PTR 3 Patch Notes

He lost in the group stage 2-0 against Happy, then he lost 3-2 to Kaho, and then he lost 3-1 to Fortitude.
The only players he won was against Leon, who is nowhere near that level of play(like amateurs vs pro), and against Labyrinth, a fellow UD, who also lost in group stage.

And 120 since this year, has exactly 1 good tournament, others are loses in the “big” tournaments straight away.

But you are Happy with your 200 APM Forti player that is supposedly “top 3” player now.

Everyone see how biased you are, cause of your Twitch fanbase hating on Happy and your constant UD hate and trying to nerf the race, because of Happy.
Money talks at the end of the day.

You shouldn’t have a word in this game balance, as you as a player have never been any good, same for Remo. Just because you watch the game, doesn’t mean you know a thing.

Your suggestion are terrible, and breaking the game, like the Immolation changes. And you didn’t even have the courage to say how bad this suggestion was. Also your HU suggestion, that make HU - UD totally broken.
And then cry, how Tank have been well balanced …
I mean i cannot take any of you 2 seriously.


And why it shouldn’t be ? They played randoms and reverse race. How is that not a clear evidence ?

I’m just correcting your mistakes and gladly doing it again.
Obviously you cant reach playoffs in double elimination if you win only 1 series, you forgot the 2:0 vs LabyRinth. This year, eer0 made 2nd place and playoffs in TeD Cups and WSB, as well as Don’t Force Me Finals. Here he won vs. Happy, FoCuS and LawLiet btw.

To add to that, all Top2 players had their ups and downs this year weather thats Sok, FoCuS, Moon, Colorful or Lawliet.

Remo and Dondo got 2000+ MMR on W3Champions, so obviously they’re good. The community balance paper consulted all responding pro- and semipro players in the scene so obviously its not 2 people but rather a dozen.
Immolation wasnt my suggestion, we actively tried to prevent it and then balance it properly.

So again, lots of mistakes in your post and another example why you shouldnt be taken seriously. And if i have to explain to you, why results from 1 year ago shouldnt matter in today’s balance discussion, arguing balance on the off-race capabilities of individual players, then all hope is lost anyway

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I already mention that 120 beats Leon and Labyrinth, maybe read better. This was in the group stage. He doesn’t have a win after that, as he lost to Kaho and Fortitude. In this tournament he got 2 wins against Leon and Labyrinth, and 3 loses, Happy, Kaho, Fortitude.

Everyone can check 120 result this year, and last year. As well as your favorite player - Fortitude. And how suddenly he became "top 2 or 3 " player in the world.
Aka thanks to you, and making HU imba.

Don’t know who this Dondo is, but i have watch plenty of Remo games, as well as yours, and sorry, he ain’t no good. Never was, never will be. He is only big on talk, just like you.
And 2000 MMR is not something to talk about.
And wasn’t you that saying that WC3Champions stats means nothing and they are irrelevant ?

Curious which are this responding Pro and semi-pro players ? As what i have seen and the suggestion, there is between ZERO and ZERO UD. No pro UD player have spoken or given suggestion, neither have they taken into consideration.
Not to mention that this is plain terrible. As obviously active and even inactive players have an obvious agenda and obvious bias. Especially against that one player they just can’t beat. And obviously they all want to target a 340 HP unit, that is a glass canon and very low damage, aka 12-14.

And not to mention the majority of the current and ex players are Elfs, and Orcs, and this is visible through the patches.

Everyone with more than 2 brain cells knows, that the most played races/characters/etc is usually the easiest/strongest one.
There is a reason history wise, now wise UD is by far the least representee race in the game. End Elf is the most played one.

You still somehow managed to forget to mention why a 340 HP 12-14 melee unit deserve a nerf, yet a 475 ranged 23-28, and 26-42 Troll Berserker is somehow a fine? When they are both 2 food, and just 20 gold difference. Not to mention Troll Berserker upgrade is miles better for Orc and their army composition, and they share universal armor upgrade. Unlike UDs for example, where damage and armor upgrade of ghouls is different to UD army composition, Destros/fiends usually.
You also forget to mention why should Frenzy research time needs to be double the time, yet Berserker is just 40 seconds and doesn’t deserve the same treatment??

You also somehow managed to forget that all of the race have a complete unique and super good item in the shop, and we are taking UD scrolls of healing, which was good in a very specific situation, and are giving a crap one, that U managed to even nerf more, from 3 to 2 charges.

When in reality UD in that T2 timing, won’t have the gold anyway to make a good use of it. As they need to build Slaughter, second hero and Tech. And they often have to delay 1 or 2 of this thing anyway.
So when exactly you are going to have a good use of that item?

And let’s compare it to HUs ? Staff - insane. Elf T2 Staff - insane. Orc - free Expansion - insane. UD - crap dispel that every other race already have access on T2 …

And exactly you and Remo are the one encouraging Immolation buffs and the tick to be 0.5 seconds or so.
Same for the HU staff to become so cheap, and HU to be able to abuse it completely and get a free pass now with triple staff.
When you going to say that this is completely broken, and that tanks should have never been able to be staffed?

Same for BM mirror image ?

And how about you stop crying, and actually tell Elf players to use their brain, and start making 3rd hero vs UD, cause you simply get overwhelmed at some point, when the third hero gets to a good levels. This is what loses Elf most of their game vs UD. As they obviously can’t use their brain.
Pit Lord for a third with Cleave going to take the nuke from the DH, and will do quite a lot for Elf defense, instead of just crying for nerfs. Same for DR, which is also going to be very good, and can’t be coiled by DK.

It’s obviously a common sense that once that third hero reach a good level, you will be in a big of a disadvantage. But your so call Pro players obviously have no clue.
Maybe also told Moon not to cry about balance, but to not get his DH surrounded twice in 2 minutes.
I can’t see how anyone can cry about balance, when the so call “best” elf players make plenty of huge mistakes every single game, and in the stage, where he doesn’t have much to mutlitasking.

And ShowCup with the reverse racing and random is a good example, simply because balance is irrelevant, when you obviously are using reverse racing and random, h? Is it that hard to get it ?
And since then UD is being nerfed like 10x time already, with the only buff was cannibalize, which no one use outside of 1 out of 1000 games, even though you “pro casters” claims to be so so good.


How about you and the rest, when there is obviously interest conflict, let the balance team did their job, based on the numbers, and viable strategy, and their understanding of the game, unlike listening to obviously biased pro players and casters, where money talks, as all of their subscribers just want to see Happy lose and hate him with a pashion.

And also their money is coming from, so it’s beyond obvious where the bias is coming from.

And how about we use Wc3 Champions not only when it’s suit our agenda, but when it doesn’t as well, h ?
UD has 2(3 inc random) losing matchups across all the MMR.
And in top 50, there is just:
7 UD in reality. By stats are 10, but this are all Happy acc, and one is SIMMONS, which is a HU/Orc Player.
16 Orcs, 13 Elfs, 11 HU, and just 7 UD.

So yeah, once again you are showing your bias.

Good luck on today tournament, more tears going to flow after today.


The ultimate ground unit, Knights, is already weaker than those of other races.
You even buff Taurens of Orc much in this patch.

It doesn’t make sense to require so many resources to upgrade this skill of Knights, unless you compensate it by adding some other buff/skill to knights.
This change just makes Human even harder to kill Mountain Giants of Night elf, a race you buff a lot in this patch.

Such nerfs just change the current balance among Human, Orc, and Night Elf.

Currently Human vs Night Elf is balanced. What you change here clearly buff NE and nerf Hum: more treemen sent to Human’s expansion and Human becomes harder to kill them. It’s a joke for Force of Nature costs only 85 mana, but Waterman of AM cost 125 mana!

What currently imbalanced is between Undead and Night Elf, so you should think about how to make this more balanced, not to change what is already balanced.


The so call top 3 player based on Neo word Fortitude, just lost to Lyn with expand up, MK lvl 4, and killed lvl 2 FS. 25+ minutes game on TM and the so call top 3 player didn’t scout even once, and somehow the so “good” Fortitude couldn’t understand that Lyn had 3 expand, even though that was obvious from a miles away.

You know when Happy will allow someone to expand 3 time, and he won’t understand about that ? Hell he would have stop most of this expand attempt.

Forti is miles behind Happy and Lyn, and the only reason he is suddenly start winning is cause they overbuffed HU vs UD big time, and this match is unplayable.


When Lyn is in the same level as Happy? What is the last time he beats Happy? This Lyn always loses to Happy straightly 3:0 or 3:1, and he just lost to Colorful recently and he never dominates the games against Night Elf or Undead. Why others are not allowed to beat him?

You cry on the buffs of Human. But why not mention Orc also got buffs in the last patch? Why you think it is balanced/playable for single Farseer + few Headhunters easily hass/beat AM+ stupid fts? For what you called “scout”, why FS has fast-moving wolves with only 75 mana cost to scout, while the waterman of AM costs 125 mana and is unable to scout?
Nonsense to compare the scout ability between MK and DK. What is the moving speed difference? And UD has skeletons to scout, while HUM only has the slow-moving sheep!

It is unfair to attribute some player’s achievements sorely to the patch: in the last patch, Lyn even struggled to play against Eer0 and he lost most of the games between them. But in this patch, Lyn wins more. Similarly in his Orc vs Night Elf performance. Can I say Lyn is “miles behind” Eero, and “the only reason he suddenly starts winning” is because they overbuffed Orc vs NE, and nerfed UD?

I am totally not interested in the match between Lyn and Happy. Surely Happy will win! More fun to watch Fortitute or Eer0 against Happy, who have 20-30% chance to win, say.

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No one owes anyone anything. It was a thought experiment, after which I asked a specific question that you didn’t answer. I will answer for you by making my assumption, bordering on confidence- Happy will have a negative win rate of no more than 40%, most likely about 30%, like top NE (the advantage in skill is compensated by much less experience playing for elves). SHOCK, RIGHT? Come on, be a man, tell me your numbers, if you worship your idol so much and are so confident in him.
“Every single people nowaday just play everything that is the strongest, most OP, most easy. This is a fact.”
This is a fact only in your sick imagination. I am sure that the UD is OP and at the same time only two top players play on it. The rest of the players play with other races. And so the statement that the players choose a strong race is, from my point of view, a lie. It’s your turn: 1) is there an imbalance of races and if so, which race is the strongest? and 2) if race N is the strongest, then why don’t all top players play on it (according to your logic)? I will answer for you- your “fact” is complete nonsense, because the choice of race is a choice of personal preferences, the proximity of race to the character of a person, call it whatever you want. Plus, it’s difficult to retrain. That is why for 20 years now, all players except TH000 and Infi have been playing at the top level strictly on their race. Moreover main race of the latter is HU.
I’m waiting for my QUOTE from you, where I lied. Or you’re just a regular blabbermouth. I’m giving you 4 of your quotes, which sound like an obvious lie:

  1. “120 is a million time better than these players" - this crazy quote does not even need any proof of refutation, any adequate person who has basic knowledge of arithmetic will understand that this is a pure lie.
  2. “Moon is washed, and is like that for many, many years” - if for you, a player who has been in top 7-8 elo for years is a washed player, then you are either an inadequate person or a liar.
  3. “The best players is Happy, 120 and Lyn, period.” is another lie, because if you think that Lyn is not inferior in skill to 120, then you MUST admit that UD vs NE matchup is absolutely unbalanced, because the difference in their win rates against elves is HUGE (56% vs. 70%).
  4. “And he is losing every single game against Orcs.” is another lie. 120 tournament winrates since October: 62% against Lyn, 44% against Focus. I hope you won’t argue with the fact that Lyn plays stronger than Focus (mind you, I don’t write stupidity “a million times” like you) and this is just an anomaly? I can easily prove it.
    And one more thing, you absolutely do not understand what sampling is. Your claims that 120 have not left the group for months are proof of this. You still haven’t realized that only a winrate on a decent sample is the basis for any reasoning about skill and balance. Here, read carefully, I wrote this to another person who was completely mistaken, just like you: "Evaluating the balance based on the results in Tier 1 tournaments is an indicator of your level of analytics. You don’t even understand how a small sample, which by definition will be, if you take into account only top tier tournaments and the element of chance completely distort the picture. I’m not even talking about psychological stability and endurance, which also give their margin of error."Count how many games he has played (and against different players) during this time. And you draw conclusions from this insignificant sample. It doesn’t fkn matter who lost to whom in a particular tournament, and even more so in a particular game, because this sample has ZERO value.
    And your conclusions are unclear. Everything in you screams that there is an imbalance, but it is not in favor of UD. Yeah, then urgently buff UD, because a random person cannot overcome 1200 mmr in the ladder LOL.
    And finally, you call everyone around you Happys and UD haters. And at the same time, you call Moon washed, and Forti undeserved top 2-3. 2000 mmr is also a trifle for you, and Remo is generally a complete noob. I’m wondering at what level do you play yourself, that you make such loud statements? Personally, for me, you are just the same hater, the typical Happys gloryboy from Twitch chat.

Its getting kind of annoying you have to be called out again. “there is obviously conflict of interest” is yet another hypocrit statement coming from you. All I’ve seen is seeing you skew truth in this thread to fit your narrative of undead not being viable and every time anyone shows you the facts you change the goal post. You have the audacity to tell people who are way beyond your skill level that they are trash and should not be the ones suggesting balance changes YET you stated that your w3champions rating should not matter when commenting on balance changes. Yet another hypocrit statement. I think it would be best if you stopped posting your nonsense and gave room for actual discussion or if you want to actually partake in discussion play on a level field of discussion by either proving you are a 2.2k+ player or stop making hypocrit statements


I don’t get why are you putting your nose in some other people discussion, what are you some kind of meditator?

And what is it that hard to get it ? Literally the patch changes are coming from Neo, Remo and Grubby. Everything else is dust in your eyes. Your opinion, as well as mine, and the 270+ on here are useless and waste of everyone time.

And yes there is conflict of interest. When money is involved, obviously they are going to be biased. All of their Twitch chat is Happy hater and they are not a fan of given X pro, they just want Happy to lose. Remo,Neo, etc are making their money out of this people, as they are paying their bills with donation , subscribers , etc.
Do you think they won’t listen on what the whiny chat ?
I can tell you straight away a case, where their mods are banning people when they say something about UD being nerfed to death or if someone who is not subscribed to their channel is given an opinion on something they don’t wanna hear.

But their subscribers that are constantly balance whine is getting a pass, and you are telling me they are not biased?

Also it’s simply they have no clue. Mechanical wise both are terrible. And also game knowledge wise as well.

And yeah it’s like a rocket science that when Balance patch is coming Remo suddenly disappear. For everyone is obvious. And he was the one pushing for the Immolation change, and a lot of others totally broken strats and OP stuffs in the game.
And they never once goes and say oh we were wrong.

All they care is to balance the game around the players that plays in their tournament. But there is obviously huge skill difference in the very little so call “PRO” scene. So why should UD and Happy suffer, when he is like 5x. level above 99% of the pros, and at least 1-2 levels above everyone else?

The right way to balance competitive game is around the highest possible skill level/ceiling. Also to nerf/remove cheese/lame strats that are very hard to deal and it’s obviously easy to do, and hard to counter around lower levels of play, and even in PRO plays.
They not even once have mention about HU triple staff, which has gold reduced thanks to their suggestion and the obvious abuse. Or how Orc are doing glitches with big creeps and Hex, which should have never been in the game to be fixed. And this is just example.

As far as the skill levels goes and the WC3. You have no clue what my skill level is, so nice trolling.
And that is irrelevant. Again you maybe the best player and still have no clue how to properly balance a game without bias.

Also how can you argue with a balance suggestion from so call “PRO” when there is just a very few UD, and other race have 5x more representative. And everyone knows how some so call “PRO” are just crybabies, cause they are just not good enough.
And how active certain fanbase is, especially the Elfs on discord, etc.

Nowadays kids are just super quick to balance whine on anything.

My suggestion is for the balance team to stop listen to the so call scene, and balance the game around the highest possible play, as they have numbers and can see what is viable strategy counter, and let the top players actually show they are top players.

And btw, you can’t call most of this guys even Pro players, as they are not even playing full time on this game.

The only one i know doing so is Happy, Fortitude and Kaho(back in the day, don’t know right now), and Labyrinth.

Just because you are playing tournaments doesn’t mean you are high level player or what i’m going to call it a PRO player.

P.P. And lastly about spr1. I stopped reading his post when he shows he have no idea about competitive in this game, and was talking absolutely bollocks with his 1500 apm. No normal person who actually know what APM is, and what it does, will even come with this claim.
He was also proven wrong multiple time, and still don’t want to admit it.

And yeah showing evidence is exactly what i did. He claimed i lied about Happy showcup and i give him the exact numbers from where the ShowCups started using reverse races and random, and that Happy won all of them, and they were 20+ or so.

And what he does is claim something, but doesn’t provide any evidence or even say he lost to this or that guy.
On top of that i’m a working guy and can’t waste my entire day reading his nonsenses wall of text.

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Dondo & Save Orcas do the community balance suggestions and presents them on our streams, after consulting with all responding pro- and semipro players. thanks for proving that you dont know who suggested what changes and who’s apparently responsible for which suggestions. just blind hard towards me and remo at this point.

MMR and Winrates are obviously two very different metrics and we explained time and time again why W3C WR are flawed for a balance discussion.

For UD, this would be for example Sheik.

So we cant give suggestions because we’re bad at the game, but good players cant give suggestions because they’re biased? Who’s supposed to give feedback then?

If you don’t want anyone to give Blizzard feedback, we’d get rusty pickaxe item, the old immolation values, 9 armor paladin and tanks that can attack ground units. Those we’re all PTR implementations that got scratched or weakened after our feedback. Obviously its not a team fully focused on Wc3. It’s most likely a part of the WoW team going through old Reforged Devs suggestions from 4 years ago. They’re not religiously following the scene and all they can do apparently is change values in an excel sheet for unit stats.

On top level? Theres 2 humans and 4 elfs, when human is atm clearly performing better than nightelf.

Because it dominated every matchup

because they dont dominate every matchup, don’t synergize as well as ghouls do with unholy aura and statues and dont get 80 movement speed like ghouls which is arguably the strongest value in the game. One only sees berserkers vs undead and even there they’re mostly replaced by wyvern / bats or Lyns new tauren walker build with way fewer headhunters than before.

Not true, since Ghouls are also lumber workers, can be rotated in and out and are automatically part of every undead game

cuz obviously the 9 minute frenzy timing is broken for years. the berserker timing is not.

this isnt a unique item, its a universal one. i agree undead should get something cool on T3 as a replacement, but i struggle to see what. undead also got ritual dagger which is the obvious replacement for heal scroll already. hell scroll just wasnt removed back then as it should’ve

rod of necromancy

ofc we wanted immolation to be playable, instead of unplayable. we didnt choose the values to be completely broken, we lobbied heavily against it and with our (and especially Dondolare’s) feedback, immolation is now in a good spot.

Same argument here, its good that its playable now

. The cooldown is obviously something that could be adressed by patches as we’ve discussed on streams before.

when exactly are you supposed to get a 3rd hero to good levels when the frenzy timing hits at 9 minutes? you barely got time for 2x level 3, bear master upgrade and orb of venom which are all essentials.

jeah, cuz every undead will throw their coils on a pitlord right? cleave 1 isnt great, neither are pitlord stats up until later.

it seems very hard to get for you, that a players skill with his mainrace doesnt 1:1 translate to his skill with offrace. clearly visible on the 2 multi-race players infi and starbuck who also have their strengths and weaknesses with specific races and oftentimes dont even play meta builds (infi plays Farseer vs Elf, as 1 example). youre also ignoring the fact that if a players random, the build opponents order is completly different because he doesnt know the race.

what everyone seems to forget in general in these discussions is that our players arent robots and they’re shape fluctuates a lot. players get kids or get married, might be more busy in their jobs, maybe they dont get a single matchup but excel in another etc etc.
All 2nd level players suffer from it, especially eer0 who just doesnt seem to care at times.

especially in eer0’s case, its often forgotten that his playstyle is completly different compared to Happys so you cant even really compare the 2. Happys super reliant on Banshees, as one should, while eer0’s not using the arguably strongest undead unit vs late game human in almost all cases

undead expansions, crypt lord, dread lord, ritual dagger, anti-magic shield.
Undead in general is in a good spot.

as with every dominant sports player or team, its a 50/50 divide between Happy fans and Happy “haters”. clearly visible on youtube stats where the most random Happy games (e.g stomping Dise in 30 minutes Bo5) gets more clicks than a competitive match between other players.

W3C matchup winrates are flawed to the core thats why we use Dondolare’s expected winrate which are also flawed to a degree but to a lesser degree. also in your argumentation, you assume that every player always plays their best in a ladder game which is just unrealistic. Especially eer0 trolls a lot on ladder.

in the top 8 ELO of Warcraft3.info, which ranks only tournament games, we got 2 UD, 2 HU, 2 Orc, 2 NE. In WAL Top 4 we have 1 of each race.


When Human players suffer from base lame, you say fortitude “didn’t scout even once”. When Happy suffers from base lame, you nerf Tank by making it Curseable. How fair is that?


Revised Version

with a few new things

please re-evaluate <3


  • Flame Strike casting time reduced from 0.9 to 0.5 seconds
  • Banish movement speed reduction reduced from 50% to 25%

Flame Strike is underplayed especially in competitive play. When bm is played in competitive Flame Strike is not even skilled. Canceling Flame Strike accidentally when moving to early is very unfun. Reducing channel time will also give opponents slightly less time to react. Banish slowing less will help microing your own units to safety making this ability a lot more valuable and skill emphasized.


  • Doom Guard (Summonend) Ultimate movement speed increased from 270 to 320
  • Rain of Fire mana cost reduced from 85 to 75
  • Rain of Fire cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds
  • Rain of Fire level 2 area of effect increased from 200 to 250
  • Rain of Fire level 3 area of effect increased from 250 to 300

The movement speed increase will give the Doom Guard the same movement speed as the Dreadlords Infernal. Why hate on the Doomguard? Pitlord Rain of Fire is literally clinically dead. Mana cost and cooldown reduction will be identical to Archmage blizzard. Area of effect increase gives incentive to Rain of fire max builds. So you have the option to go caster Pit Lord.


  • Soul burn can now target mechanical units
  • Soul burn level 2 cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds
  • Soul burn level 3 cooldown reduced from 12 to 8 seconds
  • Soulburn level 2 mana cost reduced from 65 to 60 mana
  • Soulburn level 3 mana cost reduced from 65 to 55 mana
  • Summon Lava Spawn level 2 mana cost reduced from 150 to 135
  • Summon Lava Spawn level 3 mana cost reduced from 150 to 120

The latest changes have been great for Firelord playrate which shows how much hype new patches bring would be nice to see this hype for the beastmaster aswell ;). Nobody ever max levels Soulburn first. Yes it should be strong when you put 3 points into it. It could even be considered to give Soul Burn a 0.5 second stun. Lava Spawn mana cost is high at later levels (150) for an agility hero and Soulburn is useless. 150 Mana at all 3 levels is a lot for any race that has mana issues. In comparison Water Elemental is 125 mana on a hero with a mana aura.


  • Beastmaster Strength increased from 22 to 23
  • Level-2 hawk hit points increased from 450 to 625
  • Level-3 hawk hit points increased from 650 to 875
  • Stampede cast range increased from 300 to 900
  • Summon Bear cooldown decreased from 40 seconds to 35 seconds

Beastmaster playrate is very low. The changes partially revert the nerfs the Beastmaster received in 2003 when Meta was still getting figured out. Plus 1 strength will put him to the same starting hp as a DK. Hawk builds are never played. The stampede cast range is extremely low compared to other channels Death and Decay (1000 Range) Tornado (900 Range)

Dark Ranger

  • Life Drain level 1 cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds
  • Life Drain level 2 cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds
  • Life Drain level 3 cooldown reduced from 8 to 5 seconds
  • Life Drain level 2 mana cost reduced from 50 to 45 mana
  • Life Drain level 3 mana cost reduced from 50 to 40 mana


  • Pocket Factory level 3 detonation dmg increased from 80 to 90
  • Pocket Factory level 2 mana cost reduced from 125 to 115
  • Pocket Factory level 3 mana cost reduced from 125 to 100
  • Pocket Factory level 2 cooldown reduction reduced from 35 seconds to 30
  • Pocket Factory level 3 cooldown reduction reduced from 35 seconds to 25

Pocket Factory has very low playrate. Pocket Factory Detonation damage starts at 30dmg then 60dmg at level 2 so it only makes sense that getting a third level in it should reward you with 90dmg.


  • Chemical Rage level 2 cooldown reduced from 30 to 26 seconds
  • Chemical Rage level 3 cooldown reduced from 30 to 22 seconds

Chemical rage focused strategies lets go!


Permanent level 5

  • Medallion of Courage stat increase changed from +5 to +6 for each stat provide

  • Helm of Valor stat increase changed from +5 to +6 for each stat provide

  • Hood of Cunning stat increase changed from +5 to +6 for each stat provide

As of now these items drop at a red spot creep camp which also drops very powerful aura items. They should be as or even more impactful than having 2 Mantles of Intelligence etc.


  • The experience bonus for having a single Hero and owning a tier-2 or tier-3 town hall increased to +20%/+35% from +15%/+30%.

There is already a debuff for hero intelligence gain that increases per level for every hero in the game and goes down to 0% experience gained at lvl 5. This might make seeing ultimates a little bit more common especially in 1v1 / pro play. Might also open up for more strategies and heroes with currently low play rate.

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Good job on the changes!
The only major suggestion is that I think you went too far on the Keeper buff. I do think he needs a buff since he has been looking rather ineffective since the last patch. Personally I preferred restoring the old entangle times for lvl2 since I like the unit disable mechanic and elves have very limited options in this regard (only entangle and cyclone, but the second is a t3 option that requires a specific, and underplayed strategy), but a buff to the tree ent spell might be a good option too. That said 85 mana cost feels too low.
Interested in seeing how this develops

I’ve been following you for a while working on balancing and thank you!
As an Orc, I feel that Grunts are not a viable unit that scales in games, depending only on HH. With the arrival of the Taurens in T2 Grunts will become obsolete. Wouldn’t it be interesting to change the Grunts’ armor to medium like Riflemans, Fiends or Archer?

Time for King Kong Feedback.

Thanks for bring fresh wind to Warcraft3.

I also have to say that I think that Undead is a bit overnerfed because of Happy/120. In my opinion many people see the race winning when they play/win, and not the Person beyond. They are just insanely good. So I am not sure about nerfs like nova, frenzy.

On the other side I rly love to try out Necrowaggons in FFA. Also the Criple against Robotinker could be fun.

Lets see… fresh wind is better than nothing. Nowdays I am more like “lets go crazy and try things, befor its getting boring”

So lets go champs!


BTW how about the permanent lvl 1 items that give +3 (mantle etc) to have a stronger version that gives +4. To broaden the really tiny lvl 2 permanent drop table. You could just change the color code of the icon and call it “Enhanced Gauntles of Strength” or would that be too op?

I just really like Neo.