This has essentially killed the game for myself and some very close friends that have loved this game since the start. I see absolutely no issue with allowing all players to matchmake within the 3s ladder both AT & RT. My friends and I would play a few games on weekends just to have fun and enjoy the game, now that is completely gone as there are no games to find. I could see the argument for At vs. RT 20 years ago, but since the playerbase size is so much lower, allowing all players to matchmake makes total sense. It has nothing to do with wins vs. losses. Its about allowing the 3v3 genre to exist for all players. We honestly never even won most of our games, we are all just average players having a blast playing together. Please revert this at least for the 3v3 bracket. The 4v4 bracket has a MUCH larger player base so I can’t speak to that and if games can be found if you have AT players.
I dont understand why you would want to remove friends playing together from such an iconic game.
Because being in an RT and playing against ATs absolutely sucks. I stopped playing RT before patch as there were so many AT abusers, probably all on Discord working together, RT didn’t stand a chance.
This is a good change and should not be reverted. If you want AT you’re going to have to wait longer.
so you think playing with a organized team that can communicate against random people that are being teamed up together is fair? no… lmao nooooo… its absolutely not… it sound’s like you just want the upper hand in your games … absolutely not… if you want to AT then you AT and wait to play against other players that are communicating and working together just as you are. unreal.
I agree games ruined now
AT loses to RT all the time. The game has a built in chat system that you can easily utilize to discuss strategies with everyone on your team. RT or AT the chat is the same. I absolutely wholeheartedly think its insane to completely ruin the fun of an entire player base to cater to RT players. Thats completely one-sided and no other game on the market would do it. This needs reverted back yesterday. - Secondly, what you speak of in terms of one-sided or “unfair”… That has never been my experience being on both the RT and AT side of things. I have lost to RT teams as much as Ive won against them.
Also agree with bringing back 3v3 and 4v4 AT vs RT. Not sure why 2v2 AT vs RT is allowed and not those doesn’t really make sense maybe someone can explain that one. So far most people say its about 10-15 minutes wait to find AT vs AT if you can even find one. Not really into waiting to play a game the same amount of time I get to play it. Many players that enjoy playing 3v3 or 4v4 AT are already quitting until this comes back including me. Please bring it back! Reposting here as on Dukesmiths post about reinstating AT vs RT.
I don’t agree that the decision is right our player base is too small already to be split up more. There are toxic players in AT and RT there will always be toxic players in online gaming. The reason I play AT instead of RT is partially because of toxic RTers that are there just to TK everygame or go AFK just to ruin there teams. The enjoyment of all should matter not just the larger group maybe there is a system where RTers are incentivized to play vs AT when they match up like not getting losses vs them or mmr decreases or maybe they get 5x lvl exp or mmr if they win not sure what a good system would be but splitting us up more doesn’t seem like a good idea. I vs the same people in RT and AT everyday already so there doesn’t seem to be crazy amounts of RTers either. Reposting here as on Dukesmiths post about reinstating AT vs RT
The smaller the teams the less influence being in one has I reckon is the logic.
Thanks I did see your answer on the other post aswell just thought these were relevant to this post to so reposted here. That does make a little sense I suppose. I do consider 2’s to be closer to solo and 3’s/4’s to be more related to each other.
Couldn’t agree more. The game is over 20 years old. The player base has obviously dwindled. The whole RT vs AT thing I get - I really do; however, you either want to find games or you don’t. Experienced RT players can absolutely hang with AT players. If you don’t know the game that well, then use this as a learning opportunity. Watch replays. That’s how I learned 20+ years ago and how I got to the top of the ladder. I love 3v3. It’s my favorite game style. 3v3 has been going down the tubes with the popularity of 4s. 3s will no longer exist without AT vs RT. The community is too small to split it apart further.
Such a stupid change, as other posters have said, there are some good RT players that can beat AT teams and it happens a lot. There are also plenty of AVERAGE people playing together and below average people, just because they are AT doesn’t mean they’re good. Of course there some really good At teams but its not the majority, most teams are average or below. it was put like this originally for a reason because of the low player base. this change will only kill off more players as theres a lot of people who only play AT. I hope they revert this change but i have a feeling they wont.
Agree with you both. This badly needs reverted, at least from a 3v3 standpoint. The data is there, you can see how low the playerbase is. We need to all be together to make it work. I love the idea of potentially rewarding RT teams that play AT teams… give them no MMR loss, or no loss, or just way more MMR on a victory. Personally i do not care at all about win/loss/MMR. I care about consistently finding games with 2 of my closest friends that all love the game… I am one of the average AT players that you speak of. I lose just about as much as I win in 3s…on both sides. The game is so much fun…let everybody enjoy it.
Bro, wtf you talking about? At vs rt is total cheat. To be that ignorant and arrogant same time saying we lossing ect ect. Thats is not ok. Just because you like does all that made at in to get there stats good. Just so you can shoe upp.
For me if AT 3v3 is steel after some months. What they can do is that AT match with RT rating that is much higer. If AT is arlready in high level. Then RT gets some kind of bots. Like 5 procent more healt or 5-10 % more dmg or something. Guys this is not the best ide but this is what i think maby can work. And maby the bost you can find better sullisuon
Allowing AT v RT is obviously unfair for rt. RT players often would just leave at the start, if not they get stomped almost all the time. The upside is quick games for everyone.
Not allowing AT v RT has already improved the quality of RT games. But the downside is long waits and even no games for AT teams since the player pool is so small.
It’s a clear trade off where one of the two (AT or RT) is practically ruined.
Maybe they could bring back allowing a team of 2 to search 3s or 4s rt. But I think the real problem is the small player pool. If they made multiplayer free to play like they do with SC2, and made skins $5 each and other aesthetic micro-purchases, they’d increase the player base and likely make more money at the same time.
I couldn’t agree more with you. Allow 2 people to search for 3s. Allow 2 or 3 people to search for 4s. Why limit the player pool for this game. I also wholeheartedly disagree with this vibe that AT wins 99.999% of games against RT. That is a completely inaccurate and diabolical lie. It has never been like that for me or my friends. Yes… there are AT teams that cheat/hack for crazy 500-0 records-- KEEPING IN MIND THAT ITS HACKING. Typical RT vs. AT is very close considering a huge amount of AT players are average players. Please allow AT players to find games again…p
The change needs to be reverted. And they need to implement a simple system to punish leavers, something like a timeout system that’s done in other games and would take no effort to implement.
Correct. It’s long/NO games for AT players. THere are so many ways to reward RT players for playing against AT players. We searched for 30 mintes tonight… we would have found and lost 4-5 games in that timespan before…but now since they decided to cater to 1 or 2 RT complainers, AT is completely gone…and broken. I hope they decide to change this particular set of games.
This is the best change. 3v3 or 4v4 going up against an AT players is completely pointless. AT will always win. It is only fun for one side. Great change. If you wanna do AT do 2v2.
You guys realize there are far more RT players than AT players? All because you and your friends all AT together doesn’t mean your the majority.
I have no problem with 2 people ATING and playing in a 4v4 with RT, that seems fair… but we all know that when 4 people AT vs RT your going to smoke them. Lets get real.
Feels great finding RT games within 30 seconds again.