2018 version is better than 2019 version, see the comparison chart

2018 version is better than 2019 version, see the comparison chart

There are many other details difference


Indeed, there are plenty of topics who complained about this downgrade.

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It is, it’s like night and day changed, i rly like the 2018 demo, and i dont mind the dark tone, it looks more realistic. ( i dont like the cartonish look of dota2, lol or hots, ) and its their idea from the beginning of 2018 that they said they r goin for realistic look, so keep the promise and deliver it blizzard!
My theory is : ( i hope ) right now they are working on the feedback from the human,orc and undead animation movement/attacks, colors. Next few patches will be about them, then comes night elves and same goes for them, then at last update of the graphics( terrain) = Official release 31.12.2019 and they said after the release they will continue to patch the game like ( balance ) (or graphics ) so i thing we should give a little time to see how the game will look and function.


OFF:Personally i think the 2018 demo is just a announcement adversting to make people pre-order the game, than we get this.

ON: But it’s obvious for a beta test, they need to minimize the requirements of the game, so they off such as high shadows, shaders ect…

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Dayumm didnt see well in comparison but now I see it clearly. Wth happened the Blizzcon 2018 graphics were much better?

Blizzcon 2018 graphics made it feel like new Warcraft game, Beta is like same old War3 just custom mod w other models.

Blizzcon 2018 trees look better, it’s like someone wanted their crappy tree models instead.


Why can’t you understand that The Culling was a playable Demo (AKA. A fully complete pease of the release game)
And Beta isn’t supposed to look like the Demo cause it’s not a finished product! It’s just a way for users to find bugs before the release date
The Graphics from DEMO will come out with the release date,as soon as Beta will close

and why can’t you understand that game design and the creation of art assets just does not work like that?

Name just one example of what you say.

As for me, I’ve been beta-testing blizz games (WoW, SC2, Overwatch) for a long time. And guess what: they have always been released looking exactly the same as beta.


A completely white non-textured Models in WoW:Legion,blocked paths,unfinished locations
Overwatch - Different mechanics,abilities,poses,interface and game modes
Demo - Is a finished project
Beta - Is UNfinished project that needs to be fixed

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What you’ve described has absolutely nothing to do with the game lacking all visual effects and downgrading those which were shown. The core level has always been the same.

You simply cannot have a better build a year earlier than 2 months before release unless you intentionally downgrade it (and cut the campaign and cut-scenes changes).

It will be so funny to see your reaction when they Suddenly release a game with perfect graphics from the last year,with Cutscenes like Illidan vs Arthas

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I hope they will do what you say, but there’s not much chance this’ll happen.

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I practically see no difference.

Hopefully, the difference is caused by the fact that the BC2018 version was not meant to be played with the classic, since it was only a demo and so they temporarily stripped away some aspects of the graphics until they can make sure Reforged runs fine with Classic. AFAIK the UI is not meant to be the same as in classic in the final product, also. I do have to say, however, that it is an optimistic way to look at things. Game development process is not something I am knowledgeable about, so I can only guess and hope. If the graphics does not look as good as in the demo, I will be very disappointed.


Yeah, I don’t see much difference (if what we’re talking about is the 2018 gameplay demo) between the beta and the 2018 demo and, if there are any differences, then the beta is definitely better (though still needs improvement, nothing like what is made out here).

I can’t believe there’s a guy here saying that a year later in the beta, 2 months (or so )before release deadline, we are getting a worse looking game because its a beta and the other one was a demo. Again, 1 year later…

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I have a feeling that there are a lot of after effects that aren’t applied at this stage.(I know many literal unit effects aren’t, like flaming swords on demons and inferno fire.)
But I think there are shaders and fog effects that might make it end looking closer to what we saw.
That said, there were a lot of people that have complained about the darker palette, realism, and detail. So it’s possible that Blizzard has pandered to that crowd(As they did with the reforged cutscenes) and made the game look overly saturated and less detailed, for me the biggest obvious downgrade has been in the grunt.
He went from a solid dark “orcish” green to a very bright oversaturated highlighter/lime green, he now looks like a dreamworks character.

Original Grunt at Blizzcon:

Beta Grunt:

You can see that both the grunt and raider are a bright lime green, looking nothing like the much better original grunt. I hope they at least have that older model saved/released somewhere for custom use, new one looks bad imo.


I think you’re overdramatizing this, seriously. The grunt looks perfectly fine, the shade of green is acceptable :wink:

The 2018 Graphics are awesome.


I liked too the graphics of 2018. They looked much good than now. This beta graphics look strange. I wanna the 2018 graphics back…