About new campaigns!

I do believe it’s possible to remake much of the WoW story into an RTS. I’ve worked on something like that kind of for my own entertainment but can’t put together without a lot of help, especially on making maps.

Correction - not WoW stories, but WoW sub-stories. Those that aren’t on screen. Such as the Defias Brotherhood.

yeah, that’s what i meant, like also the scarlet crusade’s rise to power and the twilight hammer.

If you want WoW stories, why do not you download WoW and pay the subscription every month?

It’s something I do not understand, why this interest in resurrecting stories already told?

The faithful players of Warcraft III do not deserve an epic and logical story that continues the events of Frozen Throne?

Why should we eat a regurgitated story?



The epic and logical story that continues Frozen Throne would be the one leading into WoW. Reforged is in that direction already. If you don’t like that, then maybe you are not as faithful as you think you are. WoW is Warcraft canon.


Maybe it would be for you, not for me, but don’t try to tell me what is logical because I don’t believe you.

Warcraft III has an original story.

In WoW they changed some Warcraft III events to “accommodate” a new story.

In WoW they created an alternative timeline that changed the events of the main main timeline.

In Warcraft III Reforged, some things have already changed to be suitable for WoW events.

Now keep talking to me about what is canon and faithful when a younger story rewrites the events of an older story.

Anyway, between Warcraft III and World of Warcraft Classic there is a gap of 4 years, there they have room to bring us new stories.

(By the way, I played WoW for many years and I have very good memories of it, there are many interesting stories (especially in Classic), I do not say that everything seems bad to me, but, I repeat, I do not understand why it is suggested that we have to go back to consuming stories and events already lived)

If they has had the imagination to rewrite Warcraft III events for WoW, create a new timeline, rewrite the events again for Reforged…

Why can not they continue the events they left behind in 2003?

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The potential adding of Campaigns, Maps, Models and Skins, etc. it’s what would get the most potential out of Reforged, even show Blizzard that the RTS genre it’s still profitable, as long as it has the Warcraft label under it. Here are some ideas and personal wishes.

Pre-Warcraft III histories-

Ordering of Azeroth (Titan Forged vs Old Gods)

Benefits: Potential Titan Forged and Old God skins – models, Primordial Azeroth Maps, New lore on the Titans and the Old Gods, Classic Style Campaign.

Fall of the Keepers (Keepers Civil War, Tyr’s fall)

Benefits: Titan Forged, Old God and Vrykul skins – models, Primordial Azeroth Maps, New lore on Titans, Vrykul and Humans, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

Rise of the Thunder King (Lei Shen)

Benefits: Potential Mogu and Pandaria Style skins – models, Pandaria and Primordial Azeroth Maps, New lore on the Mogu and Titans, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

Pandaren Rebellion (Pandaren vs Mogu)

Benefits: Pandaren and more Mogu skins – models, more Pandaria Maps, More Mogu and Pandaren lore, Classic Style Campaign.

Troll and Aqir War (Troll Empire vs Aqir Empire)

Benefits: Zandalari and Aqir skins – models, Zandalar and Aqir Kalimdor Maps, New lore on the Trolls and Aqir, Classic Style Campaign.

War of the Ancients (Night Elves vs Burning Legion)

Benefits: Kaldorei and Burning Legion skins – models, Kaldorei Empire Kalimdor Maps, New lore on the Kaldorei and Burning Legion, Classic Style Campaign.

War of the Satyr (Night Elves, Birth of the Worgen)

Benefits: Night Elves, Worgen and Satyr skins – models, Old Kalimdor and Emerald Dream Maps, New lore on Night Elves, Satyrs and Worgen, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

Troll Wars (Human and High Elves vs Forest Trolls)

Benefits: Arathor Human, High Elves, Forest Troll skins – models, Old Eastern Kingdom Maps, New lore on the Arathor, High Elves and Forest Trolls, Classic Style Campaign.

Rise and Fall of the Apexis (Arakkoa vs Primals)

Benefits: Arakkoa, Primals, Breakers and Draenor themed skins – models, Draenor Maps, New lore on the primordial Draenor and the Arakkoa, Classic Style Campaign.

The First Guardian (Council of Tirisfal)

Benefits: Miscellaneous skins-models, miscellaneous maps, new lore on the Council of Tirisfal vs Burning Legion conflict, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

Gurubashi Civil War (Jungle Trolls)

Benefits: Troll skins-models, Stranglethorn Vale maps, new lore on the Gurubashi Trolls, possible exile of the Darkspears, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

Birth of the Centaur (Tauren, Birth of the Centaur vs Tauren war)

Benefits: Tauren and Centaur skins – models, Old Kalimdor Maps, New lore on the Tauren and Centaurs, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

War of the Shifting Sands (Night Elves vs Qiraji)

Benefits: Nigh Elves and Qiraji skins – models, Old Kalimdor Maps, New lore on the Night Elves and the Qiraji, Classic Style Campaign.

Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt

Benefits: Miscellaneus skins – models, Old Eastern Kingdoms and Northrend Maps, New lore on Medivh Origins, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

The First Horde (Orcs vs Ogres)

Benefits: Orc and Ogre skins – models, Draenor Maps, New lore on the orcs and ogres and the conflict between the Gorian Empire and the orcish clans, Classic Style Campaign.

War of the Three Hammers (Dwarves)

Benefits: Dwarven skins – models, Khaz Modan Maps, New lore on the dwarven clans, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

The Trade Wars (Goblins)

Benefits: Goblin skins – models, Island maps, New lore on the goblin cartels origins, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

Rise of the Horde (Orcs vs Draenei)

Benefits: Orc and Draenei skins – models, Draenor Maps, New lore on the draenei and orcs and the doom of Draenor, Classic Style Campaign.

The Last Guardian (Medivh)

Benefits: Miscellaneous skins – models, miscellaneous maps, new lore on Medivh’s story and the Kingdom of Stormwind, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

The First War (Orcs vs Human)

Benefits: Human, Orc and WC1 skins – models, WC1 maps, retelling of Warcraft 1 events, new First War era lore, Classic Style Campaign.

The Second War (Orcs vs Human)

Benefits: Alliance, Horde and WC2 skins – models, WC2 maps, retelling of Warcraft 2 and Tides of Darkness events, new Second War era lore, Classic Style Campaign.

Day of the Dragon (Liberation of the Red Dragons)

Benefits: Miscellaneous skins – models, miscellaneous maps, retelling of the Day of the Dragon Book lore, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

Stormwind Rebirth (Varian’s History)

Benefits: Miscellaneous skins – models, miscellaneous maps, New lore on the reconstruction of Stormwind and the birth of the Defias Brotherhood, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

War of the Spider (Undead vs Nerubians)

Benefits: Scourge and Nerubian skins – models, Northrend and Azjol Nerub maps, new early Scourge and Nerubian lore, Classic Style Campaign.

Lord of the Clans (Thrall’s History)

Benefits: Miscellaneous skins – models, miscellaneous maps, retelling of the Lord of the Clans Book lore, Founding of Durotar Style Campaign.

And there we have several years’ worth content, and that’s just from the events prior to Warcraft III.

Note: I ordered the events on Chronollogical order, but they could be released in any order, by myself I would prefer if they begin with the remake of the Wc1 and Wc2 Campaigns, then the War of the Ancients and so on with other events.


@Khalai: That’s a lot of awesome content potential.

@ Adûnâi: I agree, sub stories was sort of what I was getting at in my post. However, it would be cool to have some classic style campaigns telling overarching events in a more satisfactory manner.

@shark: ditto

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No one says they cant.

But revisionist history isnt what they are interested in otherwise Reforged would be picture perfect to original War3.

If a remake is WoWified, what tells us they are interested in continuing WC3 lore without WoW?

Events leading to WoW are bot mutually exclusive to new stories post 2003. But they arent going to deviate from WoW otherwise they wouldnt add in WoW revisions to Reforged in the first place.

TBH WC2 is my favoured timeline, when Orcs are evil as heck and intentionally so, not some honourable misunderstood baddies. It would be a fantasy to believe they would come back with a new Warcraft Adventures and make Zuljin a flabby shop keeper and Deathwing a hookah smoking gentile just to ‘progress WC2’ as envisioned in 1997.

We can talk about ‘alternate timelines’ all we want, but when it comes to Warcraft canon and what a WC3 continuation absent of WoW entails, WoW is the main storyline and everything else is alternate reality.


Because the story of what happened after Frozen Throne has already been told in WoW.

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I think he meant a good follow up story, not like WoW. But that an understandable mistake, it happen.

TBH, if we just look at WoW for its content and broad story approach, it wouldn’t be so bad.

The worst parts about it are anything to do with our own factions. If retold in bite-sized chunks focused only on the races that interact with each other, it could be fairly compelling.

We don’t need NE with Alliance tabards or Forsaken wearing Horde Red to tell the story of WoW. We have adventurers going into Molten Core, champions defending against the Silithid invasion, and heroes bringing down the forces of Kel’thuzad.

We don’t need playable Forsaken or Worgen or Pandaren within the Alliance and Horde to tell that story. Chronicles pretty much lays out which faction does what, and we can reimagine any assortment of units/heroes within that. If it’s the Alliance that fights the Silithid, it could be reimagined as a full Night Elf force allying with the Dragons to fight C’thun. If it’s the Horde who beats Kel’thuzad, it could be a fully Forsaken subgroup that we play as. It’s as simple as that.


I do believe it’s possible to pull off, but would completely involve new tech trees for each playable race, and some factions.
Like for battling in Silithus, the tech tree for the base you have control of would have is more druid based and is a mix of night elf and tauren units, and a couple of heroes you played with going through Kalimdor.

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I would really love to see them rework the campaigns from Warcraft I and II, improve them to match the standards of the III. On the other hand, their possibilities of making additional campaigns (even as DLC’s) is endless, ranging from War of the Ancients to War on Draenor. I am almost certain that would sell like crazy, and totally bring back the focus on lore in this game.

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They could make a mini-campaign detailing Kael’s ordeal in jail.

  1. How he got up with the homies (Russian: “enter the house”).
  2. How he picked up soap (don’t turn your back to the spiders!).
  3. How he hid claws +15 in a loaf of bread.

Jailor Kassan would receive more screen time in the form of additional dialogue going into detail about his affair with the good wizard gone bad.

The idea is 40% mine, but I’m watching Happy’s TFT walkthrough VoD, and this was suggested by LLikypa_XuTpa9 from goodgameru.


I appreciate that the original Warcraft games are not forgotten. Between the books and games since the original Warcraft 1 & 2, there’s enough material for a highly engaging campaign based on events during Orcs and Humans, Tides of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portal with features in Warcraft 3 such as heroes, new abilities, balanced unique races etc.

I would like to see a few chronological campaigns that follow key characters from the Warcraft 1 and 2 and focus on them as Warcraft 3 campaigns did. They should form a story that follows characters shaping the world’s history rather than a remake of the military campaigns.

Not to mention, I would love to see a detailed reimagining of old Horde and Alliance units in Reforged’s graphics! If they released those models alone, I would make a campaign for them!


this could be great. you could make new models and unlock them for melee by playing thru the new campaigns, similar to how it should be for the base campaigns. they’d probably have to be DLC

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Keeping to the old voices brings some limitations not in place when they made that original statement, but there are still things that could be done. Campaigns could focus entirely on new/WoW-introduced characters, the Warcraft 3 Demo campaign already has voice acting by the Warcraft 3 voice actors and could be a nice mini-campaign to have Reforged, First/Second War and Draenor Expedition campaigns has some overlap with Warcraft 3 characters, but not too bad (Grom, Uther, Medivh and Ner’zhul, IIRC, and Ner’zhul has a very good reason for his voice being different in Warcraft 3 while Medivh has some reason to try to avoid being recognised as Medivh. Terenas could easily remain off-screen).

I’d looooove to see any new Campaigns!! I would be so happy if they decide to add any new content and expand the storyline! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Me too but sadly, they said already there wont be new campaings after the launch of the game :frowning:
I mean they said there WILL be post launch support, but I think the most we could expect in terms of new content would be perhaps some new MP maps, other than that I doubt Reforged team has the resources to make anything bigger.

But again if Blizzard ever would consider making more Warcraft RTS content, then I would be happy to have them in Reforged as additional campaigns, if we couldnt have Warcraft IV. I would also be very excited to have official remade Warcraft: Orcs and Humans as well as Warcraft II campaigns in Reforged ( I know fans already did something like this with Editor years ago in WC3, but I mean official voice acted cutscenes and entirely remade campaings would be nice), but again the chances of any of such things happening are slim, though perhaps not as slim as Warcraft IV