PTR 3 Patch Notes

Hi Neo, Hi Twitch chat :slight_smile: Also Arminvb please come Rara again!

To your outrage about the ring :smiley: i dont agree
ring of regen gives you 240hp in 120 seconds
a 33 gold healing salve gives you 400hp in 45 seconds
now would you rather have a claw +5 a circlet or a ring of regen?

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I would like to suggest some rework of Ultimate channeling abilities like Earthquake, Tranquility, Volcano, Starfall and etc. Basicly there are 2 types, Point Cast AOE (Earthquake like) and Aura type, around the casting hero (Starfall/ Tranquility ).

Removing the channeling and nerfing the numbers by significant 50%-60% (should be tested) and probably mana increase, this will make Ultimate ! a viable spell you dont want to miss. There are channeling Ultimate spells currently you would rather skill primary ability than taking So called “Ultimate” simply because its easily canceled and you cant use the whole potential of the spell.

Implying this quality of life concept would make every hero, a single hero strategy viable to some degree, it will be fine in 1v1, 2v2 or any game mode. Ultimates should be greatly nerfed( how much? up to you, I’m just suggesting the concept) in exchange of removing channeling property of it, so they can be used. YES you could be able to walk around with Starfall active or drop an Earthquake and leave, but with right balance of the numbers so it wont be OP, don’t see how this will be an issue.

Also DK ultimate. Lore wise DK spells are Blood and Unholy type so adding ultimate of Frost spec will be an option, something connected with Frostmourne, for example like: Abaddon the Lord of Avernus Passive skill from Dota, and make it passive or active , or just his Borrowed Time ability, just Giving ideas.

Kind Regards,
Warcraft Supporter that Wish the best for the game.


Couple ideas to consider.

  • Make auras (all of them) no longer work on mechanical units. Okay this change is most specifically targeting Unholy Aura working on Obsidian Statues with nothing else coming remotely close to mattering to the same extent. But I think it’s reasonable and can make what’s supposed to be an inherent disadvantage of a mechanical unit - having no inherent HP regeneration - matter again. At least try it, if this turns out to be a poor idea it can be reverted.
  • Make Nova simply have static 5/3 seconds frost duration on all levels. Thunder Clap which is also an undispellable 50% slow works like this for a reason. Shadowstrike is similar. Durations of slowing effects don’t need to scale up at all since their value naturally increases as the game progresses already anyways, especially with Frost Nova and Thunder Clap which also become more valuable inherently the bigger armies get and the more they can hit; scaling them on top of this only serves to make them either undertuned at the start or overtuned at the end. Reducing the scaling is a step in the right direction (few people would have called the 8 second duration reasonable), but just take a page from your own book and remove the scaling duration entirely.
  • Make Frost Wyrm freezing breath effect also work on mechanical units, not only buildings. This kinda feels like something to try out as well (especially if the Curse working on mech gets removed as it’s garnered a good few negative responses) and would give Frost Wyrms a really unique niche. They remain a 7 food unit and can’t permafreeze more than 1 unit so I can’t see this being gamebreaking.

Some more out there ideas (don’t even THINK of including these out of nowhere in an update to current PTR, just ideas to consider for the future):

  • Turn “Troll Regeneration” upgrade into “Troll Stamina” and add +40 movement speed to the upgrade. Reduce Troll Batrider movement speed to 280 (before the upgrade) and Troll Headhunter/Berserker Range to 500. The range buff to Headhunters has made them into a fairly standard range unit, this is a proposal to make them stand out a bit more in a unique fashion instead. Batriders can be quite frustrating albeit not OP so this is just delaying their efficacy while returning it with the upgrade. Troll Witch Doctors meanwhile could use a boost; this gives them a niche that goes well with their kit.
  • Replace Scroll of Regeneration (200 HP over 45 sec in AoE, 100 gold) and Lesser Clarity Potion (100 mana over 30 sec, 70 gold) in the Arcane Vault with Lesser Scroll of Replenishment (200 HP + 100 mana over 45 sec, 200 gold). Archmage is the single most dominating first hero choice of any race, and a huge part of that (in my perspective) is that Brilliance Aura is crucial to using Arcane Sanctum builds. Giving the Humans a unique way to regenerate mana to units with a consumable from their shop, if only out of combat, reduces their reliance on this aura and opens up new ways to play, while also coming with the downside of making regenerating their hero HP/MP into an expensive package deal. I cannot fully imagine how this will play out, but I think it’s something to give a try.
  • Make Temple of the Damned no longer require Halls of the Dead to build, but make everything in it besides Necromancer require it. Remove Rod of Necromancy from the Tomb of Relics. Let’s be real, Rod of Necromancy has always been a bandaid because the developers wanted skeletons to be part of UD play from the beginning of the game, but Necromancers are stuck on Tier 2. The problem with Raise Dead is not that it’s too weak, it’s that it’s a spell that should exist on Tier 1 - obviously, given that’s what Rod of Necromancy does. I have absolutely no idea how much this will transform the game nor how much adjusting of cost numbers will be necessary to make this balanced, but if you want Necromancers to have a place in this game, this is something to consider - Rod of Necromancy is simply usurping their whole purpose for existing until Tier 2.5 to 3 is unlocked. This is a complete reinvention of how UD plays from the ground up, it’s very crazy, I know, but I want to throw it out there.
  • Make Searing Arrows do their bonus damage in an area of effect - same as the old Orb of Fire. I think as long as Searing Arrows are only damage, the most interesting dimension they could have added is doing area damage. This could give the PotM a niche against masses of Ghouls or Gargoyles (maybe?) given the NE heroes generally lack ranged area of effect damage (Fan of Knives and Immolation are their only non-ultimate ability for AoE and both are only around the hero instead of cast from a distance). Plus it has both counterplay and a skill ceiling in using it for creeping by having creeps clump up.
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Lol uh no.

In general there are a lot of abilities that don’t receive lower mana cost or cooldown reduction when you put additional points into them. The Editor came with this option for every ability for a reason. This would be a good tool to orchestrate balance.

Soulburn could have a 0.5 mini stun on cast

well then nerf the ring of health to 1.5 hp xd

thing is drop table for lvl 3 is clogged as **** gotta free that **** up

I still really like Neo

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i like it, could be a good idea for some of them but that would probably be way too much of a balance burden for the blizz team to handle atm

Never heard of this guys, never seen them plays, so their level is obvious. And again how can you balance a game where there is clear, and i mean clear skill gap level between your so call pro players? Also again the numbers of UD players is just a few, while of Elfs, Orcs is tens, etc.
Way, way more.

Yeah, but this are also numbers showing very obvious thing. Like how many players plays this race, this race, this race. At what level they are, etc, etc.

Obviously there is great difference in skill levels between 2200 and 2500 and so on. But it’s still data.
But again your way of balance is even worst. Because you essentially are trying to balance the game around few so call pros, and even you admit most of them have family and they are not threating the game as an actual pro, aka 24/7. There is one player that is doing this → Happy and you are doing the all the work to make him lose, not balance the game, as once again money talks, and you knows it.

In a lot of competitive games, and even sports, which are somehow similar, there is always a few top players that dominates. Federer, Nadal, Djokovic. Same for games like CS:GO, Apex Legends, Starcraft, Dota, LOL, etc, etc.

Yeah is that why he is not playing any “top” tournaments? Is he actually a PRO, or just pretend to be one ?
And yeah you answer my question, Happy and 120 suggestion are not taken into the consideration, as they are not crybabies like Lyn, Forti and Lawliet, typical …
Why not ask your “good buddy” Xlord or Lucifer?

So you are telling me they aren’t biased, when their money depends on it? Who are you trying to lying though exactly? Hahahahha. Grubby is the best example. When he was active, he was saying that UD - Orc matchup was balanced. Same for Lyn. Where every single person on the planet earth knew this was a free win for Orcs. I’m talking Pre 2019 or so era. Before the big patches comes, and UD was completely garbage.
After Grubby retired, he finally admitted that Orc has easy time.
Hard to take that guy seriously. Same for Lyn.
And yeah ex Orc player will always claims his race wasn’t as good as it was, because it will undermine his achievements, etc, etc .

I know perfectly what the situation with the balance team is, and they are essentially copy/pasta your suggestion to 90%.
Most of the thing they come up is Remo stuffs, which are pre-made. You can’t fool anyone with Remo disappearing every time before balance patch is about to hit.

And a lot of their suggestion was actually decent, as Tanks was going to be actually nerfed. And after your suggestion they become completely broken. And HU - UD become unplayable, unless you are like 5x level above your opponent.

Huge undeserved nerf to UD expansion. Huge nerf to Lich, to Nova, to statues, should i continue ?

So Leon is not a Pro player now ? Hawk, Yumiko are retired, right? Starbuck is playing HU/Orc, ain’t he ?
And yeah Elfs are the most, always was, wonder why ? Especially when the game was actually alive and played by thousands.
Still UD was the least played race, and Elf the most played. Wonder why ?
And Elfs are actually more:
Moon, Colorful, Lawliet, Kaho, Dise(he is winning some matches against some of the pros), Sonik(not so good), Foggy(barely plays tournaments), Remind(plays here and there very rarely), Elegant(not playing super often), same for Life.

Still a lot of Elfs and HU and Orcs retired in the last of couple of years, cause they were past their best, and for other reasons.

You mean Happy dominates, right? Isn’t that what the best player is supposed to do ? And is it the ghouls that dominates, or Happy play? Or combination of how Happy use the right amount of units for each units of his opponents to counter them ?

And the most important thing here is that UD just doesn’t have viable strategy to play outside of ghouls. Fiends are garbage, and good luck playing Ted build. UD has zero options against multiple race.
And sorry you can’t say that Ghouls dominates, when their stats are beyond garbage. They don’t offer anything better than the opposite units of other race, hell they are stats are way worst.
The so call domination comes from the best player in the World who is clearly levels above the rest.
Just say that you want your favorite 200 APM players like Lawliet and Fortitude that are beyond crap, the guy that is somehow “top 3” in the world based on your own words that on TM don’t scout his opposition for Expand, when Lyn had 3 expands, and Fortitude was clueless, even though he had huge lead due to killing FS with Bolt. Or Lawliet and Moon, guys that can’t keep their heroes save for 2 minutes in the middle of the game, and managed to get surrounded twice in 2 minutes. Or Lawliet when send his DH without watching him in UD base and get killed.

Ghouls are glass cannon and are dying in 2 seconds.

Or maybe cause Orc players are just not that good, h? Focus is so bad that Happy is beating him 3-0 in Orc mirror. Maybe that is the reason? But that is also irrelevant, right? Should i even mention Infi who beats him 2-0 in Orc mirror, when Infi is literally retired streamer and plays for fun ?

And i though you were knowledgeable person ? You heard about race strengths? One unit is melee, and does 12-14 damage, and is 340 HP, obviously they needs to be fast, otherwise they are completely useless. Nothing in their stats suggest they are OP or anything. It’s how the player use them.
But here where the fun comes. Troll Berserker are ranged unit, they should actually have lower HP, as they are RANGED, and it’s easier to keep them safe. But somehow due to your balance suggestion, they end up with 475 HP, 2 food, super cheap, with huge 26-42 damage and you also forget to mention they also have Berserk, that buffs their attack with 50%, MS with 20% as well, and this is for huge 12 seconds, and they also have Troll Regeneration upgrade, unlike Ghoul trash cannibalize, that no one use. Oh excuse me 1 it’s used 1 out of 5000 million games.

And who are you trying to liying though, that Troll Berserker don’t synergies well with Orc army? This just shows either you are complete bias or complete incompetence.
2 food 550 range unit, with huge damage, that synergies perfectly with TC AS/MS aura, perfectly with SH heal wave and also perfectly with TC stomp and also perfectly with Kodo Aura and also perfectly with Riders Ensnare.
And do you understand that Orc also have multiple disables + scroll of speed, which gives max speed for 10 f**** seconds.

Yeah it’s true. And the only reason Orcs are not playing Troll Berserkers in every game, which are obviously completely OP and their stats is screaming this, is cause they have multiple different options to play. Or you didn’t use your brain to think about that?

As far as rotating ghouls this is just as +, as it as minus. As you essentially need to have some of them to chop lumbers. And this also require pretty decent multitasking and micro and is skill that should be rewarded, not punished.

And UD having two difference worker for gold and lumber is a huge minus, and essentially a huge Plus for every other race in million cases, so don’t even try on this one.

Broken based on what? A 420 APM(during fights) player, who also have the best brain in the game, best scout, plays every single day for 6-8 hours, has the best micro, best multitasking, best execution and decision making, obviously best game sense and he always knows when to fight and not, as well as calmness and mental part of the game, which is huge, as we have seen it hundreds of times already, and most importantly his consistency ? Is it based on this? Cause i fully expect 5 time better player to beat 5 time worst player. Otherwise then we have a huge balance problem.

But how can they get something cool, when the moment they introduce something cool for UD, you 2 start crying that it’s going to be OP, but when they are moving Taurens to T2 you are screaming YES, YES, Yes, we need this.
But it’s fine the other races having exclusive top tier items that are game changing, like staffs, free expansions, etc.

What? This is T1 item, which every race have. You are clearly start nitpicking, cause you have nothing to say.
Orcs have Scroll of Speed, which is million time a better item. Elf has Moonstone and HU has towers.

You were the one pushing for that change, and especially Remo with his 0.5 seconds suggestion.
And i agree it’s good for heroes to have a good third spell, and so you could to pick, but not if it’s make the hero too OP, which was clearly the case with DH.
And you should want this for every race, not just for Elf, Orc and HU, and somehow UD heroes always get the stick and gets nerfed, and pretty much all of their 3rd skill is garbage.
And when was the time you say that both UD heroes have garbage ults and they need a complete rework ?
When you going to push for DL to actually be a decent hero ?

You push for the changes the illusion to give less XP, which should have never been the case, as this is super powerful spell that can safe your *** in multiple situation and it’s super useful in multiple situation.
This is also another example of how bad the current so call Orc Pros are, as this skill with certain strat is supper broken. It cost just 80 mana, just 3 seconds CD and it’s last for 60 seconds. And on lvl 3 it’s gives you 3 illusion which is huge, and now they also do DMG, thanks to you.

I have watch specifically a low tier Orc make Happy bleed with this broken strat.
Curious how your beloved Lyn still couldn’t understand how powerful this strat is.
But i guess is just easier to just balance whine that UD is op, right ?

This is skill issue, you know ? How is Happy able to get high level heroes? Sorry but this excuse is just lame. Even level 1 PitLord with Cleave will do the work, as will distract from Elf Units gets focused, and he is also big, and quite tanky, and will take a lot of damage, while DH does his own magic.
Every time your excuse where Elf losing and they need 3rd hero is that they will be nuke immediately , which is just silly, when you have 2 UD heroes in the Tavern. And Elfs have the resources to do that, but they always try cheap strats and are greedy and slipping with their macro, very often gets to 1k. gold without spending them. And often goes for Expos. The main reason is they just don’t have a clue how to beat Happy, cause they are so much worst micro wise.

And also curious how was Kaho been able to beats 120 the last time, if this ghoul strat is broken ?

Coil, really ? I expected more from you. You can’t throw coil on PitLord. And letting PitLord sitting in there will make your units movement garbage + will do tons of AOE damage to the ghouls. Combine this with Immolation and your so call Ghouls are going to disappear in no seconds.
How about Pro players actually start experimenting, as playing 2 heroes vs 3 heroes will never be successful, unless the race with 3 heroes is totally garbage(as what you are trying to do the UDs).
And Happy is not pushing with Lvl 3 third hero, but you will eventually get there when fighting.
Elf can also use their brain and build extra AOW or even Tower with a good base build, goodbye UD, instead of banking golf for the next game.

Eh i’m pretty sure if Happy was to lose during this ShowCup time, your opinion would have been completely different.
And i’m perfectly aware how offracing works, and not just that, but that players have good and bad matchups. Maybe explain that to your fanboys and Happy haters on Twitch. Like the reason why Happy worst(probably) matchup is the mirror match. As he barely have a chance to play UDs on Ladder(WC3), as there is almost ZERO UDs, so obviously that’s going to be his worst matchup. Which he improves tremendously once start playing with 120 a lot in the tournaments.
Maybe that is the reason why a lot of pros are just not that good against UD, just don’t play that much games against them, which is obviously going to affect you.

As far as Eer0(120) goes, it’s funny how you only use that phrases that he seems like he didn’t care or not on his level when he lose, and somehow it’s never a balance problem when it’s for UD, but when Happy is winning it’s always a balance problem for the other race, even though 120 having one of the best micro and skills all-around. And he is also very smart and aggressive player.
As far as his Banshee play, maybe if you were any good you would have known, you know? And i can use the same excuse for every top player when he is losing ? Why is he not playing bats against a mass of Destros ? Why aren’t HU actually use their brain and use Mortars or Gyros to kill the Banshees?
And here is your answer. Banshee takes million years to come online, you need 2 building + 2 upgrades, are low HP unit, does literally ZERO damage, and are easily countarable by Mortars. Which is a unit that HU already have a multiple building for, so countering Banshee is a child’s play.

Actually every single race have a multiple ways to counter and react to UD units straight away, only UD doesn’t have that option and needs tons of time to do that. Happy is the only one that manages to do so, cause his scouting is second to none, which is why he is winning every single game, not cause some of your loveley “pros” are crying about broken, when UD was nerfed 10x. time in a row.

UD are not in a good spot, not at all. Worst race by far, and this is before the newest patch hit:
As far as the Buffs/nerfs, let’s talk with facts:
Accolyte buffs(this should have been done in 2005, not 2018).
Lich Frost Armor nerf
Destroyer HP and DMG nerf
Obsidian Statues -50 HP huge nerf

Necromancer buffs. And this is the reality with UD. They are buffing very little every garbage unit that unless you completely rework, just can’t be used at high level of play.
But when it’s come to nerfing, they are axing everything.

Accolyte MS nerf

Funny time:
Gargs MS buff by 25 and Gold reduced by 10.

New Necro buff, again garbage.

Biggest buff:
Ghoul Frenzy + 10 attack speed bonus, and Devs notes:
Dev Comment: Currently, this upgrade makes Ghouls not quite strong enough to make up for how poorly they trade vs the other race’s similarly upgraded units. Increasing the attack bonus by 10% changes a number of unit relations to better favor Ghouls in direct combat. Additionally, the change to Necromancers having Cripple right away should also assist Ghoul effectiveness at Tier 2.

Necro change means nothing to Ghouls. But what Dev have stated back then was 100% right.
Ritual Dagger - finally UD got a Healing at Tier 1, still the worst healing by far, but at least an option that is useable.
Necro buff and nerfs, useless again.
Crypt Lord finally been buffed.
DK ultimate CD buff. Useless as this ULT is useless.
Skeleton Warrior HP nerfed by 10
Ritual Dagger buffed
Crypt Lord nerfed
Nerubian Tower repair rate nerfed. This makes senses, as UD has free workers to spare to repair chopping lumber, oh wait …
Huge nerf to DK Unholy Aura. Especially when this is UD main strength, and they essentially have no viable disable.

Curious how Orc units are miles fasters, but Orc still have the most Disables, as well as Scroll of Speed. And Ensnare that last for 9 ***** seconds, yet you are nerfing Lich slows on units by 1/2 seconds, which is huge. When is Hex and Ensnare going to be nerfed ? Should i even mention that Orc have multiple ways to kill and chase units and BM has the fastest speed during Wind Walk and can easily kill and intercept units ? Stomp, Hex and Scrolls of Speed are not enough for bad Orcs i guess …

But i digress .
Let me continue:
Crypt Lord essentially get deleted from the game. Curious how is that when UD gets a buff, that is somehow too good, they nerfed it straight way, and their way of nerfing is to completely delete the hero. Yet BM and DH can walk out completely busted.
Rod of Necromancy CD nerfed.
Necromancer useless buff once again. Still garbage unit.

And the next patch after this are kill Happy, kill Happy, kill Happy and nothing else:

Another Accolyte nerf. So what was even the point to buffing them, when they nerfed to death afterwards ? :smiley:
They revert the Rod CD nerf
Crypt Lord nerfed once again and deleted from the game. Quick correction it was this patch that essentially deleted it from the game.
Every race get huge buffs, and you look at UD, all red, aka nerf, nerf, nerf:
Essentially let’s delete Happy from the game.

Let me copy/pasta them:
Anti-Magic Shell can now receive the same summon magic damage inflicted by dispel, purge, and abolish magic.
Anti-Magic Shell increased from 300 to 420 (increases number of dispels to remove from 2 to 3).
Unholy Aura movement speed bonus reduced from 0.1/0.175/0.25 to 0.1/0.15/0.2.
Animated Dead corpses are now killable.
Animated Dead corpses now have diseased cloud if researched.
Disease cloud duration reduced from 90 to 75 seconds.
Obsidian Statue level increased from 2 to 3.
Obsidian Statue spirit touch mana restore reduced from 3 to 2.
Haunted Goldmine build time increased from 100 to 110 seconds.
Lich Dark Ritual cooldown increased from 15 to 20 seconds.
Lich Dark Ritual mana return reduced from 33/66/100 to 33/55/80%.

Banshee anti-magic gets buff
Cannibalize gets buff, but it’s useful in SP only.

Absolutely useless buffs to necros, and Crypt Lord passive, which is the worst in the game by far.
And huge nerf to Nerubian Tower.

Everything that is useful was either not touched or nerfed. The only thing that was buffed for real was ghouls, and they are getting deleted now, absolutely undeservedly.

Yet Fiends are still garbage, such a garbage that you can’t even used them for their main purpose, aka anti-air. One stomp and they are all deleted. Abominations are still garbage.
Frost Wyrms are completely unusable. Gargs are essentially garbage, outside against Elf, and this is mainly cause Elf don’t know what micro stands for.
Ghouls are now garbage as well. And Destro are good only when they have mana, and then they are death supply.

You keep crying about that Timing, which is something every race has and should work to achieve. But UD has always been on timer and their pro players has always try to achieve certain timings, which is based on their strengths and other races weakness. You take that from UDs and they are basically useless. And this is exactly what you have done.

I still haven’t heard you cry or complain against the total broken Orc play against UD, when you can essentially Tech without a single building, and still be fine, as Orc has the best and strongest best defense by far, and you just can’t punish this greedy play. And Orc has Twice as fast Tech as UD, and good luck countering mass Wind Riders and Bats. Bats are the most Broken unit in the game. 600 Damage + 120 AOE one. Insta kill units and they even get XP for it, just LOL. Best player Happy is struggling against this strat and doesn’t have a solution, cause there is none. And i’m not talking about Lyn matches. But against a lot lesser Orcs that implement that strat and are doing great, not just against Happy, but against any UD.
And if you are not Happy, you just GG. As they can lame harass, and everything they need to do is Hex or Stomp, depends on the second hero and suicide, suicide, and GG WP go next.

Not heard you cry about this cheap and totally broken strat though ? Or how Orc can get away with teching either with zero or 1 building, and no army, and still be fine. The only race that can do this actually.

Or how UD can outplay them, make expo and have upper hand, but somehow UD turn out to be on the counter, simply because Orc can just buy free expand from their shop.
And now UD needs to push, otherwise it’s gg, as the longer the game goes, the better is for Orc.
But if the roles are reverse and Orc end up with Expand it’s over for you.

Never heard you talk how Orc can play multiple different starting hero, same for second hero, and have like 10 different viable strategy, and UD has essentially just 1.
Yet you all want UD to have a complete tank of 1300 HP and highest ground damage unit into their T2, that can also get a free resurrection …

Yeah don’t try it buddy. I know you want the game to be competitive and equal, so that will make for more fans, subscribers and more money, but this ain’t the way, by killing a player that is million time better than the rest.

This is equivalent to make Messi play only with his right foot, or Ronaldo only with his left, and Federer to not been able to serve, as his serve was superb.
Same thing.
The bias is clear and you can’t hide it.
Everyone can look at your Twitch chat and hate towards Happy. As i said Money talks, and it’s visible in the patch notes.

Just like your money talks opinion is flawed, as well as your buddies that just try to make few bucks or are b****hurts that they are not good enough, and just like nowadays is modern, why even try to get better, just balance whine and cry as much, and you will eventually get what you want.
Skill issue.
You know the saying: Nerf rock, buff scissors, paper is fine

Yeah let’s dismiss what i’m saying, and bring that biased ELO:
But why you didn’t give the top 20 ELO, buddy?
I will tell you why:
cause there is just 3 UD there.
5 Orcs
3 HU
Starbuck who is Orc/HU i guess
And Infi who is Orc/HU nowadays i guess
7 Elfs …
And Elegant, Remind and Jens at 21, 22, 23. :smiley:

You ruined the game for every UD, just like it was for many, many years, as UD was essentially unplayable against multiple race from 2003/2004 till 2018-2019 or so.
I really hope Happy quits and see you going to cry that there going to be no UD player left.

I’m done with you, stopping watching this game i have been a fan since 2003/2004. Main reason is not you, you are obviously for the money and care to get as much from your subscribers. I’m disappointed with Blizzard and how they handle, aka gives biased people the power to the balance in one of the best Strategy game of all time. It’s so bad that this legendary game receive so little support and actual attention, and people like cause of money is killing the balance that was achieved after so so many years.

Don’t expect and answer and don’t waste your fingers, cause i’m done with the forum.

As my main reason was to proof that our voices are meaningfulness and Neo,Remo, Grubby and the biased company are running and ruining the game whatever they like.

Your job was to be a caster, and there is a clear conflict of interest and clear money talks, based on the money you get from your subscribers and what their wishes and opinion was.
And just looking at your Twitch chat, 99,99% of them are not even casual, they haven’t even touched the game, let alone playing it at decent level.

Done with the game and this forum. Hope Blizzard wake up and ignores you completely.


If you want to make Tank curseable, then please also make antimagic shell controllable by breakers. Otherwise human will be disadvantaged against UD.

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Thanks for the patch.
Please consider giving something to the Abomination, perhaps some synergy/benefit with the “ghoul frenzy” upgrade.

Also please let Unholy Frenzy have an Auto-Cast toggle with the same targeting rules as Shaman Bloodlust.
The tiny health cost is meaningless.

Lordlosh, why didn’t you respond to this post where I refuted your arguments in our last dispute about the fact that the undead are the most powerful race?

bring back the Reign of Chaos ladder

Isn’t going happen, no matter how many times you post about it. Make peace with it, with or without racist jibes. Hopefully, the racist post doesn’t last long.

Edit: and… it’s gone.

Any hopes to see campaigns fixed, campaign save files on the cloud to mantain achievements, and clan invitation bugs fixed? :pray:


Thank you Neo for your insight and contribution to WC3! I’ve been playing this game since 2003 and its awesome to see the passion still alive

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Please add some bug fixes and improves for the modding community. Just read some bug lists and feature wish lists on Hives. So many improvements could be done with almost no effort. More JASS natives and access to object data would be great too.

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I’d love this patch even more if you guys, Blizzard, fixed the banshee’s antimagic shield, making it undispellable by undead destroyers, otherwise it’s a boring destroyer meta… and banshees unviable in the undead mirror.