Allow Auto-Saving in Warcraft III Reforged

One new World Editor feature that would be very handy for map creators is the ability to create save files automatically for players while playing custom maps, particularly for single-player.

At the moment, the only way for save files to be created is if the player manually creates it through Ctrl+S or through the main menu. Especially for long maps, it can become frustrating for players to replay a map from the beginning just because they forgot to save their progress.

However, by allowing a save file to be created through triggers in the World Editor, map makers can automatically save the game’s progress for the player. The save files would work the same way they do now, the only difference is that they can either be created by the player or the game itself.

Auto-saving is a feature in SC2, as well as a host of many modern single-player games. Even if for technical reasons this doesn’t work for maps in multiplayer, allowing auto-saving in single player maps and campaigns would be a nice addition to Warcraft III Reforged.


I agree, autosaving would be a huge improvement especially for the campaign experience. I already brought this up though: Thoughts about wc3 changes

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