1.30.3 Patch Notes

ill agree with the bugs but getting rid of bots was one of the best things blizzard has ever done. bots were the thing that pretty much killed warcraft 3 for me and so many other people. now that they are gone im back because they are gone and customs are actually playable again.


maybe roll back some of the balance but imo some of the patches theyve made gave more life to wc3 than balance ever could like not having to open ports and getting rid of bots. yes balance and the pro scene are important but im pretty sure most people who play wc3 are either bad at it or play customs so balance has little to no effect on them. the desync tho is some bull crap but i havent had to experience it much luckily but any amount is to much.

How no fix AT??? HOW??
They are very slow to send updates, and on top do not repair the essential, I do not know how it is possible …

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Hey Pete, at first thank you very much for your effort to our favorite game! We appreciate that alot. I watched thousands of replays and want to give my whole suggestions of weakness/strongness of all races + neutral heros.

Let me give you my objective suggestions to the current status of the Patch.


  • Keeper of the Grove Entangle

In early games, one entangle is almost a whole unit kill, the distance nerf isn’t enough.

  • Talons Fearie Fire

(Duration: The Duration is still pervert long to units(heros))


  • Keeper of the Grove Thorns Aura

  • Priestress of the Moon Owl Level 2 & 3

(She has a lot of mana ressources anyway by choosing her owl instead of the fireball, that the owl upgrades are really irrelevant at whole fights, lets find something for her owl to hold on with Beastmasters Hawk)



  • Rebuff Militias Duration some seconds back.


(Not 100% sure about the bug Buff / change decision, has to be tested!)

  • Cryptlords Bugs

(in a creative way, 3 stronger bugs instead of 5? — or + Hp or Dmg Buff
(Explanation: bring a skill variety picking to life next to the very common Impale.)

  • Death Knight Ultimate Raise Deads

Its not the sense of an ultimate to be replaced by another skill (in this case, its Aura Level 3)
This Ultimate needs a scary change to be picked at Level 7 and to hold on with two level 3 Coils with its effect and its mana costs.



  • Spikes(!)
    (This upgrade has still no relevance)

  • Pulverize wood cost

(Let player think about using Tauren by reducing the wood cost by 30 - 50)

  • Blademaster Mirror Image (+Dmg test)

Explanation: *variety next to Windwalk

  • Far Seer Ultimate Earthquake

(Units in the Area should take a sort of damage to bring the spell as an AoE-like aswell to life.)

  • Shadow Hunter Ultimate Big bad Voodoo

(Invulnerable the very first seconds like Keeper of the Groves ultimate, to let the spell be effective in any ways and not be cancelled and countered very fast.)

  • Shaman Spell Damage testing!
    (Orc has no relevant spell damage. By discover shamans potential, we could add them a fireball magic spell Attack with spell damage to nearby enemy units. Lets think about this!

Tavern Heros:


  • Tinker Cluster Rockets Level 1
    (Its Dmg is still not relevant at the esrly games for a first or second skill pick.
    Its stun is also to short to use it as a primary argument.)

  • Naga Sea Witchs Tornado (she loses her important whole dps while casting the spell, which has no relevant fear to any sort of units) remove her being afk while casting and add damage to the whirlwind units. (We never saw this spell, lets bring the variety back)

  • Manashield

Firelord Ultimate Volcanoo

(Invulnerable the first seconds by spelling like Keeper of the Grove to bring the effect into game and not be cancelled very fast at these high mana costs)

Please think twice about my analyse! Much love!


Did u tryed to de-friend your bud before invite? Worked for us. Somehow. Ofc u still have to open the port.

I translate this patch note: “Reforge is delayed to 2020”

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Yeah, i quit playing on ladder because of this.

Blizzard, you need to stop tweaking little tiny aspects of the game like spells and percentages and focus on the real issues.

Here are the real issues:

  • A lot of custom maps disconnect as soon as you host the game. For some of these maps, it’s 100% of the time; for others, it depends on some unknown factor (there are other discussions about this in these forums).

  • A lot of custom maps are completely unplayable: as soon as you try to create the game lobby, you get dropped.

  • There is a major glitch that occurs when the game lobby start countdown timer is interrupted, e.g. by a player joining or leaving. It effectively causes the Alt key to get stuck, and there’s nothing you can do (i.e. pressing Alt) to unstuck it. I believe it goes away again as soon as the countdown timer resumes. For one, this causes people typing to become unable to type in the lobby until the game starts, but also, perhaps even more importantly, anyone who is not conscious of this who presses ‘A’ leaves the game.

This is what you really need to fix, and what everyone in these forums ought to be talking about.

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Thanks for the effort, Blizz! =)


Good stuff. Now can we get in-game resolution options, please? :smile:

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Thanks Blizz, for what you did with this game so far, no matter there are mistakes had been made recently. Very appreciate.

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dude you need to calm the f*** down.
First off this game is 17 years old. ITS NOT THAT SERIOUS to where you need to talk sh!t to the dev team. they dont even have to be updating this 17 YEAR OLD GAME but they are, for the players.

Secondly its a 17 year old game. No one cares about your stats. there is no paid tournaments, again ITS NOT THAT SERIOUS.

Third,shut up. no one cares if you stop playing.


Glaives tracking targets would be a huge mistake without any other changes to offset it. The amount of dps outputted by siege units in fights has always been incredibly high, but neutered by the fact they’ll miss moving targets. Massing siege in 4v4 for example absolutely obliterates ground armies that fight in place like attack moved range units in a clustered battle, but fast units/heroes running around them can just ignore them. This has already been part of a significant strategy of using glaives + kotg to focus down heroes because entangling roots suddenly made all the glaives line up. If the glaives have this by default and other siege units don’t, then their damage output will be sky high by comparison.

The ability to mass glaives very early into the game at T1, with some particularly quick build orders available, would give NE access to some very dangerous strategies. When the only counter to glaives early into the game is to overrun them and close the gap, then a KotG’s ability to ensnare enemies and throw treants between them will be just as strong and not care about the range nerf when used defensively. Such a change would be absolutely gamebreaking in 4v4 even if its impact in 1v1 is less pronounced, but with NE where they are right now I don’t think anyone is really itching to give NE a gigantic tier 1 buff in 1v1 either.

If you guys want to adjust vorpal blades because of the odd AOE style, then how about just making vorpal blades extend the aoe they can hit in and track the projectile as it moves, not allowing it to collide with multiple enemies? That would be very unique compared to other siege units, dealing both an impact AOE damage and line damage, but never hitting the same unit more than once.

For three implementations I’d recommend toying with, your classic games team could consider:

  1. Glaives check two different areas of effect on collision instantly, a circle and a rectangle, with diminishing damage in larger circles/rectangles. The damage used for struck units would be the highest value in either of the AoEs, so if an enemy is behind the impact point and in a 50% damage range circle but 100% damage range line, it would use the 100% value.

  2. Glaives deal AoE damage in a circle around the impact point but ignore units in the rectangle of their line damage beyond that, then the glaives continue forward as linear aoe missile effect like a shockwave/carrion wave, not an instant impact. So over a brief ~0.5 duration they would travel a set distance, impacting units in that rectangle only as they pass through them, dealing partial damage if they’re farther away from the middle of the line. This implementation would have some wonkiness in that units could sometimes avoid taking damage they ‘should’ take, if you were in both the circular + line aoe on collision, but moved out of it rapidly and missed the damage- or just taking partial damage first and then moving directly into the middle of the projectile would deal less damage than getting hit by the middle of it first.

  3. The projectile tracks the amount of damage its dealt to each target alongside its collision tracking, dealing up to a maximum amount of damage per target. It deals AoE damage in the full circle instantly on collision, then travels forward as a linear projectile with a duration like above, and as it collides with units each tick it continues to damage them up to the maximum value- if someone took 50% damage from the circle and then pass through the middle of the line that deals 100%, it would take only 100% total. Thus never exceeding the cap, but never missing any damage. The only wonkiness here is that damage from one attack can be dealt in multiple instances, which has interactions you’d need to be aware of with effects like hardened skin.


Im very happy for all the effort you guys put into our lovely wc3 ! But one thing i wana mention for improvement
Last patch (1.30) i had like 200 fps on bnet europe, which was amazingly smooth to play. Now im back to around 60 and everything feels very laggy and delayed. Not sure why, hopefully you can get us (or maybe its just me?) back to the old FPS.
Thanks for everything !

Too many entitled people on here expecting so much from a small team of devs for 15+ year old game. Keep doing what you guys are doing classic games team, but know that there are some of us that appreciate your work.

Also some of my replays have been corrupted after the 1.30.3 update, maybe you can add it to your bug list.


Arranged team worked as intended for some hours after the patch yesterday. However at some point it stopped working and we had to use the workaround again.

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No one word on hostbots? Thank you Blizzard for killing popular custom maps communities, especially DotA community. Now it takes long time to fill a DotA lobby comparing to previous patches.

no it didn’t… AT didn’t work at all… as soon as we saw the patch me and my friends tried everything to play AT… didn’t work… at least we could host custom games without problems… but for the love of god… fix that AT… it’s so annoying…

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What about channels? When u gonna make it like it was?

Rebuff militia or we cant do early towerrush in 4x4