Hm, I see you to be passionate about it. Care to explain what exactly you dislike about TFT? Maybe we could use it to make it better for all (:
Hotkeys copy from Warcraft 3 folder to mydocuments/warcraft3/Coustomkeybinding
I love that update the game, you should buffer or change ulti of DK is useless
You introduced a breaking change without notifying us.
We have to copy our CustomKeys.txt to Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III\x86_64, because you moved Warcraft III.exe to that sub folder.
New Patch Causes instant and unrecoverable Graphics card Crash (RTX 2070 Armor Edition) wasn’t a problem before
Please we want a reign of chaos multiplayer !
Every single patch since the Reforged was announce had MASSIVE bugs. How is it possible ?
- Sounds are disabled when the client is not active
Can we get this back, or a toggle for this or something please ? I’ve been using the sounds while minimized for awhile and it feels really weird not having that now. I see how some people might not like it, but please, make it a toggle in the options.
This new patch which I just downloaded today has 3 video modes: Windows, Windows FullScreen, and Fullscreen - all 3 of them are not the correct fit and I can’t open WC3 with the added -nativefullscr because when I click the icon it asks me to repair or launch.
This patch makes WC3 incredibly laggy for me. I have an unpatched version of wc3 and it has 0 lag. this patch has also made some custom games crash like Fate/Another
I’ve been playing RoC for 15 years and now you guys remove it out of nowhere for no reason at all, and then you act like we should be thankful that you allowed us to play TFT? Thanks for nothing.
I’m a RoC Player and I was very happy when Reforged was announced because I had hope that more Players will also play RoC again and now you’re killing RoC? This must be a joke…
Please bring RoC back to (at least with WC3 Reforged).
yeap, 35% is still not a lot for an item i have to go to tier 3 to get it, by that time UD heroes are going to be far ahead in lvls
I was creating a new custom map before this update.
I just updated to 1.31…
Now the map is completely bugged, some triggers are disabled for no reason, variables disabled, etc. This update juste broke my map. WTF ?
I am having major FPS issues that i never had prior to this patch. I was in-fact playing a 4v4 before the patch was released. Downloaded the patch, qued into a game and its literally unplayable and i can’t find a fix anywhere. I put all setting on Low and turned off occulation and unit shadow and nothing changes.
Care to explain why all of my downloaded custom maps in the Warcraft III/Maps folder dont know up in the custom game interface when attempting to host?/???
I cant figure out how to update my game, so I cant play, any help would be very helpful. thank you in advance
why did u kill all our custom maps? as soon as we save a map all tooltips, hotkeys, spells… basically all object editor data is messed up … hotkeys like “liquid fire” and spells on an item like “right click to deactivate auto cast” … why? and how? … we were waiting to finally acces the damage a unit actually took at the moment it took the damage. we were looking forward to accesing item abilities for randomzied loot … what we got was the work of years destroyed… i feel so sad for everyone who didnt make a backup…
Please add the gamma adjustments back to the game… I used to use the -nativefullscr command and it worked before, but now even the replacement doesn’t work.
So the gamma bar is there, but changing it doesn’t actually change the gamma of the game at all, so it’s kind of pointless.
Don’t know if it’s a bug or what’s happening, but make the gamma work again as the game is too dark for me and gamma is there for a reason…
Any other Mac users notice a really noticeable “smooth effect” on the graphics after the update. I suppose this is because they are now using the METAL framework but this has drastically changed the graphics. Not sure I like how different the game looks.