Zerg Fails at Extreme Cooperation(The One Ultralisk Theory)

Precisely, you didn’t want support. You just wanted to argue.

In that case, our conversation is over.

Good luck in your efforts.


Reasonability and Responsibility at it’s finest


The Responsible Cooperator should be equally as interested in uplifting or holding accountable Natural or Extreme Cooperation and Uniform Cooperation together.

If it’s only about the benefit or protection of Uniform Cooperation then that’s like saying it’s only about “Monkey See, Monkey Do” where the community is only valued and treated as though they are on the level of an animal. But what do you expect when hiding from their own individuality is the only option left? the leading to the inevitable promotion of “Monkey See, Monkey Do” in a matter of time? I’m not so sure what the worst aspect of fear is, but I’m willing to bet that fear of self is right up there at the top.

And then you or Blizzard can explain to me how we know for sure that people or even mostly young males aren’t or haven’t been taken advantage of in that manner here, even if there is a completely solid reason behind why things need to be done in the way that they are.

I expect a full report on my desk by the end of next week.


What a quote! Even more surprising when it comes to a person who makes accusations of sexism in a video game known as StarCraft.

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Not true. I never said that.

Diablo 2 has the Sexist problem.


Starcraft has the Malicious Targeting of Defenseless Dependents(children) problem.


But if each are problems individually(and they are) then they may as well be added together in to the Animosity of the Family Problem…


If you’re going to be a committed participant to this thread then you might as well get it right.

Two conspiracy theories are too many for these forums. Post the other one in Diablo’s :imp:. Thanks.

Yowzah!! 19 edits! That’s trying way too hard.

Reply am is are was were:

Responsible Natural or Extreme Cooperation and Uniform Cooperation together. The Responsible Natural or holding accountable Cooperation and Uniform should be equally as interested in uplifting or holding accountable Cooperation and Uniform Cooperation together. The Responsible Cooperator should be equally as interested in uplifting or Extreme.

“Monkey Do” when hiding it’s like saying from they are on the only option of an animal. But you expect when the worst aspect of time? I’m not so sure what the only valued and treated as the inevitable protection the level of “Monkey See, Monkey See, Monkey Do”. When the level of Uniform Cooperation of self is only valued as though the worst aspect what fear is, but instead I bet they are on the community is though there at the community is only about “Monkey Do” in a matter of “Monkey See”. PERIOD

And they are. And then you or even if then you or Blizzard can explain to be done in the way things need to be done in that manner here. Even mostly young males AND females are. And then young males (cubs) aren’t been taken advantage of by old FEMALES (cougars) in to be done in that manner here.

Well, a troll we now KNOW you the entire time have you been.

– Yoda Buffy Minch

– Beast Nerfy Grinch.

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Now, that’s way better. Finally an explanation I can fully understand!!! I begin to understand the concepts and ideas in ArchSeaWitch’s comments. Now it’s more clear that his theory is nonsense. Thank you very much, Beast. I can only hope ArchSeaWitch takes his time and learn from you how to explain things clearly.

People need to realize that even though this dismissive ridicule seems harmless, it’s not what it seems. I will make it very clear that the only spark of harmless consideration from my perspective is only to due to this being an online computer realm, mostly separate from the real world. Here is a relevant quote to assert the point.

“All truth passes through three stages, first, it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed and third, it is accepted as self-evident." -Arthur Schopenhauer

As companies use their animals as a tool to silence voices that aim to speak the truth, they are able to maximize the amount of time that those voices are threatened by the precursor to violence in order to also maximize the odds of scaring that voice away. It’s a passive and indirect threat of violence that is obviously set up to be that way. And how many voices in history that aimed to speak the truth were violently silenced by the animals? Even killed?

“The task is, not so much to see what no one has seen yet, but to think what nobody has thought yet, about that which everybody sees” - Arthur Schopenhauer

The classic trinity in RPGS is Warrior, Mage, Rogue, but this is poorly described. You need a few alternative translations to gather a better understanding of the trinity and here’s a list.

-Responsible Cooperator, Support, Tank, Initiate, Endure, Sacrifice, Steam Roll, Barbarian
-Extreme Cooperator, Depend, Cannon, Bait, Overwhelm, Preserve, Kite, Sorceress
-Uniform Cooperator, Soloist, Mine, Ambush, Surprise, Utilize, Flank , Amazon

But there are two kinds of trinities. The Conceptual Trinity where the Barbarian, Amazon, and Sorceress can be used for representation(as previously shown). And the Substantial Trinity(tall isosceles triangle) where the Barbarian, Assassin, and Nagi(let’s say) are used for the presentation of the All in one Tank, Melee Warrior Flanker, and the Mage Ranged Flanker(yet another, but more technical trichotomy).

I have shown these examples before…


(note: at that time I said the equal lateral triangle was the false trinity because I hadn’t figured out the concepts yet)

Here is another trichotomy showing the Sorceress’ lack of transformative, yet proper capability.


What I find immediately interesting about the 8th apparently missing hero as the Nagi is that she could easily have 3 transformative modes, each as separate skill trees.


“They are principally depicted in three forms: as entirely human with snakes on the heads and necks, as common serpents(exclusive), or as half-human, half-snake beings in Hinduism”.

“The Leviathan is a Sea Serpent”
“Naga Sea Witch”

With the amount of time, energy and devotion you people put in to your hatred of difference, change and advancement, it makes me wonder how the 2nd amendment isn’t the 1rst.


So the One ultralisk theory could work like this. After spawning pool tech you can sacrifice 4 drones and spend 200 gas on an ultralisk, but the catch is that you can only have 1 ultralisk alive at a time.

What this will show is that while the strength of zerg may be the swarm in concept, it was never their numbers and being the aggressor was never standard play. There was never a standard play. The one ultralisk would be the standard play that was never properly achieved. Nope, the strength of the swarm is not numbers, it is the co-dependency between the one and the many.

The only other alternative to this would be to rework burrow.

Rotting Burrow(conceived from pudge’s rot skill from dota 2)

When zerg units burrow and enemy units come near them, the zerg unit say zergling dies and causes the enemy to become contaminated by some lingering locust swarm effect and the ai won’t cause the zerglings to all die at once like a mass of banelings but rather a smart ai that only triggers the next zergling sacrifice after the duration of the contamination from previous zergling sacrifice is over.

Note: this could have been done with drones since Rotting Burrow is capable of being researched before pool.

Another similar consideration would be overlord or drone sacrifice for plaguelings, broodlings that cannot reduce the enemy’s life past 1 hp.

And even if Zerg had both of these options together and considered to be overpowered… The next most significant question is… Where is the Responsible Cooperator aspect of the Protoss race? You’d think that there would be some way to “unify shields” (think unity ring from diablo 3)


I had to make an edit to my 4th post on this thread to properly demonstrate a trichotomy of concepts worthy of a more logical or mathematical quality.

*Generate/Motivate (Responsible), Distribute/Organize(Uniform), and Collect/Unite(Natural or Extreme) (Cooperations)

A true mathematical interpretation: % percentage, E summation, -/- = Bisection


When people start to understand that philosophy, morality and the geometric potential of the trinity has been trying to lead us to the POWER of co-dependency in children then they will start to understand the greater good of all people period. I have already shared the story of the retired print tech who solved a 50 year old math problem and now I’ll share this.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHeWndnHuQs (2 African American Female Students part of solving a thought to be impossible 2000 year old math problem)

Also, quoting the interview “so is there a heart, a philosophy, an essence to St. Marry’s?” answer: “The Sisterhood”. First thing that came to my mind was the quote “it’s easier to build strong children than it is to repair broken men” and also the Hyena Matriarchy and Co-dependency as the Tiger appears to represent the Soloist and the Lion the Support. And how is it not healthy from time to time to pedestalize, value and appreciate the child in the hierarchical trinity?

Here’s another way of looking at the trinity that seems to properly identify the aim of the Barbarian and the Amazon, and then when we have a sense that the Sorceress’ identity is incomplete, it seems all the more tragic when that role seems obviously and properly represented by totality and summation. It may be easier to build strong children than it is to repair broken men, but surely it is also just as easy to break children and the health of co-dependency as fragility is just as significant as power. So what’s the big idea here? Are we trying to undermine the child? the role of the dependent? So that it breaks the youth and then what’s the point of neglect and abandonment? To turn the very virtue of Power and Fragility against itself in our society? That sounds catastrophic. And you would say that “fantastic claims require fantastic evidence”. Ok.


But I’ll dig deep in to psychological insight to hopefully shed more light on what seems to be going on.

This time I’m going to be considering how to legitimately value a diversity of personas. Keep in mind my previously made point that we don’t particularly value the hierarchy for placing superiority above inferiority, rather, it is more realistically valued because an equilateral triangle is the strongest and most stable geometric shape.

Start with 3 different types of Personas:

Purely Confused
Definitively Irrational
Keenly Irate

All of these compound labels seem negative because of the order of their arrangement
so they must be flipped around.

Confusion/Pure, Value: Calm Consistency
Irrationally/Definitive, Value: Clear Precision
Irately/Keen, Value: Distorted Accuracy

Now it becomes obvious that the reason for being elaborate or using “word salad”
is to achieve a harmonious balance or equilibrium of positive and negative connotation
that can be superb at appreciating and justifying unique values in a diversity of individual personality.

-They might be Confused, but at least they are Calm and Consistent.
-They might be Irrational, but at least they are Clear and Precise.
-They might be Irate, but at least they are Distorted and Accurate.

Now think about this for a moment. Where might you have valued distortion before?

And now, what we have are a set of value judgements that come in to alignment with a legitimate trinity of mathematical symbols
where the legitimacy was determined by how each symbol is associated with the primal values (0,1,2) of a numeric set, but so can the personas as well…


Carl Jung:


“thinking is difficult, that is why most people judge”



People are not perfect, in fact, they are fragile, sensitive and lost. But there is a way to intelligently turn weakness in to a strength here. The answer is tri-fortification. Since the equal lateral triangle is the strongest and most stable geometric structure, tri-fortification is the answer because with fragility comes power, with sensitivity comes keenness, and with disorientation comes clarity. When one door closes, another one opens. It looks like this hasn’t exactly been an issue of progressive sexism and the malicious targeting of defenseless dependents, rather, it’s been an attack on dependent daughters, especially of the larger scale body type. But the failure to also pedestalize the fragility and power of the child may as well make it the closest thing to progressive sexism and the malicious targeting of defenseless dependents possible.

True Diablo Trinity


Legitimate Value Judgements


I had to fix a few things in the previous trichotomy that I showed. Now it should be easier to look for positivity and value in different personality types instead of being so black and white when feeling pressured to judge other people. When organized and reasoned out, we can give the positives a more considerable chance. For example, it’s better to be pure, clear and keen than it is to be confused, impersonal and irate but the negatives could be indications of the positives. And in further investigation we could say…

-They might be confused, but at least they are pure and consistent
-They might be impersonal, but at least they are clear and precise
-They might be irate, but at least they are keen and accurate

I would say, wish me luck in the fight against progressive sexism and the malicious targeting of defenseless dependents in role playing video games, but the crime now ends up being all too obvious…

And since the “true trinity” is actually suppose to represent 5 archetypes in total, this is in complete alignment with my mathematics which I call Progressive Primal Circular Development which shows that when you geometrically progress in numeric values of 0, 1, 3 and 6 you are suppose to add the value of 2, resulting in all fibonacci numbers, 2, 3, 5, 8.

Progressive Primal Circular Development


Impersonal, Clear, Beauty


@1:17 “Does anything ever happen without a reason? This is the only principle you need to understand. Nothing ever happens without a reason. Everything was determined by something prior, a total simulation. From the quantum level to the microscopic, at a certain point the visualization became pure static, like a Blizzard. The fixed point where the future becomes lost is very close”

Now imagine, maybe maybe maybe, if the sorceress wasn’t suppose to unlock a transformation in to a “titan elemental wizard” when she hits level 30 and all 3 masteries unlock. But what if she could transform in to another hero entirely like a sea witch and there was somehow this codependency between the sorceress and the sea witch.


Just assign Responsible Cooperation to co-support, Uniform Cooperation to Solo and Natural Cooperation to co-depend.


(image updated 5-18)


(image updated 5-17)

The Sea Witch must come… and that’s only the start…


So imagine you have one big bowl of word salad. And if that wasn’t already bad enough, this word salad has a handful of sweet nothings in it. Now it’s surely not even worth looking at or considering because it could be some kind of root-mental illness.

There’s some major problems with this conclusion though…

First, the salad has been tri-organized with six fold symmetry showing us what the core value of virtues has always been about…


I didn’t make that image, nor do I know the person(s) who made it. And yet, here we clearly have the solid example of “sound mind” where salad is a necessity. You smell that? I do too. That’s the smell of hypocrisy.

Second, the word salad has been tri-fortified with the total variation of the primordial iota into a trifecta. And since the salad balances out in this trifecta, people are going to say that it means nothing. Yes, when the very essence of value has been planted in a sound model, people are going to say that it means nothing. Well they probably should rethink the very quality of meaning. You smell that again? That’s the smell of hypocrisy yet again…

Now when I take this message over to the D2R forums and make these points, and use them in the fight against progressive sexism and the malicious targeting of defenseless dependents in role playing games like Diablo 2. The thread is not going to be taken down due to some minor infringement of policy, because that would demonstrate the clear obstructive intention of a solid and simple resolve to a moral crisis of injustice by the very policy itself. And then an inevitable question would rise…

Who is trying to hide this hypocrisy?

And the moral of the story is…

Only the people who had hope in the positive aspect of mental illness are worthy.

“Not all those who wander are lost” - J.R.R. Tolkien

So quiet that you can hear the birds chirping now huh? Well how much of that silence is due to some guilt? Guaranteed. So let me get this straight… Whoever makes you feel a little guilty must automatically mean that they have a lack of concern for your pride and therefore must be a narcissist? Wait… so pride, which has all the fairness of being criticized as the root of sin, can never have any tyranny imposed upon it because you’re special and different from other people, right? Exactly…


And the final dagger through the heart… wait… who’s heart?


And that, right there, is the kind of proof that YOU HAVE TO HAVE for any sort of push for morality. The big wigs have to be taken by the hand and walked through exactly how to be a decent and worthy human being in order to “get on board”. That’s kind of funny because I don’t see the big wigs walking anyone through anything…

Why don’t they come out and tell everybody about their failed leadership at filling the coco-support role…


There is no pride, only the measure of PROVIDE

Take the tricky and critical part of relating the value of Distinguish to 0.
We don’t represent 0 with (_) we distinguish it as 0, a value to be taken seriously.


In role theory it is stated as follows:
“Others have argued that the concept of role takes on such a broad definition as to be meaningless.”

Source: Wikipedia


And we have to have a sympathy for people who perceive roles to be meaningless as those of us who actually do believe they have great meaning, purpose or value have not fully provided a justification for why one of the three roles in particular has any real value. That is because this one role is primarily conceived of and attributed with the value of 0. And because the notion that 0 is equally as valuable as 1 or 2 has not been convincing enough, it causes the entire Role Model to collapse from weakness and instability compared to the “greatest strength and stability” that the geometric shape of the equilateral triangle is known for.

Now when it comes to the game Diablo 2, I have made a case for why the identity of the Sorceress should have also included the Sea Witch to properly complete the role of co-dependency. But we may not begin to understand how we can make sense of that when it would entirely seem over powered. If we would have thought critically about “co-dependent 0” we would have received a clue about what actually makes this possible, and I did just that.


I decided to invest some time in to the role model in order to make viable considerations on the value of 0. Although it may not have successfully exposed the value, as 0 will always be 0, the best bet seems to be “emerge resourcefully”. And this is the key clue for why a Sorceress/Sea Witch combo character can work. Resource is of emergent value and is therefore merged together. Boom. The Sorceress and the Sea Witch share mana and life pool.


Consider that I have also already pushed out on this vision with a mathematics that I believe to have came up with and I call “progressive primal circular development”


The fight against Progressive Sexism and the Malicious Targeting of Defenseless Dependents in Diablo 2 and Starcraft will be fought tooth and nail to the bitter end.



The highest form of intelligence? Realize another term that was aforementioned. “Perceive Conjunctively”.

Now tell me, where is the element of perceptual conjunction in the design of the sorceress? The prime archetype of intelligence(sorceress)?

And what has been the result of failing intelligence itself?

Progressive Sexism and the Malicious Targeting of Defenseless Dependents in role playing video games, particularly and especially Diablo 2.

Someone better tell me to properly take my point over to the D2R forums before this company and it’s agenda gets legitimately reported for crimes against humanity.

The longer you wait, the worse you look.




Made some changes, thought it took the overall idea to the next level so I’m just gonna share.



Now in this image I set out to do 3 things. Take a closer look at the second triangle of the previous image, explain what virtue has to do with 0 and %, and use Plato’s trichotomy with Truth swapped out for Logic.

The end result allows me to go back to my trichotomy of cooperation that was mentioned earlier in the thread and put it in to a better perspective apparently.

Advanced Trichotomy of Values:

-Liable Virtuous Cooperation
-Responsible Uniform Cooperation
-Accountable Natural Cooperation


We need to advance our definition of math from “interesting logic” to “a layout of interesting and viable choices for self organization which have yet to be fully revealed”
