About new campaigns!

Good morning, everyone!

During an interview with the developers, a journalist asked them if they were considering creating campaigns and additional content. (A bit like Nova’s campaign on SC II!) And strangely enough they didn’t answer with the negative saying that it could be possible! It’s not a yes, but the fact that it’s not a no has made me so happy that I’ve made a lot of films about what they could tell us!

First of all it seems unlikely to me that we will continue the story of TFT. the story of wow being very (too?) complex to include in an RTS. That’s why I thought of two separate ideas.

The first and most logical and simple way would be to simply redo the Warcraft 1 & 2 campaign with the Warcraft 3 system, adding heroes and lots of great stuff…!

The second one would be a little more interesting for my taste. Because although Warcraft 3 happens just before Wow there is a period between the two. A period when we could witness the reconstruction of Stormwind, for example, the decline of Strormgarde… and a whole lot of things! Which were only quickly mentioned and that we couldn’t see with our own eyes!

And you? If Blizzard decides to create additional campaigns, what would you like to see?! :slight_smile:


Honestly I don’t really mind which direction they go, as long as it happens.

I’d be happy re-hashing wow stuff, I"d be happy filling in the gaps like you said, but I think I’d be happiest with an alternate time-line. like, what would happen if no-one took the lichking’s crown and the undead went wild after Arthas’ death.


I’m a huge fan of wc2 multiplayer and its graphics or artstyle. But the campaigns for wc1 and wc2 are pretty boring. I would like to see wc2 units in the wc3 map editor, but not the full campaign

Well, actually there have been personalized campaigns on the history of WC2 which was quite successful.
By adding heroes… secondary objectives etc…!

In fact, some of them even used the SC2 system between missions to improve our troop. That was pretty cool too. I hope they’ll think about it if they do!

I would like to see lobbies that i can join

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I would love to see campaign set in the 1st and 2nd war, maybe one on the war between the orc and the draenei, or maybe even one on the war of the ancient. Though if they did add another campaign it would probably be set in the third war (On one of the faction that we didn’t see much of) or in the time of WoW.

Dude, your idea is just great!
A campaign on the Draeneï’s overseas war against orcs would just be fabulous. It would also allow us to release some new heroes in addition to showing a facet of wow that we’ve never known and that seems horrible in addition to strengthening on the one hand the lore of some characters like Velen.


All i want to see is a Defias Brotherhood mini campaign

I think one thing they can do that wold bring a lot of content is campaigns based on past events, like the troll wars, war fo the three hammer, and raise of the black empire.

I’d be quite happy to see them dedicating campaigns to certain events that lead into WoW or events from WoW. Such as providing more details about how the Forsaken join the Horde, or a human campaign that depicts the Defias Brotherhood storyline.


It is true that the défias are also a very good idea. To see the beginning of the riots with Vann Cleef until his death. Blizzard enjoying anti-heroes Vann Cleef is a very good one and his story is rather tragic after all “fools our cause is just.”

For now I hope they do WC1 and 2 first. I think this gets requested every hour somewhere and I hope the developers are considering it.

The campaign should be normalized with Warcraft III however.


Yeah ! That could be cool too ! To see Kharazan in HD. When you face Medhiv… etc ! If they add a good amount of Side Quests and the RPG system. I’m sure that would be great. :slight_smile:

I’d love to see more campaigns, even the mini or ‘bonus’ ones like The Founding of Durotar. They’re really fun! I’d also like to see something like Co-op Commanders from SC2. :slight_smile:

So do I!!!

I don’t agree with that at the time. The coops on SC2 I really didn’t hook up. Much too redundant. But you still gave me a… Coop campaigns! some map creators have made them… And it was really not bad! But it would require us to make a new system again, which would not necessarily be obvious… and therefore probably impossible to achieve. :frowning:

Covering the between wc3 and wow time frame makes the most sense to me as it’s all they really have to work with thats post wc3 but doesn’t start conflicting with wow story, that is also still relevant.

Adding co op mode on the existing campaign also sounds really fun.

It could also add some more flavor to the current campaign if they added a bonus secret level to each races campaign similar to the blood elves

The Onyxia storyline from wow ties in nicely with the defies brotherhood and black rock mountain. Also, the disappearance of King Varian Wrynn/Logosh. That would be a good way to go from an rpg perspective.

I am down with any kind of content, if not WoW related. Because that would be not fun for me.

I would like WoW-related content. The RTS ennobles everything. It’s a win-win.

Even Kael’thas’ “descent into madness” could be masterfully rewritten as red-pilling by papa KJ, tragically misunderstood by the ungrateful Soy Elves of Voren’thal.

Now that I think of it, they have to tell stories from a villain’s perspective! Reforged campaigns are the only way to do it, after all!