12 unit groups is an integral part of skill in this game

They have made it clear that they do not intend to alter the core gameplay at all.
If they did up the limit, the skill ceiling would most definitely take a hit. Being able to control your groups with less keypresses(macro) lowers the required APM needed at higher levels to be good at the game and would also make “deathballing” more of a thing which is HORRIBLE for gameplay.

Only allow the option through custom games, so games like footies/LOTR are easier to play and more fun. It is not needed in ladder. “git gud” is a term you just have to accept when it comes to this.


No, it’s not. Rose tainted glasses, get off.

Les time to manage group is more time to micro your units, same or higher APM ceiling.
If you can’t counter army blob (which already existed in War3), you’re not good enough.



Less time required to manage groups == less skill required to manage everything == less skill required overall.

Learning ctrl groups + getting muscle memory + learning how to macro ==higher skill ceiling overall(and also higher APM required).

At least those “army blobs” weren’t just 2 keypresses and required the player to actually up their output to send the army +macro base + micro. With your over-casualized bulls#@! A+move deathball it severely lowers the required amount of keypresses to start a deathball attack.

I bet those that want the 12 limit upped didn’t even have a winning record in 1s

You can still use as many groups as you want, event if they remove the limit.
Some players will not. Does this mean they will have an advantage over you in battle? Then it’s you who must “git gud”

Bad players will still be bad, and good players will still be good, regardless of this.


Does this mean they will have an advantage over you in battle?

“do players that don’t have to learn how to use ctrl groups and macro properly have an advantage over you in battle?” Yep. That’s pretty much the point. They wouldn’t have to use as many keys therefore the game is automatically easier. The complexity comes from the amount of keypresses you need to press in order to stay in competition with your enemies.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the ctrl groups in this game, only for custom games there is where you’re controlling mass balls.

It would be easier to move your units across the map - that’s about it.
Armies would still need micro during combat.
Not having separate CTRL groups for ranged /casters / heroes is actually a disadvantage, soo, people who don’t use them will learn it’s a bad strategy.


No , its not an integral part


Which is literally the entire game? It would also be easier to macro rallied units, it would also be easier to micro your ENTIRE ARMY AT THE SAME TIME instead of actually having to micro piece by piece with precision.

Fact. They are very serious about preserving original gameplay mechanics. Watch Grubby’s BlizzCon panel with the team.

The rest of the discussion here are just opinions which do not matter.

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Then you are not someone that played WC3 to the bone.

LOL :rofl::rofl:
IMAGINE stutter-stepping with all your units at the same time, yea, it would be definitely efficient. Efficient that is, in causing you to lose the freaking game on the spot.

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Yeah no, i’d rather not imagine and I hope they never put it in to please these casuals.

Well, the point was that it is bad. And if people want to do that and lose, it’s fine by me.

Why should I have 2 control groups for 13 ghouls?


The game is ruined already, they have put in hotkeys to help the casuals that can’t memorize their spells. /s

Being allowed to stutter step your entire army would change the entire feel and meta of the game for the worse. I’d rather not. This isn’t SC2, you’re literally controlling 1/4 the army size most of the time. It should remain focused on intricate gameplay elements like learning how to control groups properly and microing/macroing within those groups to then learn how to become a more efficient and eventually better player to where that “1 ghoul outside my 1st group” isn’t an issue.

Also, if you’re complaining about that it’s a big tell that you never tried to get good at the game and are just hopping on the casual bandwagon that tries to ruin skill based games.

Well how about you “git gud” and beat those filthy casuals ruining your skill based game.


Because it’s unnecessary and shrinks the skill gap artificially thus affecting the skill ceiling negatively and introducing crappy mechanics like full army stutterstepping.

Like I said, I’ve literally never, in my entire life of playing this game, heard anyone say ANYTHING about control groups in ladder play. Ever. It’s just now we live in 2018 where casuals cry about every little thing that is too hard for their boyish fingers to handle.

No, it does not affect the skill ceiling, get over it.
And the crappy mechanic will have negative impact on the players who do it, so if you want to win, you won’t do it.

There has not been such a massive change to the game in like forever…


More units in a group == less required control groups == less required APM == less required mechanical skill

It would dumb down the game a bit for higher level players and also introduce bad mechanics like full army stutter stepping and others I can’t think of that would probably pop up out of nowhere and make certain strats extremely hard to beat.

Then just keep using 12 unit groups dude :slight_smile: no one will stop you.
You can keep using 12 and others can use 5 or 20 or whatever.

By the same token, you can say that it will put more emphasis on micro-ing spell casters, small groups of ranged units and other thing that will INCREASE the skill ceiling in a more fun way