I think that as a warcraft 3 fan and player, after the third patch adjustments, after hearing the opinion of big warcraft 3 community players (like grubby and the Back2Warcraft guys) and considering that I have always believed that Warcraft 3 has always been about having 4 ridiculously strong races where each have several things that are overpowered but that for some reason they are all relatively balanced, I personally feel more comfortable now with the PTR 3 patch notes, EXCEPT for the removal of Healling scroll from the undead shop.
Like, I’m glad to hear that taurens are going to be T3 again because, having them as T2 just defeated the purpose where all races had to get to T3 to get a particular unit. Of course the units of T3 for each race are different, but they all had to get to T3 for that. So reverting taurens T2 back to T3 makes things even for all races in my opinion.
However, I do not understand the reasoning of removing healling scroll from the undead shop. Like, I have heard from big warcraft 3 community players saying “that this change was something they wanted for a long time” but none of them are actually main undead players. So, I don’t know if removing healling scroll is just something a segment of the warcraft player base wanted just because they considered undead race to be boring or something like that, or if this is a balance change to make undead race less capable against all races.
The reason I think that the removal of healling scroll will make the undead race drastically less capable is this: So, the undead race has basically only 2 realistic choices for main ground units: 1) fiends or 2) ghouls (aboms are T3, expensive and take time produce; need something else before T3 for undead army in the meantime also). Now, I think fiends are not seen as often as ghouls even within pro undead players because it just makes sense. Friends are a bit expensive or perhaps not as good as ghouls for using them as often because fiends are vulnerable to the attack type of the main ground units of all other races except night elves, where night elves are probably evenly matched with the undead in that aspect until T3 with bears, if undead sticks to fiends as main ground unit. However, night elves can start producing druids of the claw in T2 and, therefore, start making their ground army to counter fiends such that they are all converted to that counter (which are bears) once night elves reach T3. To that point, that makes the game hard for undead if they decide to go only fiends since the start of the game, but which can be evenly matched if undead mass produces destros. So, if you see, under this logic, going fiends as main ground unit is sort of even against night elves, but this is not true against other races, where humans can make things rough for fiends with footmen (and later nights) and orcs with grunts from the begining of the game, making fiends not an attractive main ground army. Now, this does happen with ghouls. However, ghouls are weak and require a huge amount of micro compared to other races to make them playable the longer the game goes. So, for those that are mad at current ghouls… Dude I think that those undead players that developed the micro to play them well can still crush that mad people even with another race. Anyways, I believe that only pro players at top level, and very likely, only Happy…, can probably still make the undead race playable with ghouls as main ground unit after removing healling scroll, but this will not be true for most main undead players. Ghouls have very low hp and by T3 they can be easily killed by heroes and many thing in the game by other races. So, for a non-Happy undead player, using healling scroll to keep ghouls in the game are basically a must.
I honestly think that because of this reasoning, removing healling scroll and forcing the undead to fight for it in the mercenary shop will render ghouls useless/powerless if they can’t win that item over the other players, and will force undead players to play fiends more often, but which will ultimately make undead race considerably weaker, except for Happy maybe, but it is unfair to nerf a race just because one player I more skill than all the others.
Also, I think that as a main undead player, I just can’t see myself buying staff of negation honestly, instead of destros. Like it’s not like summoning units are like a huge problem for undeads in t1 or T2 like to buy that expensive item, and if I’m forced to build temple of the damned… Honestly I would rather make banshees and use antimagic shield rather than staff of negation because: 1) it honestly is expensive and 2) it has only 2 charges. I heard from big warcraft 3 community players that this item was OP, but… I just can’t see why, since I think most main undead players will either go antimagic shield or destros anyways instead of staff of negation. But, like if you guys want to give a genuine alternative path to undeads rather than destros (which will not happen most certainly and specially if now undeads are forced to play fiends instead of ghouls), maybe try something else like, I don’t know, make staff of negation not consumable, but to have a considerable cool down and maybe make it very expensive instead… Or revert that change and give back healling scroll haha.
Anyways, this is my feedback. Generally speaking I like more PTR 3 than PTR 2 and 1, but I do not agree with the removal of healling scroll since I believe that it will render ghouls useless already regardless of the nerfs it received this patch.