4v4 is still a lot of fun blue

Well thats like…your opinion dude

what people like this Soul guy don’t get is that RTS games are never balanced around team games. They are balanced around 1v1 or solo.

While 2v2 in Warcraft 3 is a fun to watch part of the game - and somewhat clean (Compared to team games in Starcraft 2), 3’s and 4’s are just too messy to balance the game around.

Just take what you can get and enjoy the game. If you want to talk balance - play solo.

I have been banned for who knows what.

I feel sorry for some of you. Your vision of balance is so lacking. To think that a billion dollar company like blizzard cant make custom balance changes to specific game modes solo/2s/3s/4s is just dumb.

Blizzard is on the cusp of making a team game RTS that could actually compete with Mobas…and they will let it slip right through their fingers.

I wish the game was less about micro, more about strategy. Micromanagement is the reason why I hate playing the game online because it means that the person with the highest APM always wins.

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Sorry but you are wrong here about how new players will feel. Like you said yourself it’s easy to counter so this is not a problem.

If anything air units will be very popular with new players as most people can’t micro properly. The game is not as easy as Starcraft in that regard. I expect most people to ignore the normal match making anyway in favor of mods.

And it’s usually those with a % that play blame game

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Not true, you need about 60 APM to be competitive. If you reach 100 APM you can beat anyone in the game. 100 APM is very easy to get to. I can name many players who have less than 100 and they were top of the ladder.

60 apm is still a lot. If it was 20 apm, it could be more manageable.

Regardless APM should not be the deciding factor in a strategy game, just goes to show how flawed the RTS genre is really. Strategy and real time do not blend together whatsoever.

Warcraft 3’s metagame essentially makes it an action game rather than a strategy game. Whoever knows the most hotkeys and can execute maneuvers and actions the fastest wins.

It’s all about execution and keyboard dexterity.

Honestly if this game didn’t have a story, I wouldn’t even be on these forums. Warcraft 3’s gameplay isn’t bad for an RTS but it’s still an RTS. A genre that contradicts its very nature.

More like Real time Keyboard mashing/mouse clicking. You can have the dumbest strategy ever and still win if you have good APM. There are videos of people doing those strategies on Youtube.

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This game IS for me because it has an awesome campaign.

I can enjoy a game for its story can’t I?

RTS was only popular because of the novelty of controlling units and watching them move. As well as building units.

We have moved past this now. Now we have games that allow you to play in synchronized time. RTS is a thing of the past, why do you think Blizzard have left the Warcraft series to die?

No one wants to play RTS anymore, it’s a dead genre.

Of course you have the few people who still stick with them but ultimately, this genre is dead and quite frankly it should stay dead.

Oh and I’m sick and tired of people saying that games need to be harder because new games are too easy. The reason why games were hard back in the day was because they ate quarters, either that or they were elongated by artificial difficulty.

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RTS is dead partially because of elitists like yourself who act superior to everyone else because they have a higher skill level at a videogame.

Plus I don’t have an issue with FPS games, especially Painkiller, Painkiller is an amazing game.

Starcraft 2 gets 50k viewers because those 50k viewers are almost the entire population of Starcraft players. It exists as e-sports fodder now for who can click the fastest.

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If Warcraft 3 is meant for competitive players, why does it have a story?

You’re so narrow minded it’s ridiculous. It just goes to show that you are in your own little world.

Videogames are designed for recreation. You come home from work after a long, tiring day and you don’t want to go out because you’re tired as hell so you stay in and play videogames. This is why your teammates are always “bad” because they are just trying to relax.

Problem with RTS is that there are so many tryhards that take it seriously and I blame E-sports for this. I blame Starcraft’s E-sports popularity for making muliplayer full of tryhards who only care about winning… in a dead game… SMH.

I just think it’s ridiculous how elitist this community is. You clearly want the genre to stagnate since it isn’t going to get a broader audience if people like yourself want all newcomers to not play the game because they ruin your win streak when they are on your team so you moan about it instead of dealing with it like an adult.

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I think you’re missing the point of what I’m saying. I’m trying to explain to you why 4V4RT attracts a lot of people who aren’t competitive.

Thing is that if you don’t tryhard in Warcraft 3, players treat you with contempt. People don’t respect the fact that you’re trying to have fun playing a game.

It’s not about winning or losing to some people, it’s about having fun because some of us don’t get angry because their team dragged them down so their win loss ratio went down. We just play, win/lose, doesn’t matter and then we go do other things.

Warcraft 3’s community is a bunch of whiny elitist babies. That’s the problem.

There’s no respect whatsoever. That’s the problem. People just play the blame game because their egos are too big to admit that they screwed up.

If you are good at Warcraft 3, just go play 1v1 and avoid 4v4, SIMPLE. That way you don’t have to deal with those “f-ing n00bs” every single game.