12 unit groups is an integral part of skill in this game

How about you read my full post dude? Oh wait, you need to strawman my argument so yours can make sense.
Fight for that childhood dude :))

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You have literally been grasping at straws this entire argument.

Refute my flowchart, oh wait, you can’t.


@Resolve @Helionprime

This could’ve been a very constructive discussion. Both of you spoiled entitled egoists made it a toxic argument full of emotion. Could’ve also taken your attitudes to a 1v1 match IMHO. Sigh. Why can’t you have a civilized discussion?

Anyway… OP, my opinion is if the devs woved to preserve the game mechanics of WC3 which they did, this one would be included, hence also preserved. I personally can’t imagine treating my WC3 groups like a massive flood of zerglings.


Oh I tried being nice. Then the retardation started. It’s okay, we’ll put this into the hands of the devs. I’m sure they’ll test a +2 or +4 to the groups, which is fine, but honestly not needed at all(except for customs)

I mean, opinions will always differ, that’s what we have discussions for, right. No need to go aggro on each other.

I agree they will have tons of playtesting and probably a lot more in a potential closed beta. Should be interesting to see what comes out.


Did not seem that toxic to me, except the childhood jokes, which fine, where uncalled for. I guess we are both passionate about this.

Fair to say there is an argument for both sides.

@Resolve - I hope there are no hard feelings :slight_smile: it was all in the spirit of debate, no personal stuff :hugs:

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So lest take an example of starcraft. Theyve intorduced a ,make life easier" mechanic. Its called F2 and it selects all of your units. When players use it they usually lose, sine they move their units out of position trying to a move their opponent. Remove 12 unit cap in beta, see how massivly it impacts gameplay and adjust basen on that. To all hardcore gamers out there: have you tried to play without tht cap since you know exacly how it will affect gameplay. As a sc2 player ive hated lotv change with making game faster but ive ended up loving it and adjusting to that new gameplay. everyone did. And it was good for a game. So aain, let them implement it in the beta, playtest it and then agrue how BROKEN selecting 14 units is :wink:


Utter crap, its a legacy feature that needs to be removed. Skill players will still beat unskilled players with or without a unit cap limiting selection. The art of positioning units will not change in ladder, if anything it will increase the skill gap.

Honestly, they should just have a toggle in the settings. Let the die-hard fans who want no change keep basically everything the same and then let the other 90% play with modern conveniences that we have come to expect.


Can’t agree more, people can’t look past their own nostalgia and forget how many hours they already pumped into this game.

For the average joe who isn’t a complete W3 fanatic it doesn’t feel great, SC2 was the first real RTS I touched and I couldn’t fully enjoy the gameplay of W3 when I tried it after that with all these “skilled” limitations.

I assume you can still make control groups regardless of limit size, why do you want to force everyone to play your way?


It simply is not. It won’t affect pro gaming at all.


I’ve made a few tests, didn’t find this magical unit composition that I can select it all and stop microing (and I suck, it wouldn’t fly on a high level match at all). So would you kindly back up this notion with the realistic compositions that would break the game without the cap? I want to thest further.

P.S. DO NOT touch pathing, collision size and other details. I’m 100% sure that’s all there is to prevent SC2 blobing. (still in awe at my failed attempt to recreate a “mutalisk deathball” lol)

Air units mostly, no ground unit will ever be abused except for MAYBE rifleman - but they have bad turn rates, you can’t hit and run.
Wyverns and gyros, maybe gargs

I tried Wind Raiders and Gargoyles, it didn’t go at all how I expected.

I thought I could shoot a voley, back, shoot, back just like in SC2, but the animations and turn rates utterly obliterates any attempt of doing this. I doubt it would be used like this in competitive, no way people will stop microing to “blob step”.

Dont allow custom hotkeys then. Game would be much less skilled without hotkey all over the keyboard…

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Delete the ‘x’ at the beginning of that URL, copy and paste it into your address bar, hit enter, and be amazed.

Its not build into the game, clearly designers didnt wanted players to change it. Its not official so it lowers the skill that was intended at the begining.

Yet it’s not a bannable offense. Gonna cross over my post in the other thread -

Still you arent playing the game how it was originally with hotkeys all over the place and yet nobody complains about that, but removing 12 unit selection drives some players crazy because ,new players will have advantage" ,it will ruin micro" ,stutter stepping whole army" no it wont. It wont affect high level meta, just help new players and we want more new players to let community grow. It will allow to play the game instead of fighting the controls (just like custom hotkeys are doing that).


I hope you understand that the ability to rebind hotkeys is so you aren’t fighting controls.
And if you mean it in another sense? Smaller selections are easier to control in a game like Warcraft 3 where the population cap is 100 (unlike 200 in Brood War or SC2) so you have fewer units anyways. Especially if you want to maintain no upkeep or low upkeep.

Allowing unlimited unit selection will have zero impact on competitive play! The best players will always want to micro their units to optimise them and will crush anyone who wants to send the whol army in with one click.

Allowing unlimited selection will make life way more interesting and enjoyable for the other 90% of players who enjoy a range of activities in WC3 including the occasional dabble in low ranked conpetive matchmaking.

Honestly, it’s a sick joke if people oppose this change.