PTR 3 Patch Notes

The magic units of Undead were already so strong. They can occupy/cripple the ultimate ground units of other races (knights/bears/taurens). Now the changes just make stronger, and even make the defense of UD bases much harder to attack. It is imbalanced.

  • Curse can now target mechanical units
  • Cripple can now target mechanical units
  • Wand of Negation added to the Tomb of Relics (Available at tier 2)

Dispel on T2 is what the undead sorely lacked. We’ll test it. I think this will add variety to the strategies. This also quite possibly compensates for the fact that the undead mine takes 10 seconds longer to build than before, and in almost any match up it can be easily canceled. Even in the mirror against CL.

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And when are we getting the Campaign changes that you rolled back a while ago?
You gave us some amazing changes, and then you took them away, without any word if they are ever going back or not.

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So the strengthening of the human race is ongoing, while other races have undergone changes? Must there be some weakening to compensate for strengthening? Why not retrieve what was originally supposed to be there, such as the speed gain of the aura (evil aura and durability aura), which gives the human race a favorable position in any battle. I don’t think any player other than the human race wants to see it in the confrontation, because the human race can always find a type of unit to fight against other races. Firstly, it also has the ability to easily open a second gold mine, the health and duration of the militia? Do you consider rolling back? Is it the recent poor performance of human players?

What kind of game understanding level is Blizzard’s balance designer? The balance patch of 1.36.2 doesn’t require much thinking to change??Even the Tauren can afford T2 now

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They’re basically just throwing stuff at the wall and see what players like and dont like. They have no idea, so they just revert everything we say is stupid and keep what we like. Throw a few more random things in there, etc.

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What you were saying is not true. This proposed patch is a huge nerf on HVU for human. Perhaps it is also a nerf for human versus elf on certain maps like LT and CH.


I’m interested in specific examples of what you mean. Could you elaborate?

+1 for MacOS menu frame rate fix. The orc background on the versus screen is also just black. Would be nice to have that fixed too.

Look up for the 1.33 Patch. This is when they added the Campaign changes i was referring to.

Certainly looks like PlaySide Studios is still on contract!

omg, this people is even worst, than I thought.

Once again stop listening to Grubby, and the 2 guys from Back2Warcraft. They are heavily biased. Firstly they hate on UD, because of their fanbase hating on Happy, cause he is Russian and that he won everything, because he is like 10x time better than the rest.

You don’t balance the game around the pool of the players, if they are not on the same level. No one is even close to Happy level. So what they are trying to do is bring players that are 5x level below to his level by destroying UD and buffs unnecessary other races.

Why the heck you are nerfing UD only viable units in Ghouls ?
Ghouls are 340 hp units with 12-14 damage and 15-20 with upgrade. 13 average and 17.5 average. Yet we have Troll Berserker that are firstly ranged unit, and have 475 HP, same 2 food, have huge 500 range + they are cheap as hell at 140 gold, on top of their damage is 23-28. And with upgrade 26-42. 25.5 average and 33 average …

How the heck you think that is fair? Should i even mention that BM 1-2 shot ghouls ?
Wind Walk and Illusion are too strong.
On top of that you constantly are buffing orc, like their expand time, when they have free T3 expand … You give them huge burrow upgrade on T2 and make it cost less and now giving them 1300 HP with 33-37 damage and 33-57 damage unit on Tier 2.
Are you mad ?

Stop listening to Grubby he is beyond biased for Orcs and hating on UD. Same for the 2 casters that are so bad at the game they have no clue what they are talking.

Also why exactly remove the Scroll of Healing from the UD shop?

Every single race have insanely good Shop Items, and UD has just 1 the orb, and every race have Orb as well.

Hu has towers + Teleports.
Orc has Scroll of Speed for 70 gold, which is one of the most OP items in the game.
Should i even mention their healing Salve …
Elf has a free get out of jail Staff of Preservation for just 150 gold on T2.
HU has Staff of Sanctuary and they can get a triple staffs, which cost just 200 gold, and their units will be even healed.

And UD will have nothing …
This Wand is absolutely garbage. Give them a top tier item, just like other race have or don’t remove the scroll of healing.
This is terrible patch and you should remove most of this changes.

Also it’s about time Abominations and Wyrms get buffs. Rework Lich and DK ultimates as well.

Make staff usage for HU global, aka only 1 staff at a time, and mechanical units should not be able to be staffed.

About time to buff Dreadlord and Crypt Lord as well.
Lower the cost for Web for Fiends, and make them an actual viable anti-air counter.
Give UD options to counter anti-air.

Nerf Troll Berserker HP already. Nerf their damage as well.


Yeah, yeah, and let’s kill the game. Did some people even think before posting such things? You can’t buff 20 things altogether and expect to not break the whole game.

Elf heroes are absolutely fine. Elf players needs better micro and brain, it’s just that.
Start using 3rd hero vs UD and you will be fine.
Same against Orc.
Not using 3rd hero is a big miss, especially when UD player get their 3rd hero to level 2 or 3. It’s a huge difference.
Also you can use Pit Lord or Dark Ranger, to not get nuked by Coil. Pit Lord going to tank tons of damage, and your DH will do the carry.
Is it that hard to use your brain?

This is exactly what they are doing listening to Neo and Remo and Grubby. And Neo and Remo want are biased because of their subscriber that are paying their salary and hating on UD and Happy. And they are heavily biased to balance around players that are not even close to be on equal level.

Most Elf players plays on 200-250 APM, Happy is playing on 400 APM.
And they want Lawliet, who plays on 200 APM to beat Happy with zero micro.

They literally destroy the game with their suggestion. But it’s Blizzard and the ones responsible for the balance patches are killing it, cause they are listening to them.

Stop listening to biased people. Make every unit having a counter one and every race to have viable strategy. The rest is micro, macro, multitasking, strategy and obviously player skills.

Did you heard about Micro, h?
Firstly Necros are trash. No one is using them. Secondly you need to build 2 temples, and make 2 upgrade so the Banshee are semi-viable, and they are easily counterable.
You had to be really bad player if UD with Banshee is able to steal your units.
It’s 4.5 seconds time, and Banshee is taking increased damage during this period, to be exact, 225% damage, instead of 100%.
And fully upgraded Banshe is 365 HP unit.
They are essentially dying in 1 second.
As Orc you also have million ways to interrupt the Possession, aka Hex, Stomp(huge AOE), and Ensnare of course.
While no one have any defense to Kodos devoaring.

On top of that Banshee is doing exactly ZERO damage. 10.5 average damage is absolutely garbage, when their attack speed is NORMAL/Average.

Nice try though.
Again why are people that don’t have an idea even comment on patch changes?


Why again are you commenting on patch changes? Your whole tirade is obviously misguided and you have no real knowledge on balance. Undead is getting 6 buffs, some of which are absolutely bonkers like the wand of negation change, and a very minor nerf on ghoul frenzy which is too powerful as it is right now and still you have to conjure this 3 post 15 paragraph of misguided nonsense.

If you want to have a discussion try to argue with any of my points.
Again, explain why should Ghouls should be nerfed, yet HH should stays that OP ?

Ghouls are 340 hp units with 12-14 damage and 15-20 with upgrade. 13 average and 17.5 average. Yet we have Troll Berserker that are firstly ranged unit, and have 475 HP, same 2 food, have huge 500 range + they are cheap as hell at 140 gold, on top of their damage is 23-28. And with upgrade 26-42. 25.5 average and 33 average …

Ghouls with Frenzy, which is T3 upgrade and need to be researched, and it’s obviously a timing strategy and they die extremely fast, which is their downside. Also they don’t do much damage at all. They are fast, which is one of their pros. As well as 2 food and cheap.
But on the same time i can say the same for Berserkers, yet they are like 2x. time better in everything.

It would have been more sense if Berserker was actually 340 HP, as they are ranged unit, and ghouls are melee and they should have way more HP. They are glass cannon, and there is multiple ways of countering them QUITE easily.
Berserker are also ranged, and are great anti-air unit on top of that, while Ghouls are just land units.

As far as the so call 6 buffs, who are you lying too ?
Did you even play the game, buddy?

  • Ghoul Frenzy attack speed bonus reduced from 35 to 30 - NERF

  • Curse can now target mechanical units - great buff, but this is essentially against Tanks, that are absolutely cancer and are just point and wait to win you the game, and take zero skills, and UD essentially don’t have anything to counter them.

  • Cripple can now target mechanical units - this ain’t a buff, this is garbage, as no one use Necros. You also need 2 upgrades for it.

  • Scroll of Healing removed from the Tomb of Relics - nerf.

  • Wand of Negation added to the Tomb of Relics (Available at tier 2) - buff. But this is essentially a replacement for the previous nerf. And compare to the other races items, aka Staffs for Elfs, Staffs for HU, Scroll of Speeds + free fast expansion this is garbage.

  • Meat Wagon speed increased from 220 to 240 - 20 MS not going to change anything, and Meat Wagon are garbage anyway. They need to buff their HP as well, if we wanna call that a buff.

  • Frost Wyrm Freezing Breath lumber cost reduced from 275 to 225strong text - this is nothing, and not going to change anything.

How about put Frost Wyrm at Tier 2 as well, as they are completely useless right now?
A buff to Wyrms is to actually give them decent range, They have 300 range, which makes this unit completely unusable.


“Buddy” if you want to have a discussion dont end your tirade with “why are people that dont have an idea comment on patch changes” when its the most hypocrite statement you could have made. You have no w3champions account and are most likely sub 5k on bnet. Your whole 3 posts, now 4, are full of biased ‘garbage’ statements. Undead is coming very far ahead looking at their changes so its definitely out of place for you to even make a tirade let alone comment on other people when you have no credibility. You can look me up on w3champions if you desire. I doubt you have even played on there

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Please fix the FFA broken search as part of patch

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Talons counter very well taurens. With 2 Taurens you can built 5 Talons. Talons can hit by ranged while taurens are stucked at front line. NE have a good buff of dmg for ranged units with PotM and Roar. Making Talons very strong, hit as hard as an upgraded archer. And taurens take extra dmg from magic. And remember that Talons cast Faery Fire, making tauren very squishy.

And it’s not supposed that a ranged unit should solo a meele unit at x1. It’s about strategy of positioning and army composition.