As reforged was announced I decided to replay the old campaign and it got me thinking about changes that I think most of us would appreciate.
-First of all even though the the body blocking mechanic in wc3 is very important body mapping is very outdated. The units are simply too dumb, when blocked by obstacle or unit instead of still trying to get as close as possible to the ordered position they can get confused and can end up running in the opposite direction. This does not benefit the game and I would very much like to see some improvement to this.
-Another change I think most of us would appreciate is if minor commander units in the campaign like “Naisha” were turned into weak heroes without inventories. It would both benefit the story and the game experience.
-A more important change is autosaves. As it is right now we have to manually save mid mission in order to keep our hero progress between the missions. This is very annoying. I’d much rather just press a “continue campaign” button and have all the items and attributes that I gathered through out the previous maps.
-I like how you decided to keep the old selection cap, this forces players to be more thoughtful about their units positioning and improves the strategy aspect. However I would like to see an easy way to edit the selection cap in the world editor. This would allow some cool new custom games.
-The worldeditor also has a 8mb map size limit. This is way too small, part of what made wc3 so amazing was that we could import files into it, however when ever we wanted to make a more ambitious map or campaign we had to mod the whole game to get rid of the size limit and this was very inconvenient.
-Now maybe this shouldn’t be your priority by release but I think we all would love the option to play as a proper blood elf and naga faction. Even though mods and custom games can provide this it’s not the same. If blizzard does this for us it will be way more balanced and properly fleshed out not to mention we could play as the factions in normal ranked and unranked games.
-I think most of us modders would very much appreciate an improved yet simple AI editor. The current one is very limited. Also a way to apply custom AI to normal maps without making them into custom maps. Perhaps give us a “mod selection” in the map “advanced options”.
-I love how you’re going to provide us with custom skins and I hope this will continue for years to come. Better graphics does have it’s backlashes and that is that it requires better sculptures from the modding community and that is a rare thing indeed. Therefore it is more important than ever that Blizzard will help us out with providing us with cool models that can help create new amazing custom games and campaigns.
-As far as the graphics goes I think you’re on the right track. I love what I’ve seen so far and if we could see some 3d elements in the terrain tiles as well then it’d be perfect. I don’t really mind the new interface either I like how we get to see more of the actual game and not lose 30-40% of our vision.
Thank you for reviving this amazing strategy franchise.