I will not be discussing possible changes that are distant from the changes of the provided Patch.
I am attempting presenting it easy to read and implement.
Summed-up beautiful colorful spreadsheet file is downloadable through my contact.
I consider history and public opinion on WarCraft III balance.
I favour Human Race and thus am biased towards.
Today, we’ve deployed our first 1.36.2 update build to the Warcraft III: Reforged PTR. This Patch will feature tournament changes, map pool updates, and balance adjustments.
Please note that this test version is a work in progress and is subject to change.
Indeed is this Patch in need of adjustments.
We’ve updated our backend server infrastructure to improve server frame rate.
Some people claimed server frame rate significantly worsening.
I do not give it much thought, it “should” improve for this being first iteration of the Patch.
Polymorph can now target Heroes (3-second duration)
For its inaccessibility, Mana Cost, it will only be Cast on Heroes.
This is annoying for the Enemy.
Human needs not stronger Tier 3.
Plentiful things cancelling Channeling is bad.
Reason being Channeling beeing unreasonably strong in order of compensating.
Means not stopping the Chanelling of an Enemy is an end.
Reduce the Duration of general Channelling and increase the accessibility.
Of Non-Channelling Abilities reduce the strength, Duration and increase availability by reducing Mana Cost.
Revert this change, reduce the Mana Cost from 220 to 150, reduce the Duration on Units from 60 to 20 seconds.
The potency of recommended changes is adjustable.
Sundering Blades now requires an upgrade again
Tauren now are available at Tier 2 (pulverized still requires tier 3)
Priestess of the Moon Searing Arrows mana cost reduced from 8 to 5
Priestess of the Moon Searing Arrows damage increased from 10/20/30 to 10/25/40
Inenough compared to Orb of Venom.
Mountain Giant food cost reduced from 7 to 6
Mountain Giants are inaccessible and unworth without Upgrades of Resistant Skin and Hardened Skin.
Make Mountain Giants more accessible by reducing the Gold Cost or Lumber Cost and further could be the reducing of the Training Time.
Is Gold Cost or/and Lumber Cost problematic I know not, as I know not is Training Time.
For Resistant Skin can not be weakened - encost it.
Is it Gold Cost or Lumber Cost that would be less problematic when increased I know not.
Weaken the Hardened Skin by reducing the Ignored Damage from 12 to 8.
Vorpal Blades research time reduced from 60 to 45 seconds
Ghoul Frenzy attack speed bonus reduced from 35 to 30
Curse can now target mechanical units
Solely against Tanks.
Tanks are in the right spot.
Gyrocopters would not be affected for their numbers, for it will be unworth Cursing them instead of something else.
Banshee is already excelling.
Cripple can now target mechanical units
Useless for Necromancers are useless.
Strengthening the Necromances will negatively affect Tanks.
As in Polymorph of Human, weaken the Duration and make it more accessible, further weaken the strength of the Buff itself.
Reduce Attack Speed and Damage Reduction from 50% to 30% and reduce Movement Speed Reduction from 75% to 30%, reduce the Duration from 60 to 20 seconds, reduce the Mana Cost from 175 to 50 and make it Auto-Castable.
The potency of recommended changes is adjustable.
Scroll of Healing removed from the Tomb of Relics
Wand of Negation added to the Tomb of Relics (Available at tier 2)
Too expensive.
Reduce the Gold Cost of Wand of Negation from 200 to 150 for Undead not to rely on Destroyers.
Meat Wagon speed increased from 220 to 240
Frost Wyrm Freezing Breath lumber cost reduced from 275 to 225
Impotent change.
Firelord Volcano building damage factor reduced from 3 to 2
Buff the Abilities of Firelord.
Naga Sea Witch Tornado speed base and Min Speed increase from 75 to 150
Vulcano and Tornado shall suffer the same faith of Channeling Spells I mentioned in the Human section.
For they are useless - a change to self-defensive Hero Abilities, as: Mana Shield, Divine Shield, Unholy Pact, Spiked Carapace is needed.
The changes I will not mention for it is overwhelming.
We are updating the tournament schedule to have more 1v1 and 2v2 during the week and a 3v3 tournament on Sundays and removing 4v4 from the tournament pool
You are missing a full stop.
Not many care about this.