True, but i would add its Activision Blizz.
So things has changed. They must change too and we must too.
We must act mannered in future and not creating chaos at this funeral ceremony
With power of love we may ressurect them, with negative energy we may raise zombies
If you are going to create a chaos and act like KingO supporting rudley every bad decision this company makes, and not providing any rational thinking i will flag you.
if you didnt understand what i was talking about then clearly you cant get bigger picture. Attack me here, i dont care, we will see what will happen on real subject threads.
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You cant be serious u removed ROC ? ARE YOU FUKIN KIDDING ME
All this is wonderful, but so far many are still tormented by the question, will there be a beta? There are a few days left until the end of spring
if you removed RoC, can you at least allow people that have unlocked icons on their mains use the ROC icons now?
I have been wanting to use my PotM icon in TFT for many many years!
We have been positive, we have been negative, we haven’t gotten single reply from them or anything.
And they remove RoC? Just like that?
A game that few hundred of us still play, passionately and have great fun while doing so, people still throwing hundreds of euros for hosting tournaments and putting time and effort into keeping it alive?
Then these guys show up creating more bugs than fixing them.
I gave them huge credit and thanks for removing the DELAY and fixing the match making system so that we can actually find games.
But after that what good has there been, I mean really?
Why focus on BALANCE changes when your game is not even working properly?
AT not working
Colored account names possible, thus ignoring them is impossible.
Banning system in clans does not work.
People still get SEPARATED to different channels(W3 EN-5, W3 EN-22, W3 EN-30) and so on…How does this unite the community? IT does not.(This killed quite a lot of the game, tbh)
They never communicate with us
And now… now… after 17 years… they Remove Reign of Chaos…
But yea sure, please blizzard, blessed be your name and forever not forgotten.
I have a black screen with sound after this update…Any ideas as to what the problem could be?
EDIT: Reinstalled, problem went away.
I cannot change gamma settings even in fullscreen. I drag the lever but nothing happens. Is this my PC or does someone else experience this?
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Can’t wait to try this out with Vulkan tonight under Wine and Linux 
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Everything you said its true.
We need general discussion to be renamed to Other immidiately, it has too much powerfull democratic name , which attracts people who when they mix create a REIGN OF CHAOS.
So it must be removed.
it is a usless garbage of mixing everything and most people are stationed right there in the middle of the junk.
With adding more specific categories and subcategories inside (with simple names ffs,not those ones), we are securing serious people who talks about balance and coding,not to be mixed with plebs, and their section will be more accent instead of plebs and trolls in general.
And the most important : its easier to preview for everyone,including devs
ive been playing undead for 13 years and i do NOT dig the necromancer changes at all. ive tested the change on the PTR and frenzy is so clunky to use, its a straight out nerf to the ability.
im also concerned about knight gryphon being autowin for human in lategame vs undead.
the orb is a HUUUGUE buff, knight bonus dmg vs fiends is a huge buff. ghoul buff is useless vs human. garg buff is useless aswell.
im concerned that human expo basically means lost game and this will force undead back into mass destroyers again.
Any updates from now on will be in the Beta. I would not expect Reforged until at least November.
So next major update will be Reforged Beta, huh? I’d say minimum 2 months until that.
Can we get a crypt lord buff?
Thanks for all the work! Overall the game is getting better and better, I think
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After patching all my old shortcuts don’t work anymore. It seems like wc3 is installed somewhere else now, even though I couldn’t/didn’t change the installpath and used the standard installpath before.
The only way I can start the game now is through the warcraft III launcher in my old wc3 folder. But then I can’t put any window mode syntax after warcraft 3.exe and I’m stuck in Windowed fullscreen mode where I can’t change the brightness.
Edit: found the new shortcuts in x86 and x64 subfolders.
Edit: In video options: The brightness bar can move left and right (fullscreen selected) but does not change brightness in the new nativefullscr mode (Replacement: -windowmode fullscreen). Does not seem to be real native fullscreen in that sense.
Edit: to make nativefullscr work correctly put behind warcraft III.exe: -windowmode fullscreen -graphicsapi Direct3D9
[Mac Client Critical Crash Report]
During the map loading screen, the game will crash immediately back to the desktop. Both Campaign mode and custom game mode have this kind of crash. Therefore, all the Single-player and Multiplayer mode was complete broken for Mac client. All the game will get a crash during the map loading screen, please fix it ASAP.
Macbook Pro (early 2015) Mac OS 10.12.6
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changing the tooltips for an individual units ability still does not work. Real and Integer changes seem to work
Yea same thing here, neither with the correct syntax after the .exe
Hi, I’ve played this game many hours a week every week for almost 20 years now. RoC took over my life. There has always been a solid community behind it. I absolutely loathe TFT, which reminded me in many ways of post-WOTLK WOW. If you indeed kill RoC, I’d like to thank you as I can finally get on with my life and find other games. Just like BfA cured me of WOW.
You will gain some players with reforged, but will be temporary. They won’t be like the old school player base that stuck with you thick and thin.
If this is the direction you’re taking this game I love, I’m personally glad i won’t be here for the bitter end of P2W and loot boxes and a coversion to a phone game.