hardware, both before and after 2.0 and before and after Reforged. Performance has fluctuated with every different patch they’ve put out but I’ve never had a major issue, either on my current CPU or my previous first gen Ryzen . I must be the luckiest guy in the world though, going by your comments.

Minimum requirements mean minimum performance. You’re not doing anyone any favors by pointing this stuff out. Reforged never ran great on those minimum CPUs, regardless of any technical issues that have come and gone since then.

And frankly it’s actually shocking they still list support for an OS that is no longer supported by its developer. If you’re using Win7, you shouldn’t be.

and ?

more like oblivious, but sure you can read it as “luckiest”, and I reiterate, reforged worked fine on deprecated OS and legacy hardware.

Why is win7 is still listed then? Specially if software fails to initiate! Also, your premise is inadequate at best, War3R 1.36 ran just fine on legacy hardware with an average FPS of 50

onwards with wild suppositions!

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Reforged never worked fine on depricated OS and legacy hardware. Pre-reforged, yes. But Reforged itself NEVER worked as well. People have been complaining of some FPS or other technical issue since day 1 of Reforged and even before counting the “beta”.

It did work fine, it’s just you’re a hopeless contrarian. Warcraft 3 Reforged Patch 2.0.0 does not work on Windows 7 - #213 by Tenrai-2832 —has 3300 views, meaning all of those views come from people who were playing on win7 PCs and now after war3R 2.0 were unable to play.

I have friends from W3C who played warcraft reforged with classic graphics on win7 and some decade old computers. W3C deprecated Win7 alienating hundreds of players. I protested there as well. Offered to help continue development for win7 launcher. Alas

As for FPS I have personally tested win7 machine with Radeon 6770m and integrated 3000 HD WArcraft 3 reforged 2.0 was very much playable with an average of 45-50 FPS … So ?

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It didn’t work fine, and insulting people doesn’t lend anything to your argument. I’m not taking the other position just for fun, I’m taking the other position because you’re wrong.

The number of views on a thread complaining about windows 7 is irrelevant. That doesn’t mean the game was working perfectly before, it only means it’s not working at all for the poster right now. There’s a huge difference.

Like I said: People have been complaining about all kinds of issues since Reforged ever existed. It was not “working perfectly” then. And just like back then, who it’s working for depends on who you are and what machine you were running. You are obviously talking about a very specific issue, but the thing is, the game is and was not “working perfectly” even ignoring that issue. That’s not 'being contrarian," that’s stating a fact.

Reforged is 5 years old at this point, and windows 7 was already depricated back then. They absolutely should remove it from the support list, rather than fix it, so you people upgrade your antiquated operating systems. Not just to play this game, but because it’s a security risk. I’m half surprised I haven’t seen people complaining about it not working on Windows XP.

I’ve found some kind of ‘solution’. It doesn’t fix the problem, but it does the trick in terms of FPS.
The program called ‘Lossless Scaling’ came to my mind yesterday. It’s available on Steam. This program offers a couple of useful features related to scaling and quality, but it also impacts FPS. Basically, it helps boost FPS, allowing you to cap the limit at, for example, 40 FPS, and then duplicate or even triple that number.

I still experience occasional lag spikes, but they don’t seem to be FPS-related.

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Good Job! :clap: :clap: :clap:

It wasn’t an insult…

oh wow… so much for analytically reasoning. What’s perfect for you? I believe your stance is high ping and low fps is perfectly acceptable ?

When you say “perfectly”, and I reiterate, what exactly do you mean?

irrelevant, if software is being marketed as works on a specific OS. It needs to work on the advertised OS.

You people? you should do away your presumptions. Also, you should follow your advice and not just speak for your self.

why would they? XP isn’t listed as supported OS, even though you’d still be able to run War3R 1.36 just fine on Xp

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What do you call it then? It’s not a fact, it’s not necessary to the point, and it certainly doesn’t paint me in a positive light. Sure looks like an insult to me, whether that was the intention or not.

The game did (and honestly, probably does) work on XP when it came out, as it was still a supported OS at the time. Just because it’s not listed in the system requirements doesn’t mean people won’t try it.

Ultimately, support is a two way street. Yes, 7 is still listed in the game’s requirements, but it is completely out of support from Microsoft, and running it on a PC connected to the internet (virtual machines and offline PCs are fine) is a substantial security risk, aside from most new games aren’t supporting it so you’re quite limiting yourself as far as what you can play. Which is why I’ve been saying these people should be upgrading at least to an OS that isn’t completely out of support yet. I can understand the trepadation some people have with win11, but win10 is still in (extended) support.

I’m running win11, so… I am following my advice. This also isn’t a presumption, it’s an opinion. They’re not the same thing.

You just causally left all of the questions unanswered, and homed in on an imagined insult… okay

Here we go again, more suppositions.

No… the advice is “You don’t represent any one but yourself.”, also, “You don’t get to tell others what to do” —Looks to me you’re lost somewhere in between translation and comprehension.

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You don’t seem to know what a supposition is, and you also don’t seem to know that they aren’t always a problem. “you’re quite limiting yourself” by using an old operating system isn’t a supposition, it’s a fact. Modern operating systems are needed for modern software and so you are in fact limiting yourself by not using one.

You’re living in some other world here. I didn’t claim to represent any group of people, and I’m not commanding you to do anything, I’m giving an opinion. Not a supposition, not a fact, not whatever it is you think it is, but an opinion.

You are basically just throwing out buzzwords and trying to sound superior, but your misuse of those things is why your arguments aren’t compelling.

I have a Ryzen 7 7800X3D … The game is not playable for me. So it CLEARLY is NOT “Intel users probably have a better processor” …