PTR 3 Patch Notes

OK So First of all, I think everyone knows that NE is only balanced in 1v1 and can only win during a certain time frame. It has very low ceiling for a “monstrous” potential that other races have due to NEfs’ lack of strong hero, unit, abilities, building synegery!

Here are some of my suggestions:

  1. Demon Hunter:
    a) Immolation=It scales terribly late game and has poor damage per mana trade off. To offset this, add a “magic damage” reduction when immolation is on. [10/20/30% magic damage reduction which mirrors the damage it deals]. It also makes sense lorewise since fel magic counters arcane magic! Which is Illidan’s whole story in a nutshell aniway. This tweek will not affect the early game much and will be felt much later on. It also offers a “tank specialty” in mid game. Either go against magic (then pick immo) or def vs physical (then choose evasion).
    b) Metamorphosis= Right now, metamorphosis doest feel like a real metamorphosis, if any it doesnt synergizes with his skills! Gain 600 range but mana burn cast range only 300 and aoe of immo is very close to melee range? This skills has to be reworked for a more dynamic interactiion within his skill set. Reduce HP bonus. Grant +300 mana burn range when transformed. Immol AOE increase. Evasion can be toggled off to provide half movespeed bonus instead (what is his wings for then? he lose 10/20/30 evasion but gain 5/10/15MS).

  2. Keeper of the Grove:
    a) “Sprout” or “Overgrowth”: New Innate ability (like female nelf meld skill). Target 350 AoE to revive the killed trees within. This is so that night elf will still have trees as resource later in the game. If it has a balnce issue, then maybe as timed life.
    b) Entangle=Make it so that it can target mechanical units! Night elf is the only race that has no disable vs air and mechanical units! To balance, adjust the duration similar to hero duration.
    c)Force of Nature= Crappy once dispel is online, by far the worst summon. But it does have its advantages. Anyway, TREANTS should be Trainable by TREE of LIFE/AGES/ETERNITY costing no gold but lumber only! To balance, treants created by tier 1/2/3 should last 90/120/150 seconds. This is also to make more sense of their lore and the natures blessing upgrade. Make treant an official part of the nelf army and not tied to keeper!
    d) Thorns=Bullsheeyt skill! Remove. Doesnt make sense lorewise and gameplay wise! Its only purpose is to counter vampiric and when playing with MGs! I mean, all nelf units except MGs are fragile vs melee attacks! THe logic behind this skill doesnt make much sense to me (it doesnt even syngergize with evasion since an evaded attack=no thorns reflect); Make a skill that actually address nelf army weekness! Aura skill that will improve the survivability of night elven army! Eg. “Ancient Vitality Aura” (+Regen and Flat magic damage block, not %based, lorewise–druidic powers will suppress the corruptible arcane magic) , “Verdant sanctuary” (periodically releases healing ring, passively reduces physical attack of enemies within the Aoe) , “Wild vigor”= unlocks the ferocious side of the night elven army, boosting attackspeed. can be activated to swtich to “Wind Vigor” to provide temporary movespeed bonus instead… Keepers are supposed to be these mighty mystical guardians of their forests and they have this thorns aura as a skill? pretty lazy imo ahahha.
    e) Tranquility = is good as it is. Maybe make it affect rooted ancients for 50% of the healing value? Since Nelf Buildings are very squishy. Even a farm is stornger than AoW later with masonry. Also it makes ssense since Tranquility rain water should be absorbed by the roots of the ancients. Or perhaps it should give abour 3mana regen to the nearby moon well? since well, rainwater -->fall into moonwell–>moonwell juice. Btw the values here can be tweeked so that balance is maintained.

  3. Priestess of the Moon
    a. Lucent Beam= Potm literally has no priest-like skill! Tbh, trueshot aura is meh. But its is not bad. But please REMOVE searing arrows! It doesnt match her title at all and moreso its synergy with the rest of the army and her skillset. It becomes useless during starfall, she has terrible Attack time so her damage is very little, and only 1.5 damage gained per level (compare that to lich that gains 4 free damge per level!). Give her A priestess skill like "LUCENT BEAM"=after channeling/praying for 2 secs the primary target friendly unit will be healed/damaged for 80/160/240 and the units around the primary target will be affected for 40/80/120. (Heal if friendly, damage is enemies. Basically its like frost nova, but with bigger aoe, no slow, and can heal). It synergizes with archer army too! and gives nelves some form of a nuke and heal bomb (the 2 second cast time is a drawback though). Damage/heal increased at night time.
    b. Starfall=Should make it night during channelling period.
    c. Reduce base attack time, increase agility gain

  4. Archer=give them small evasion? like 7%? Anyways the bonuses here shuold not be the same with keeper new skills. So that stacking is not an issue and ther is no redundancy (elves are agile after all). But archer is already good! no need for tweeks

  5. Huntress=must have a unit upgrade research at tier 3! if head hunters can become berserkers, huntresses should become sentinel sentry! Remove the “moon glaives upgrade” and replacit with “Sylvan watchers” upgrade= grades huntresses heavy armor and +1 moonglaive bounce

  6. Dryad= good already

  7. Druids Talon and Claw-- new skills! Mark of the Talon/Claw should be the corresponding upgrade that unlocks shapeshift (they require teir 2/3, respctively). Thheir spell caster part should be different (adept and master must unlock spells that their elf frm can cast; cyclone should be air unit targetabble! Why dont nelf have any air disables!? Human=banish, polymorph,dragonhawk,stormbolt; Orc=ensare, lighning orb, hex, Batrider blowup, Ud= tons of slows, web, sleep, nova)

  8. MGs: Give them a skill that relate to rocks! craggy exterior (rocks fall to enemies, earth avalache, boulder throe, etc. skill that stuns enemy). Give MGs have either hardened or resistant skin a default

  9. Hippogryphs should gain a skill to give tham a situational advantage. perhaps gives them a skill taht temporarily boosts their flight speed at the cost of attackspeed? like it takes 1 frost nova to render them all useless. A skill like scroll of speed but less powerful.

  10. HIpoggryph rider =mount dismout cd must be reduced slightly

  11. WISPS! Wisps are the ulimate dispeller of the legion. So… Druids of the talon or maybe dryads should have a skill that enble them to “commune with the wild”. After “communing”/“chanelling”, a lumbering wisp will be summoned, detonated at the Targeted area (goodluck having the wisp casually walking to dispel in late game)

  12. Trees of Life to Eternity= Can train treants (cost lumber only); each tier increase timed life duration

  13. Moonstone stackable into 2 charges.

  14. Neutral tavern heroes shoud not be considered in balancing night elf! A good race should have a well functioning hero-army-synergy and that tavern should just be an option! not mandatory…

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ahah yeah, buff immol and dh ultimate please

Tauren at t2 is laughable. Remove it now.
You can’t have temple counter everything human has and does. That’s just silly.
I wish people who played and watched the game did patches!

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Hi, if it is true here in South America in general with the large number of players we have, and many at a good level like Jens, PaTo etc, it is incredible that blizzard does not have a server in Latin America, people from North America should also pair up in the lader and play with 100 ping on the Latin server, just as we have to play on other servers.

In addition to this, the Warcraft 3 Reforged team is required to think again about everything they have done since 2020 and fulfill what was promised. It really seems disrespectful to the players who have given so much loyalty to this beautiful 2002 version game. And incredible that you are selling many copies of this game with the reforged, even offering promotions.
Seriously, Blizzard, one of the largest companies, is selling a game that does not have servers for the region you are buying it and it does not even make it clear to you when you buy the game, that is, every copy that you have sold in Latin American territory and continue to sell, are not capable of improving the servers, you don’t even make it clear to people in the game data. You know that in 2002 online games were not allowed like they are now, the issue of servers. But now in 2020 and you continue to fill your pockets like this? You have limited the possibility that many people are not even allowed to know this game in our region, you are the only game that remains online competitively and that does not even have 1!!! server in Latin America, not to mention the other games that have 3 or more and are not even charging what Blizzard has charged…
Furthermore, these problems have meant that we have always had to look for server alternatives, which until now continue to divide the community, affecting the gaming experience, competitively and casually, the learning of the game, and the creativity of moder players.

In rts warcraft is the king, and the players make the game and have made it last until these years despite all the alternatives that they have released and will continue to release, wc3 is still there, it would be nice if the game were unified, it would benefit everyone and I hope the new servers arrive soon


People absolutely dont understand the priorities of balance changes. First of all, its necessary to nerf strong abilities and buff weak abilities, which are CONSTANTLY used in 1v1 pro games. And only then balance everything else, which is practically not visible in the game (Potm, taurens, reworking spells, minor changes etc.). My personal opinion is that frenzy ghouls are not such a big problem by itself. Undeads have a major problem with destros, statues, and slow. That’s what needs to be urgently nerfed. What’s balanced about a flying, magic-immune unit that has essentially 1,500 hp and has a dps almost equal to that of griffons or vivverns?? What’s balanced about a magic-immune unit that heals 400hp per minute of battle to EVERYONE around?? It is necessary to reduce HP of destros and statues by 1.5 times. Slow from nova, frost armor and nerubian tower/main should be reduced by half - both in duration and in ms %.
After these nerfs, just change type of armor for the tanks and problem with HU will be solved.
Definitely need to nerf duration of sorc`s slow (to 12/4 seconds), ensnare (5 seconds), web (5 seconds), cyclone(9/3 seconds) and ff(15/5 seconds).
Also rework possession of a banshees, unstable concotion of bats and devour of kodos - all these spells just kill the game.
That’s what should have been changed 100 years ago, not this nonsense that people are suggesting.

The current version in the live is practically with perfect balance.
Blizzard, read the comments above, the changes you’ve suggested make no sense.
Polymorph on heroes is too strong.
Tauren at T2, then why T3 for Orcs? That might be too much.
You already reduced the supply of Giants from 7 to 6 in 1.30, then reverted from 6 to 7 in version 1.30.3, are we going in circles?
Improvements to Priestess of the Moon work only for Elf against Elf, are you balancing the mirror?
Curse and Cripple on mechanical units and the speed of the Meat Wagon? In previous patches, you buffed Humans against Undead, and as soon as the balance became 50/50, you decided to completely kill the already weak tank strategy.
Removing the Healing Scroll (each race gets 2 unique artifacts at T3) from Undead, now there will be only 1?
All these units are already being used. All these changes are absurd and seem like an April Fools’ joke.

The version that is currently live is indeed practically perfect in balance, there is no need for such changes.
Add a couple of heroes to the tavern, add units to the neutral Mercenary camp. This is harder than changing the supply of Giants for the second time, but this is what the community is waiting for, not some illogical changes from a 1000 MMR player.

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not perfect by far, but yes, best since pre-reforged

Hi blizzard,

Good that some changes are made, and Im totally in favor that you keep updating this maasterpiece.

Would you also consider buffing spellcasters as a whole? We remember when we had Reign of Chaos, Caster would not only gain improved stats, but also a slight damage boost. Maybe we can return to that? And secondly most importantly, can we like get a survivability boost on casters as a whole? Like giving an upgrade that reduces incoming magic damage by something between 10%-25% ? They have low life and can be easily killed. In many late games, they simply arent used anymore because they become free experience for the enemy player

And secondly please BOOOST Agility-Gain Bonus from 1.5 => 2 Agility per level gained.
Seriously why do agility based heroes gain the least on their main stat? This would boost heroes a little more like Dark Ranger, Potm, Shadowhunter, etc.
Make it least a gain of +2 per level. There are no int or strength based heroes that gain only +1,5 or less to their main stat …

hey, make Blood mage’s flame strike instant. Its 135 mana (most costly aoe spell in the game) what hits your own units and dont hit air, make it at least instant. Blood mage is least popular first pick in the game and one of the least popular hero in the game overhaul. Making flame strike instant doesnt change balance, but will make worst first pick hero a little bit better and less frustrating, especially when alliance become more and more AM-centric.

It would be better to fix the technical errors in the Reforged campaign, which are already several years old. Another rare and useless patch with balance changes. Shame on you!

needs new servers , you continue selling copies without keeping your word shame blizzard

Mhm, how you’re suppose to win with 5 talons and let’s say DH against BM + SH + Taurens? Orc not gonna stay just afk, and Taurens for t2 quite strong against talons with stats which they has right now. I’m not even mention mini-pulverize on Taurens w/o upgrades. So no, that’s not how you might think working.

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Movement speed is the most dominant stat in the game by a large margin over other stats.
Buff move speed requires nerf anything, otherwise its simply over the top buff


  • Polymorph can now target Heroes (3-second duration) - seems too strong, maybe making it cheaper is enough, like 125 mana?

  • Sundering Blades now requires an upgrade again - good change


  • Tauren now are available at Tier 2 (pulverized still requires tier 3) - t2 of orc would seem too strong, especially vs human and elf. Pulverize upgrade should be at t2 but taurens themselves at t3.

Night Elf

  • Priestess of the Moon Searing Arrows damage increased from 10/20/30 to 10/25/40 - level 1 should be stronger, as it is the most common whatever hero is first, even if it’s priestess, as you always pick aura.


FIRSTLY needs to fix banshees’ antimagic shell - make it undispellable for destroyers. Otherwise it’s destroyer meta. We need variety.

  • Curse can now target mechanical units - too strong, maybe with limited duration, like 7 seconds this will be fine.
  • Cripple can now target mechanical units - too strong, unnecessary
  • Scroll of Healing removed from the Tomb of Relics - good.
  • Wand of Negation added to the Tomb of Relics (Available at tier 2) - need testing.


NEED a couple of new heroes…


I’m sorry, but your post is some of the worst, weirdest, most ridiculous suggestions I have ever seen! What are you basing your ideas on at all? FFA? Elves have been both dominant and the most diverse of all WC3 races already…

The Orb of Venom deletes air already, no point disabling it^^

Try W3Champions, it literally makes playing with China possible, an immense improvement in latency for all, they have dozens of servers.

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Absolutely, make banshee’s antimagic shield undispellable and revert its shield to 300. In the meantime, make possession dispellable in the first 4.5 seconds.


“Your tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed. I can see the love and dedication you pour into every patch, every balance tweak, and every new feature. I understand the challenges of game development and the delicate balance that must be maintained.”
:joy: :rofl: :laughing:

List of balance changes for patch 1.36.2 to Warcraft 3 from Soloninoforser

Hello dear developers of patches for Warcraft 3. My name is Soloninoforser. I was an open oppositionist and supporter of Alexey Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation until the authorities legally banned it. I went to a rally against the war in Ukraine in 2022, but after that the authorities began to imprison people for 3-5 years for participating in rallies and opposition activities. I have been watching Warcraft 3 tournaments for more than 20 years. I would like to offer you for consideration a number of changes to the balance that will definitely improve it. I translated this text through Google Translator, so the translation may be a little inaccurate and clumsy.

Below I will write a list of changes that Warcraft lacks. I would like to forgive everyone who, like me, is interested in watching Warcraft tournaments, to distribute this as much as possible on the Internet, and convey its contents to the developers of patches for Warcraft 3. I do not demand money from Blizzard for my ideas, but I hope for their decency and that someday they will thank me financially.
Similar to the list I will offer many new changes and abilities for creatures. You may not be clear where to place the activation icons for these abilities. In the lower right corner of the screen on the panel next to the abilities of heroes and creatures there are icons with the functions “move”, “defend”, “hold position”, “attack” and “patrol”, which I marked in red. We need to remove these icons from this panel because they are useless. Anyway, all players already know which button on the keyboard needs to be pressed to activate any of these functions. You only need to remove icons, but not the functions themselves. In place of the erased icons, you need to add all those functions like dividing into “extracting and injecting mana”, changing the priority of firing towers, turning off the militia mode, changing autocast priorities, etc.

Changes in people:

  1. The human hero palladin often dies before spending half his mana. Often even his magic shield cannot save him. I propose to make it so that the palladin can heal himself with his first ability with an effectiveness of 50% of the treatment. That is, he can heal his warriors for 200/400/600 health, but he can only heal himself for 100/200/300 health. This will dramatically increase the palladin’s survivability. Palladin will no longer die with half of his mana unspent. He will be near the archmage more often and heal the archmage more often, which in turn will increase the survivability of the archmage too. Due to the increased survivability of the palladin, he can be chosen as the first hero. In addition, he will not need to pump up a magic shield, and instead he will choose an aura, which in turn will increase the protection against physical damage for the entire army. True, against creatures that can destroy mana like a demon hunter or a bloody mage, the paladin will remain just as weak.

  2. Human workers die more often than workers of other races because there is no way to protect them from damage or magic without leaving the base. All other races can do this, but humans cannot. In case of danger, the orcs can put their workers in holes from where they can shoot; among the elves, the workers sit in a braided mine and extract timber on inaccessible fir trees. Undead workers have increased regeneration on the cursed land, and the enemy attacking them is constantly shot by freezing from the necropolis, even the undead have at least some kind of protection. And people do not have any protection for workers from harm, this is unfair and unbalanced.
    I propose to make it so that 1 or 2 workers can be placed in the farm to protect it from damage. If this does not suit, then make it so that you can put 4 workers in the town hall. In this case, some workers will die, but some will survive. This will give at least some protection from magic or damage to human workers.

  3. Among the heroes of all races, the Archmage dies most often because he does not have the ability to heal himself, becomes invisible, or escape thanks to the aura of running speed like Tauren or the Dead Knight. All heroes of which other races can heal themselves or avoid death with the help of their abilities, but humans cannot. For example, a dead knight is treated with an aura of dishonor, can heal himself with a “contract with death,” and can run away from death in time at the speed of running from the aura. The Blademaster can become invisible and be treated with healing ointment even while invisible, in addition, he can be cured by healer heroes with a healing chain. Elven heroes can be healed from wells, and can be healed using bear rejuvenation. And the Archmage has no way to heal or avoid death when he has low health. The archmage can be treated by a palladin, but the palladin is chosen only when 60-70% of the game time has already passed. Priests can heal the archmage, but they do it very slowly and almost always do not have time to do it when the enemy focuses the fire of all his army and magic on the archmage.
    The human race has a scroll of healing, but if after using it you hit the archmage once, the healing effect disappears. This is very easy for the Archmage’s opponents to do, which is why the Archmage cannot heal normally and most of the effect of the healing scroll is often wasted. Because of this, the Archmage often finds himself “locked” in the base, or is severely limited in leveling up neutral warriors.
    I propose to change the human healing scroll and make it similar to the orc healing ointment. That is, the scroll will heal not the entire army around the archmage, but only a limited number of warriors. For orcs, the healing ointment has 3 charges of 400 health each (1200 health in total), you can make the healing scroll for people have 4 charges and heal 300 health, or have 5 charges of 225 health. Then the archmage will be able to heal his army less, but will be able to heal himself more, and this will seriously increase his survivability.
    If this option for changing the scroll of healing people does not suit you, then you can divide the scroll of healing people that heals 400 health into 2 charges of 200 health each. This way, human heroes will be able to heal their workers more effectively, and part of the healing effect from the scroll will not be wasted. In addition, it will be possible not to wait until the undead disease takes away 380-400 health from human warriors in order to use a scroll of treatment, but to use it when human warriors only lack 180-200 health.

  4. Instead of a useless mechanical sheep, people could add a fake mechanical tree that the hero can install, and which, like a mechanical sheep, gives visibility around, but is no different in appearance from the trees around. Then people will be able to more often understand when the opponent is placing second or third base, or where he is.
    It is necessary that this tree could be destroyed by a ballista attack or that workers could cut it down. It is advisable that when you hover over this tree, the enemy’s mouse cursor does not change to red or yellow, indicating that this is a hostile or neutral tree. Also, the color of the tree should always be the same as all the other trees on this map, that is, the fake tree should be like snow-covered trees on a snowy map, like palm trees on a tropical map, or withered trees on the land of the undead. So the fake tree will be more useful than the almost useless mechanical sheep.
    If this option does not suit you, then you can make more neutral flying birds on each map, and instead of a sheep there would be a mechanical bird that is more difficult to kill because it requires a shooter to kill it.
    If you add the ability to teleport to such a fake tree, then the personal teleport and the archmage’s ultimate teleportation ability will become much more useful.

  5. You can divide the ability to “pump mana” for a blood mage into “pump mana” and “infuse mana”. Then you can choose “pumping mana” and pump it not only from your opponents but also from your priests or sorceresses, because at the moment of the battle the blood mage himself needs mana more than his sorceresses or priests.
    The same could be done with the hero’s “dark archer” ability for the undead, but I’m afraid then it will become too strong.

  6. If you do not want to give the paladin the ability to heal himself from 1 point, then you can change the paladin’s aura. So that it would give 1.5/3/4.5 armor and add 3/6/10% or 5/10/15% protection from magic. After this, the most vulnerable human priests and sorceresses with the smallest amount of health will not die so quickly from the magic of the undead, orcs, and elves.
    If this is not suitable, then instead of protection from magic, you can add to the aura a bonus to the health regeneration rate like the aura of a death knight, but less than that of a death knight. This, to some extent, will be a counter-measure against the disease of the undead, and human priests will not have to spend mana on treating their allies infected with the disease when mana is low.

  7. It can be done so that helicopters of people can attack and destroy trees with bombs. Imagine that several helicopters can secretly destroy several trees near an enemy base in the thick of a forest, use an airship to land 2-3 mortars on a cleared area, and they will shoot, for example, at an undead mine, and the undead will not be able to reach them. In this case, the undead will probably send gargoyles to kill the mortars, but there are helicopters flying nearby that will protect the mortars from the gargoyles. This will give people a new element of strategy through mortars and helicopters.
    A similar feature could be used for defense. That is, for example, plant 2-3 mortars near your second base so that because of the forest they could not be reached by warriors attacking in close combat, and the mortars themselves could shoot at these warriors.
    Playing through knights and helicopters, the player could create a corridor in the forest to the enemy’s base through which all his knights would pass and attack the enemy’s base in a place where the enemy did not expect it.
    You can clear a section of terrain in a dense forest and plant a blood mage, after which he will conjure a pillar of fire at the enemy base from places where it cannot be reached.

  8. The polymorph of human sorceresses could be changed so that it could be put on autocast, and they themselves would use the polymorph on autocast against units within reach that began to do some kind of magic that required immobility. For example, when undead banshees begin to possess units, the sorceress immediately throws the banshee into the polymorph and interrupts it. It is necessary to make sure that the autocast works in the same way for other abilities of enemies and heroes, for example: when an enemy alchemist began to heal allies with his spray. When the Naga, the Guardian of the Grove, the Orc Seer, the Orc Witch Doctor, and the Fire Lord began to cast their ultimate ability. When an enemy blood mage or an undead dark archer began draining mana or life from one of yours.
    At the same time, the banshee can impose protection from magic on itself and still begin to possess the enemy, here it is necessary that the polymorph itself inflicts damage on the “magic shield”, which inflicts the same damage on the banshee as it absorbs damage from magic itself. And if the bansha cast a shield of magic on herself and began to lure her away, then two sorceresses at once used polymorph on autocast against her in order to be sure to interrupt her entry into the enemy.
    If you do this, it will make the almost useless polymorph a very useful ability.
    If you don’t want to change the polymorph like that, then you can make it so that the banshee’s infusion into the enemy warrior is interrupted from the usual dispersion.

Undead Changes:

  1. Top undead player “Happy” complained that ice wyrms were too expensive and took up too much of the food limit. You can reduce the amount of food limit required to build them from 7 to 6, but at the same time reduce the amount of their health, damage, and required resources by 1/7. The same can be done for the giants among the elves. Then they won’t be so expensive and take up so much food. In this case, we will see ice wyrms more often in games.

  2. Necromancers resurrect one skeleton warrior and one archer. The skeleton warrior has 180 health and 14-15 damage, the skeleton mage has 240 health and 11-12 damage. You can make it so that instead of two skeletons, the player can choose to resurrect one mage skeleton or one warrior skeleton, which will have combined health and damage. That is, instead of two skeletons there will be, for example, one skeleton warrior with 360 health and 28-30 damage, or one skeleton mage with 480 health and 22-24 damage.
    This will give several advantages:
    For example, it will be possible to raise only skeleton magicians and fight enemy air units much more effectively.
    If you raise only skeleton magicians, it will be easier for them to wage a siege, or fight off buildings and shoot at towers under construction.
    Skeletons with merged health will be treated slightly more effectively by the dead knight’s healing aura, and can be used on level 1-2 Death Coil.
    It will be easier to remove skeletons that have little health left so as not to give the enemy experience.
    Skeleton warriors with increased damage against certain types of armor will be more effectively used against creatures with this armor because you can choose to resurrect, for example, only skeleton warriors.
    The number of skeletons themselves will not be so large, and therefore they will be easier to manage.

  3. Make it so that skeletons summoned by necromancers either do not give experience, or give much less. Vanderbrown confirms that this is necessary 22:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUeQqY1SAVs
    If you simply reduce the amount of experience gained for skeletons, then they will be played more often because they will not “feed” enemy undead heroes so much with experience.

  4. Speed up the sleep casting speed for the vampire so that he falls asleep faster, and make it possible to put him on an autocast that will automatically stick the enemy hero if he casts. This will make it possible to counter some of the heroes’ skills, for example, counter 2 of the 3 abilities of the blood mage. As soon as the blood mage casts a pillar of fire or drain mana, the vampire on autocast in the first split of a second casts a dream on him. Same with the alchemist’s healing spray, and the ultimate abilities of Naga, Orc Seer, Shadow Witch Doctor, Fire Lord, etc. In addition, you can make it autocast to put Orc bat riders and hawks to sleep when they use their “kamikaze” and “fire lasso” abilities.
    This will increase the vampire’s usefulness as a hero, and they will be played more often.

Orc changes:

  1. Stasis traps placed by Orc healers are triggered automatically if a unit approaches them. I propose to make it so that stasis traps have the ability to disable auto-activation like auto-cast for priests. That is, if it is turned on, then the traps are triggered when an enemy warrior approaches them, and if it is disabled, then it does not work and the player himself can click on it so that it will work exactly at the moment when as many enemy warriors as possible are standing near the stasis trap. This would increase the usefulness of stasis traps.
    In addition, you can make it so that traps can trigger on flying units, or divide the traps into those that trigger on flying units and on ground ones. Then the player will choose what type of trap to set.
    I saw a match where an orc successfully used stasis traps against an elf for almost the entire game, but lost because the elf started building chimeras and stasis traps do not work on air units https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z63cBHFsMN8

  2. The healing chain of the Orc hero healer healed the illusion 34:02 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6EOW0Fi6Mw
    It would be more correct to make it so that the healing chain does not heal the illusion unless the hero himself chooses it as a target for treatment.
    Ideally, it would be correct for the healing chain to heal warriors only so that its effect would not be wasted. That is, let’s say a healer throws a chain of healing on the blade master, but next to him there are two bullies with different health, the one closer to the blade master only lacks 50-70 health, and the one a little further from the blade master lacks half of health . It is necessary that the treatment chain treats first of all those warriors who have less health within its reach.

Elf changes:

  1. For creatures with mana, elf lunar decks first restore health, and then mana. I propose to make the choice between “restore only health” and “restore only mana” at the wells. It happens that there is very little water left in the lunar wells and at the moment it is more important for the elven hero to restore mana than health. For example, this happens when the hero “Looking into the Night” (Vardenka) still has half her health left, but there is no mana to use her ultimate ability, and if she drinks all the water from the lunar wells, she will restore all her health and not using the ultimate ability will not be enough for her. In this case, the “restore only mana” function of the wells would be very useful.
    In addition, bear druids themselves know how to restore health by “rejuvenation”; you can only restore them with mana from wells, and then they themselves will restore health by rejuvenating everyone around them, and this will be more profitable than restoring health through wells. For example, it will be more profitable to treat elven giants who have a huge amount of health.
    In addition, the defending dryads may still have half their health but no mana, and they fight at their base with the summoned units. In this case, it is more profitable for them to restore all the mana so that they can use the dispersion on the summoned units to the maximum rather than restoring their health and fighting them without dispelling them.

  2. Make the magical scout owl of the elven hero “Priestess of the Moon” always invisible. Sometimes it happens that the enemy of the elves is creeping at some red point where strong neutral warriors are, but when he sees that at that moment the owl of the “moon priestess” flew up to him, he understands that the elves saw that he was creeping at this point and immediately stops creeping, fearing that an elf will come up now and will attack him. If the owl were always invisible, then the elf’s opponent would not know that he had been noticed, and then the elf would retain the effect of surprise.
    In addition, the opponents of the elves may, counting on the effect of surprise, begin to build some kind of buildings that produce flying units, but seeing that an owl would fly to their base, they will understand that the elf has found out about this and may immediately change their mind about building flying units. And if the owl were invisible, then the element of surprise would remain and the owl would be more useful.

  3. You can make it so that archers who sit astride griffins (hyparchers) have two types of attack left - close (high damage) from the griffin, and long-range (small damage from the archer’s arrow). When you give the command to an archer not to attack an air unit, you can turn it on and off whether she will shoot at it with a bow, or hit the griffin with its beak. This would make it possible to use the hip archer more effectively if you have an aura that increases movement speed. It would be possible to fire a salvo with hyparchers and fly away at a higher speed than the enemy, and when you get a sufficient distance away, fire another salvo and fly away again without taking damage.

General changes:

  1. Ukrainian blogger Vanderbrown played some kind of mod for Warcraft in which you could choose 24 units instead of 12 in one group. There he also said that the ability to select 24 units at once is greatly lacking in Warcraft 3 34:54 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqdUdUXPERs
    I think it would be more convenient for players if it were possible to control 24 units instead of 12. This would increase the ease of control and the speed of reaction of players in cases where they have to manage large masses of warriors with 80-100 food limits. To do this, you just need to make the portraits in the group window a little smaller in size.

  2. Instead of being able to build tauren at T2, it is better to make it so that it would be possible to study tauren polliverise at T2. In the latest patch, the developers increased the turning speed of spiders and abominators for the undead, do the same with the tauren so that they are not so clumsy.

  3. It can be done so that the alchemist can sell his units too. Then you don’t have to kill them to free up the food limit for other units, but sell them.
    The alchemist’s ability would be more useful in the case when the main mining building where the workers take gold was destroyed and you don’t have the money to restore it, but in this case you can simply sell a few of your warriors and get money for its construction.

  4. There is a book in the store that allows you to retrain the hero for other abilities. You can add a book that would transfer experience from one hero to another.
    That is, for example, if an elf has a level 6 “Keeper of the Grove” and a level 3 demon hunter, but the demon hunter buys this book, activates it, the book remembers exactly how much experience he needs for the demon hunter to get level 6, after which the book is passed on to the guardian of the grove, he also activates it, the book sucks out as much experience from him as she remembered when the demon hunter activated it. The level of the Grove Guardian drops to level 3. After this, the Guardian of the Grove transfers the book containing the absorbed experience to the demon hunter, after which the demon hunter activates the book and receives all the sucked experience from the Guardian of the Grove and receives level 6.
    It is not necessary to make the experience transfer book transfer several levels at once. You can make it pump only one level, for example from 5 to 6.
    It may be that you have, for example, a level 6 Grove Guardian and a level 5 Demon Hunter, and you only need to pump up one level or half a level. In this case, buying a book for 1500-2000 gold is not profitable. Then you can make it so that the book itself costs, for example, 100 gold, but when it is activated by a hero from whom it sucks experience, then gold is debited from the player’s account for each unit of experience sucked by the book in a ratio of, for example, 1 to 1, or 1 to 0.5. For example, if a level 5 demon hunter needs 2000 experience to get level 6, then when the experience transfer book is activated by a Grove Guardian at level 6, a book purchased for 100 coins takes away these 2000 experience from him and deducts 1000 gold from his account.
    This will lead to the fact that you can change your strategies more flexibly depending on the change in the level of the heroes. For example, when the undead play through obsidian statues against an elf whose Grove Guardian is already level 6 and the abilities of the Grove Guardian have become useless against obsidian statues.
    The same thing will happen when people play through the first Archmage and the second palladin. When the archmage’s mass teleport is not needed, he can make the palladin level 6 and get the resurrection of 6 warriors.
    The same thing will happen with orcs when, for example, the hero “Seer” cannot use earthquake in battle, but can make a blade master level 6 and get a blade whirlwind that is more useful in battle.
    If you add such an item, this will lead to many people starting to play more often through heroes with the ability to summon allies, such as Archmage, Fire Lord, Orc Seer, Guardian of the Grove because it is easier for them to gain experience from neutral units.
    Such a book for transferring experience should cost very much, for example 1000 or 1200 gold. This is a risky addition, but nothing will stop you from removing it if it is too unbalanced or increasing its cost, for example, to 2000 gold.

  5. There are tournaments of the ATR format (all against all) in which all races have heroes of different races. This tournament could be improved if in taverns, when choosing heroes, it was clear in advance which three random heroes the player can build. Then he would choose the first hero that he needs most now, and plan his strategy depending on the fact that he knows which heroes he can hire later.

  6. It often happens that when you have two heroes, you need one hero to gain experience faster than the other. Because of this, one of the heroes has to be taken away from creeping. It would be possible to add a “do not receive experience” function to all heroes so that it could be used for creeping with the second hero, but at the same time the second hero would receive all the experience. This is especially true when people play through the first archmage and the second MK. Often people need the MK to get level 3 or 5 as quickly as possible, and therefore they have to take the archmage. And if this “not gaining experience” function existed, then they wouldn’t have to give it away. This feature would be useful for all races.

  7. A very interesting tournament format is the construction of towers in the early stages of the game. However, she is not very popular. You can make it more popular if you make it so that the towers receive experience when someone is killed and it is transferred to the hero. Then the buildings will be used more often.
    Also, when choosing to build a tower and pointing it at the place where it needs to be built, you need to show its firing radius. In buildings, it often happened that towers were built so that the tower’s firing radius turned out to be 1-2mm less than the reach of the tower to the enemy’s structure, and it turned out that the tower was built in vain.
    In addition, the towers could add some other useful changes that can be turned on and off as on autocast, for example:
    a) Priority of shooting at units that have little health. Often towers shoot at the nearest unit, but it would be more useful if they themselves chose the unit in range that has the least health.
    b) Priority for firing all towers at one target to concentrate damage. One could even combine this feature with the previous one.
    c) Even during the construction of the tower, it would be possible to set it to the “do not shoot” mode when it is built. So people could build several towers near the enemy base in the forest out of sight of the enemy, and give them the command to shoot precisely at the moment when the enemy’s attention will be occupied with control during the battle, so there will be a greater chance that 2-3 siege towers of people, for example, will be in time earlier destroy an enemy mine than the enemy, who is busy controlling the battle with the enemy army, will have time to notice that his mine is under attack. In addition, a person does not have to wait until he has enough resources to improve all 3 towers at once so that they start shooting at the same moment. For example, on this map a person destroyed one such tower and destroyed a mine https://youtu.be/1ULn24ERGIs?t=686 but could have built several such towers and destroyed half of the base at a time when there was no enemy on it.
    d) Priority of shooting at units with the most vulnerable armor to damage from towers. It happens that the unit attacking the tower has less health than the nearby elven priest of the talon attacking him, but the talon’s armor is more vulnerable to damage from the towers and if the tower had this autocast feature, it would attack the talon, and it would be more difficult for the elf to attack the enemy base without loss.
    e) For towers that burn mana, add to this the function of priority shooting at heroes or creatures with mana.
    f) For the freezing towers of the undead, add the function of priority of firing each next shot at different units so that the tower freezes as many enemies as possible. This is useful when, for example, an undead base is attacked by tanks, a blademaster and several warriors, or when the attacker of the undead base is already about to leave it, and it can slow down the retreat of as many opponents as possible. The same function could be added to heroes with a poison orb so that it could poison as many units as possible.

  8. The fire lord has all 4 abilities that require mana, which is why he always lacks mana. Therefore, the fire aura of the “fire lord” hero can be made so that it does less damage, but is free in mana and has a cooldown duration of, for example, 40 or 45 seconds.

  9. It would be possible to divide the food limits into tenths. And make it so that, for example, people’s tanks cost not 1 unit of food more, but only 0.5. Or, for example, the giants of the elves also cost not 1 unit of food, but 0.5. Human priests and sorceresses often die quickly due to the fact that they have very little health. It would be possible to make them cost not 2 limits of food, but for example 10% more, that is, 2.2 limits, but at the same time they should cost 10% more gold and forest, and add 10% health to priests and sorceresses and 10% damage. This would increase their survivability, and the undead would not be able to destroy them so effectively with the face of death and frost nova. The same can be done with human helicopters. Make them occupy the limit, for example, not 1, but 1.2 and add 10% of their health, damage and price. The same can be done with berserker trolls, not only in the direction of improvement but also in the direction of decrease. If tenths are not suitable, then you can divide the limit into hundredths, and make the priest of people cost 2 limits, for example 2.25.

  10. There is an artifact flute of accuracy that gives +10% damage from shots. It would be interesting to add a similar artifact that gives +10% damage to warriors only in melee. This would enhance the effectiveness of the strategy of playing through tauren, abominators, bears, and knights.

  11. Perhaps it would be worth increasing the casting speed of the healing spray of the alchemist hero. Then it could be a more effective countermeasure to the panda’s fire breath. Now the only counter-measure against the panda’s fiery breath is the “shield from magic”, which only banshes have, and scrolls of instant health restoration. If you don’t have money for scrolls, then all races except the undead have no countermeasure against the breath of a level 2 or 3 panda. It is especially difficult for the human race to play against a panda when it reaches level 5 and receives level 3 breath. An alchemist with a faster casting speed for his healing spray could be an effective countermeasure against this breath.

  12. Introduce the ability to build a “wall” structure measuring one cell in width and two in length. The wall is very cheap, costs quickly, has, for example, 350 or 400 health and siege armor, which is more than that of ordinary buildings. The purpose of the wall is to make it so that you can surround your towers, or your base, with something with siege armor to reduce or close the passage to the base. The point of the wall should be that it is cheaper than farms and full-fledged buildings that can also close passages. Walls can be repaired and benefit from improvements to buildings for humans and concrete for orcs. It would also be right for all races to have some kind of air unit that can repair all walls and buildings from the air so that it can repair several layers of walls that cannot be reached by a worker on foot. If you close both passages to your base with two such walls, then if your army consists of shooters, it will be easier for you to defend yourself.
    Walls could also be used to better protect workers from damage.

  13. There would be a very useful “formation” function, in which your entire army is lined up in the likeness of a Roman tortoise. Inside the turtle are arrows and casters, and outside are melee warriors, and they will move at the same speed only in this formation and will engage in battle in the same formation. This would allow casters and rangers to avoid taking damage from enemy melee units.

  14. In 2v2 battles, introduce the option of sharing experience with an ally, which can be concluded as controlling units together. All experience in the battle will be divided in half between the heroes if they are near the battle, regardless of who killed the enemy units.

  15. Introduce the “turn off militia mode” button to the people’s militia so that they don’t wait for it to end when they need to build or repair something.

  16. Introduce the ability to autocast to all units with “dispersal” magic, but at the same time divide it into autocast from their own and from others, so that the player can choose to remove negative magical effects from their own, or positive ones from others. Such a selective autocast will give you the opportunity to use the remaining limited and insufficient amount of mana from your creatures with dispersion as efficiently as possible, as you need it. Sometimes you need, for example, dryads who have little mana left in a 2v2 battle to remove the slowdown from your and allied units so that they can escape faster, rather than remove some other curses on your warriors, or buffs from the enemy.

Experimental changes (possibly questionable):

  1. Human heroes do not have heroes with the main characteristic of agility. Because of this, all dexterity items are almost useless for people. It’s not fair. It would be possible to leave the amount of intelligence the Blood Mage receives as it is now, but make it so that his main characteristic would be agility. The orcs did a similar thing with the shadow hunter. This will make dexterity items useful for people.

  2. The orcs’ lightning orb often does not work when the orcs need it. You can make the lightning orb more useful, give it two modes of use: in the first it works as it does now. In the second, the orb fires once when the player needs it, but after that it has a 12 or 15 second cooldown.
    That would make her more useful.

  3. For commentators commenting on the tournament from a third person, it is not clear what abilities the units and mercenaries have. It would be better if they were visible.

  4. Introduce a function for a group of units to “scatter in different directions” so that the magic acting over an area would hit a smaller number of warriors. If you click twice, the units scatter even further as much as the first time. And if you click 3 times in a row, the units scatter across the entire map in different directions in the form of reconnaissance when you destroyed the enemy base and you need the units to find the last remaining building as quickly as possible.

  5. All summoned creatures have a “recall” function that destroys them at the same second, so as not to give the enemy experience. This way you can strengthen all the heroes of the summoning creatures. Or make it only for the elemental archmage.

  6. The spirits of retribution that are summoned from corpses by the hero’s elven ultimate, “Night Watcher,” have almost no countermeasures. Vengeful spirits can be made mortal instead of completely immortal. They can be given 3000 or 4000 health each and the best armor. Also add immunity to all types of dispel.

  7. It would be necessary to add a function for priority shooting at air or ground targets for all flying units, and not just for gargoyles.

  8. On a map with a continuous forest, air units could not fly over the forest. For example, the chimera could not attack the catapult 28:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAxq-ajvRhs
    It is necessary to make sure that flying units can fly over the forest and sea, this will increase the functionality and efficiency of air units.

  9. Enter a building in which you can exchange wood for gold and vice versa. The exchange rate is 30 gold for 10 wood, and 70 wood for 10 gold. Exchanges can be made at 10 per click, and at 100 per click.

  10. Make it possible to customize the autocast of arrows for heroes so that you can autocast them every other time to save mana. So that, for example, the hero Naga would have one shot, for example, with an ice arrow and the second orb of poison/lightning/reducing armor.

  11. Make it possible for catapults of all races to enable target priority autocast and divide it into: attack only towers (during a siege), attack only mobile units of enemies but so as not to hurt your own. Attack only those who take the most damage (for example, casters). Attack different units one by one to make maximum use of splash effects such as disease/hot mix/buckshot over the largest area. This will increase the usefulness of catapults in battles.

  12. What if you make the dodge talisman so that in 15% of cases it blocks 15% of damage from magic? This will make it a more useful artifact that will not be constantly sold.

  13. The sphere of darkness artifact makes it possible to resurrect a skeleton only if its shot kills the enemy. It is necessary that it imposes an effect in which the skeleton rises from the corpse within 2 seconds after being hit. This will make the sphere more useful.

  14. If you make it so that the icy rain of the archmage could destroy the forest, then the archmage could, for example, cut a corridor to the enemy’s base through a dense forest where he is not expected, and start shooting mortars across the area from this “forest corridor” when he is already close enough close to the enemy base. This would enhance the archmage’s variety of strategies through freezing rain.
    In addition, it would be possible to create difficulties for the enemy with the extraction of timber at the main base in the event that there is little forest left that has not yet been cut down near his base.

  15. Perhaps it would be worth giving the elf a limit on the number of barracks built because they do not take up the limit and the elf can use them as additional units in battle 35:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6EOW0Fi6Mw Perhaps it is worth setting the number barracks built depending on the number of main buildings. For example, no more than 4-5 for each main building.

  16. It cost money to have the elf braid the mine.

The entire list was created by me. A more correct version in Russian can be read in my Live Journal /soloninoforcer.livejournal.com/1178.html
I am sending this list through many other Russian-speaking Warcraft fans and players because this way there is a greater chance that the developers will notice it.

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For how many years are you going to leave the campaign completely broken? How long since the last patch when you broke it? Six months? And this is it? Why do I even bother!

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