Beta Notes

that is of course a problem they need to fix. they need to fix everything before it goes live.

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Are we getting an update today? its Wednesday. or randomly during the week? i wonder :slight_smile:

they released the weekly update on monday this week.

Thx for patch. Its very buggy and hard to get stable games running. Please take that map to your internal QA process. If you manage to get that working with 22 players you have solved Most of the Bugs “daemonicsword orpg”

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I could not get Element TD to work Monday but I was able to get it to work once last night. Only bug I noticed was in my favor it didn’t deduct any wood or show them but I had level 3 water and nature at the start of a normal all pick game.

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the best way to test stability is to play 24 player games.

When my brother tries to join in my custom lobby, he almost instantly disconnects. Other players can join and there is no problem for them. We could play 2v2 back in november. We are not on the same network (not even in the same city). I’ve already forwarded 6112-6119 ports, but It didn’t solve the problem. Any suggestions? Any other network options that I should check? TY

Disconnects seem to occur whenever you’re trying to download a map via the custom games sections

You dont have to forward anymore. The issue is likely your brothers toaster of a computer.

Blizzard Browser needs tro be tuned down.Im using a 5th gen i7 12 gigs of RAM and a 1050Ti and I get 30% CPU load from the Blizzard browser itself.Warcraft Reforged has 5% CPU load in comparison…


they could just remove the blizzard browser completely. it is just another denuvo.


“There will be Bugs” - Tychus 2019

tooltip generation triggers for items don’t work, idk if someone pointed that out already, but the triggers seem to run fine, just the tooltip window in the game stays blank

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So uhh… patching aggressively huh? hahaha i guess that means patching normally once a week per usual


I was trying to give it shot, so I open beta editor, but when I try to create new custom doodad editor crashed

Yeah, I mean if they patched more frequently, theres still the same amount of hours in a day. If they patched twice a week they’d be smaller patches, if they stay patching once per week patches will be larger amount of progress.

Not sure if it was already mentioned or not, but EVERYTIME my ally quits in 2v2 game and I end up winning the game i don’t get the win count up in the icon / collection section. It is annoying as hell.

And they say the Blizzard games don’t have bugs


the bigger the game gets, the higher the chance of it getting bugs.