Thanks for these changes.
However, I believe this particular adjustment just disrupt a longstanding numerical balance critical to the game’s strategic depth. I really hope someone in the balance team can see this and modify Troll Headhunter in other way.
Here are average damages for each level of the Troll Headhunter.
|No Upgrade | Level 1 Attack Upgrade | Level 2 Attack Upgrade | Level 3 Attack Upgrade|
|25 | 28 | 31 | 34
The connections between these values may not be very obvious, but they are actually very concise and logical.
Each time the Troll Headhunter upgrades its attack, its average damage will increase precisely by 12% compared to the Troll Headhunter without upgrades.
This is not coincidence.
For each defense upgrade, unit gets 2 armor bonus. According to the Armor formulae, unit effective hit points would increase 12% for 2 armor bonus.
12% average damage increasing is corresponding to the 12% effective hit points increase in armor reduction for each defense upgrade.
Also, this mathematical correlation is not only happening on Troll Headhunter.
Rifle, Crypt Fiend follow the same rule. Although not necessarily an exact 12%, after rounding, it will be 12%, 24%, or 36%.
Except Rifle, Crypt Fiend these similar units, Mortar Team, Demolisher, Meat Wagon, Gryphon, Chimaera also follow this rule.
I believe this mathematical correlation is an underlying principle of Warcraft3. All ranged units that primarily provide firepower output but lack functionality or skill adhere to this design approach.
If Troll Headhunter base damage reduced from 22 to 21, which means that the average attack after Level 3 Attack Upgrade will be 33.
33/24=1.375, the rule is broken.
Not to mention that the impact on balance is completely questionable.
Troll Headhunter is fine in the early game but it is to strong in the middle and late stages of the game.
Troll Headhunter shall be Nerf in the middle and late stages not in early stage. This adjustment will not achieve this goal.
I do hope someone can see this.
If you want to achieve this goal, here is a recommendation based on the mathematical correlation.
The suggestion is making reference to the passive skills of the Archer, Elune’s Grace. Instead of reducing the damage taken from specific damage type, increase the damage taken from some damage types.
By making reference of Elune’s Grace, Troll Berserker can be added a negative passive skill, which increasing the damage taken from Piercing, Spell and Hero attacks by 20%.
Since there is no directly HP reduce, Troll Berserker against the Attack type units like Knight or Ghoul will not be directly impact.
However this is more conducive to using high-level heroes to counter the trolls, rather than letting a large number of trolls become too dominant in the late game.
The follow is why and how this value comes from.
For Rifleman, Troll Headhunter(Berserker), Crypt Fiend and Archer, these units belong to the same type of range unit. They have the same attack type, armor type, initial armor value, and movement speed, so they can be compared with each other.
when there is full tech upgrade
|Unit------------------ |Range| HP | DPS(Avg Damage/Attack Cooldown)|
|Rifleman------------|600 | 535 | 28.5/1.35=21.11|
|Crypt Fiend--------| 550| 550 | 39/2=19.5|
|Troll Berserker—| 550| 475| 34/2.31= 14.72|
|Troll Berserker( Berserk)| 550| 339.29| 34/(2.31/1.5)= 22.08|
|Archer---------------| 700| 255 |27/1.5= 18|
Consider they are in different food supply, HP and DPS shall be converted into 1 food supply to do the comparation. So it shall be like this.
|Unit------------------ |Range| HP/Food | DPS/Food|
|Rifleman------------|600 | 178.33 | 7.037|
|Crypt Fiend--------| 550|183.33 | 6.500|
|Troll Berserker—| 550| 237.50| 7.359|
|Troll Berserker( Berserk)| 550| 169.64| 11.039|
|Archer---------------| 700|127.50 |9.000|
Since these values are independent to each other, these values can be multiplied together to form a rough model of the unit’s combat effectiveness.
|Unit------------------ |Range| HP/Food | DPS/Food| Multiplying Result
|Rifleman------------|600 | 178.33 | 7.037| 752944.926
|Crypt Fiend--------| 550|183.33 | 6.500| 655416.667
|Troll Berserker—| 550| 237.50| 7.359| 961309.524
|Troll Berserker( Berserk)| 550| 169.64| 11.039| 1029931.47
|Archer---------------| 700|127.50 |9.000|803250
The Multiplying Result matches the strength of each unit in the later stages. Troll Berserker is the strongest, followed by Archer, and Crypt Fiend is final.
However, Troll Berserker‘s value exceeds the average of 4 units too much, which is why it is too strong in the later stage.
In the 1.26 version, the value of each units are closer to the average value.
|1.26 Unit -----------|Range| HP/Food | DPS/Food| Multiplying Result
|Rifleman------------|600 | 178.33 | 6.333| 677666.667
|Crypt Fiend--------| 550|183.33 | 6.500| 655416.667
|Troll Berserker—| 450| 225| 7.359| 745129.870
|Troll Berserker( Berserk)| 450| 150| 11.039| 745129.870
|Archer---------------| 700|122.50 |8.667|743166.667
So my suggestion is to adjust the Multiplying Result of the Troll Berserker in the model mentioned above so that it does not deviate too much from the average.
If we assume that the Archer receives all damage with equal probability, by the influence of Elune’s Grace, Archer effective HP percentage can be considered as
150%( Normal)+75%( Piercing)+50%( Siege)+75%( Magic)+100%( Hero)+100%( Chaos)+100%( Spell)
150%( Normal)+75%*65%( Piercing)+50%( Siege)+75%*80%( Magic)+100%( Hero)+100%( Chaos)+100%*80%( Spell)
Based on this percentage, current values will be adjusted to
|Unit------------------ |Range| HP/Food | DPS/Food| Multiplying Result
|Rifleman------------|600 | 178.33 | 7.037| 752944.926
|Crypt Fiend--------| 550|183.33 | 6.500| 655416.667
|Troll Berserker—| 550| 237.50| 7.359| 961309.524
|Troll Berserker( Berserk)| 550| 169.64| 11.039| 1029931.47
|Archer (adjusted)| 700|140.25 |9.000|883575
and 1.26 version values will be adjusted to
|1.26 Unit -----------|Range| HP/Food | DPS/Food| Multiplying Result
|Rifleman------------|600 | 178.33 | 6.333| 677666.667
|Crypt Fiend--------| 550|183.33 | 6.500| 655416.667
|Troll Berserker—| 450| 225| 7.359| 745129.870
|Troll Berserker( Berserk)| 450| 150| 11.039| 745129.870
|Archer (adjusted)|700|134.75 |8.667|817483.333
Troll Berserker’s Multiplying Result can be adjust to about 900000, which is closer to Archer adjusted Multiplying Result.
If increasing the damage which Troll Berserker taken from Piercing, Spells and Hero attacks by 20%, the effective HP percentage can be considered as
150%( Normal)+75%( Piercing)+50%( Siege)+75%( Magic)+100%( Hero)+100%( Chaos)+100%( Spell)
150%( Normal)+75%*120%( Piercing)+50%( Siege)+75%( Magic)+120%( Hero)+100%( Chaos)+120%( Spell)
the Multiplying Result would be adjusted to
|Troll Berserker—| 550| 218.77| 7.359| 886327.381
|Troll Berserker( Berserk)| 550| 156.41| 11.039| 949596.815
And 475*80%=380, it is still greater than 375, the HP of Troll Headhunter