12 unit groups is an integral part of skill in this game

No. Because then it affects my game at that point by allowing the opponent to more easily control their groups. Well, at that point people would only be using 4 hotkeys the entire game if you put higher limits. If you can’t handle more than 3-4 ctrl groups then guess what, the problem is you and not the game.

No it wont, because microing is done at a level that doesn’t require more than 12 selected units.

How about you take your own advice and “git gud”
If everyone has a easier time, then no one has an advantage.
You’ll have to find other avenues to be better not: oh look, I can juggle between 1 and 2 and 3 very fast.


You contradict yourself. First you say “then use 12 unit control groups” but using 12 vs unlimited is artificially making the game harder for me because it would require me to have higher APM to do the same thing as my opponent.

If everyone has an easier time, then the game’s skill gap is smaller, and the game won’t have a long life, because “gitting gud” is a part of gaming. Gitting gud is what makes most competitive games fun. Making it easier will ruin an element of that.

It’s not about juggling between groups, it’s about being more efficient and knowledgeable and knowing how to control the army with multiple control groups. Complexity vs simplicity argument. Complexity is always better in regards to RTS games that require an ounce of skill.

Nope, that is not true, the skill gap between a good and a bad player will stay the same.

You will still be able to do that with limit being removed.
You won’t be forced into doing it, that is a different aspect, but in order to get the best results, you will still have to do it, and no, it won’t be easier, it will just be different.


No it won’t. The floor will be raised if you allow unlimited selection. Thus, the amount of time required to git gud will be substantially lowered. This would be bad for the game overall. More people would plateau and the skill gap between “good” and “really good” players would be much smaller due to the lack of macro mistakes possible thanks to lesser requirements overall if they raise the limit.

You will still be able to do that with limit being removed.

BUT IT WOULD BE MUCH EASIER. How are you not getting that making the game easier for everyone also affects the top level players negatively? It ruins some of the skill required to be good. Simple as that. It’s definitely easier with unlimited units in a group, otherwise you casuals wouldn’t be crying about it non-stop.

Can we get a little more precise here? Which units would be able to stutter step an army to death with no micro other than Select all → click enemy → run?

Idk, crypt fiends? Wyverns? Jesus I’d hate to fight against an entire 2-3 groups of stutter stepping wyverns. Who knows what people would come up with. It would be bad and ruin the core gameplay of wc3. The artificial 12 unit limit is actually a huge reason why the skill ceiling of WC3 is what it is.

Yea because stutter stepping with 2 groups of 24 wyverns is SOOO much more difficult.
If there is a game where you can reliably sit back an build up to 36 wyverns, you would have won that regardless


ok lets see

unlimited selection micro of wyverns:
1+ right click + S (loop forever)

current iteration:
1+ RMB +S + 2 + RMB + S + 3 + RMB + S (loop forever)
And that’s not even including the fact that you have to attack+move those groups TO the fight let alone “stutter stepping” with the entire 3 groups.

These sorts of discussions are why I feel they should make reforged a separate ladder from TFT. Leave TFT exactly as it is (or was before recent patches), and completely rebalance the game for reforged. Have ROC, TFT, and REF as 3 separate ladders.

And you can’t honestly say that less people will play TFT ladder after launch than play it now.

IDK what games you play man where you can mass 24+ Wyverns and realistically not grossly overkill your opponent :slight_smile: Or you just go for “let’s not attack each other first 10 minutes” :)) agreement


You’ve never played the game and had more than 12 of the same unit?


you’re just arguing semantics because you know my flowchart just owned you.

Please read my post again, it was 24+, meaning at least 25 so you require at least 3 control groups for 1 single unit.

And no, I don’t think I ever had more than 24 of a single unit, except workers, maybe a one time rifleman thing, but again, grossly overkill.

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You’re just arguing semantics at this point.

Any amount of units over 12 would require x2, x3, or x4 the amount of micro/macro required to do the same exact movement(s) as if they put unlimited selection in. It’s simply easier.

I think you are confused.
The conversation was about stutter-stepping and how you can do it even without unlimited selection, but it is unpractical so unlimited selection won’t affect the game like that.

Yet I literally just showed you with a flowchart that it’s about 4x as hard with 12 unit groups.

Except you ignored my main point

I guess it’s easy do miss it when you don’t actually read the “filthy casual”'s comments

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Except you ignored my main point

The point was, nobody cares about your flowchart, because amassing 3 control groups of Wyvern’s is unpractical.

By the same token, with unlimited unit selection, you can rally 40 footmen at once, does that matter? NO, because, if you make 40 footmen, you lose the game.

Top kek. Thanks for admitting that my flowchart completely destroyed any rationale you could muster up.