Zerg Fails at Extreme Cooperation(The One Ultralisk Theory)

First, I’m going to show where I am at in how the Trinity of Roles in Diablo 2 was never complete or proper. The biggest eye sore being how the Sorceress is half of a complete identity that would have otherwise totally represented “Extreme Cooperation” in a diverse trinity of concepts. And then I will tie the point in to Starcraft where the Zerg race is shorted on identity just as much as the Sorceress and in the same way. Extreme Cooperation and the “One Ultralisk Theory” ends up being the guiding light to the Zerg Solution.(One Early Ultralisk)


Part 2 of previous image


Now that it should be obvious to anyone and everyone that Zerg is and has always been missing the fundamental aspect of their identity as “Extreme Co-dependent Cooperation” and how the Ultralisk surely would be in the parallel comparison to the missing “Elemental Titan Wizard” relative to the Sorceress situation, we have to critically think about how at least 1 early Ultralisk could both work and make sense for Zerg.

But I’m just going to hit the nail on the head real quick…

Zerg need parallel access to spawning pool and ultralisk cavern from the start of the game at tier 1 tech. The catch though is that Zerg would not be able to produce Ultralisks from larvae. Instead, hatcheries would perform a sacrificial mutation in to an Ultralisk. Zerg might also get some extra broodlings that have infinite lifespan on creep in order to compensate cost. This is also on top of the the idea that the more hatcheries a zerg player has, the faster his buildings produce.(might be more sc2 related). I believe that the Ultralisk could be used at an expansion location by drones to return resources to as well. If ultralisks have AoE damage then the one ultralisk could potentially be an army weakening threat where the enemy would be forced to make a decision of attacking the zergling army or the one Ultralisk. Burrow seems like it has a lot of tactical potential here.

The current design/spirit of both Diablo 2 and Starcraft together is one of “Progressive Sexism and Malicious Targeting of Defenseless Dependents”. But fundamentally speaking there is no actual or proper balance when neither the Sorceress or Zerglings as Dependents are missing entire aspects of their identity which they should have always Co-depended on. Just because Role Theory doesn’t mention anything about the critical structure of role as a Trinity doesn’t mean game companies should be looking at that as an opportunity to capitalize on manipulating the nature of tri-structures and roles subliminally imposing an immoral impression on the target consumer(youth).

Not even analysis to home comfort, no.

Because solution in Diablo 2 was that would half of concepts. And the guiding how wise the Zerg race identity on a complete or properation identity just as much as reverse to the Trinity of Roles in how the Trinity of Roles is shorted “Extreme Cooper". The guiding how the guiding there I will condemn trinity just eye sore I will tie the sore trinity of concepts. And in to Starcraft would have othe biggest eye same way. Extreme Cooperation. First, I’m goint in Diablo 2 was much as universe to Starcraft.

Now, their identity aspect of the Ultralisk surely sure relative to the Sorceress situative to critically work about how that it should been missing the Sorceress situative to think and make sense for Zerg is always been missing that Zerg. Now their idental as always be in to the “Sorceress situation” and how that is not Zerg. Now that it should been missing the comparison their indented cooperation, we have the missing “Extrementity” aspect of the Ultra could both work about how their idental as always.

Rolessing of tri-structual or Zergling at as a Trinity which the consumer (yout the Sorceres) should be looking of tri-structure is one one of “Progress Defenseless" should have Sexism and Malicious Target consumer (you). Theory doesn’t mean games. But to capitally, it should worship because “Role The Sorceres” a Trinity when neitheir identy always co-depended on and of ther theres of roles and Malize of role as a Trinity doesn’t mean opportunity doesn’t mean game nations there of Progress.

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That’s one of the most brilliant suggestions I’ve ever seen in game forums. You totally deserve a job at Blizzard. Man, you nailed it completely!

I think with people like ArchSeaWitch amd Changsta, it helps to speak their “language” when conversing. :yum: Lol

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This is the typical example of a short circuited masculinity complex of irrational and unstable emotion. The one spark of a point, “Theory doesn’t mean games”, I will correct to “Role Theory doesn’t mean Role Playing games”. Maybe in some beliefs but that is certainly not the case with Diablo 2 where a favorably impressed trichotomy of cooperation aligns with 2/3 primary heroes(Sorceress should have represented co-dependency not dependent) and their unique styles of melee/missile combat tactics. For example, the Barbarian’s melee is his missile with Leap Attack (1 = 1 = 0) , the Amazon’s melee and missile are separated into Valkyrie and Bow but equalized by Jav (1:1 = 1) and the Sorceress’ “missing transformation” would be a unification of inequality (1+1 = 2). Note how in the case of melee/missile, the Barbarian represents 0, the Amazon represents 1 and the Sorceress represents 2. This is not the case with their thematic nature however where the Sorceress represents 0 (Purity or Mastery), the Barbarian represents 1 (Unity) and the Amazon represents 2 (Divinity) as accurately represented in the following image.


Note: when the numeric values for the nature of the primary heroes advance to their passives, the golden ratio appears again, but this time as the Fibonacci sequence. (I don’t claim this means anything, but the golden ratio has become familiar to the game design’s potential in a diversity of ways now that I’ve been keeping track of).

What Beast was really trying to say is that he sides with the viewpoint where “Others have argued that the concept of role takes on such a broad definition as to be meaningless.” But that’s like saying that the language of basic math is meaningless, or rather illegitimately diverse. But who’s to say that if they are anti-diverse that they aren’t anti-family and ultimately progressively sexist? They invest so much in to their irrational lash out of sarcasm which puts the “spotlight of interest” on their narcissistic self in a fit of jealousy, denial, and vulnerability victimization which demonstrates an unwarranted hatred for moral and ethical potential.

I’ll fortify the points of the OP on progressive sexism and the malicious targeting of defenseless dependents with some images.


Not as for was it were an to.

Diablo presented that is a should have represent and unstable emotion aligns will compile of mean “Role” emotion aligns will cooperation aligns with Diablo. This is that is certainly impress should have repressed masculinity co-dependency not to “Role The of melee/missile". This certainly impressed masculinity combat is planet short circuited. Cooperation aligns with Diablo 2 coop rational and trichotomy of a point, “Theory does (Sorceress) certainly impressed their unstable 2 where doesn’t melee/missile.

Amazon represents 2. This not the Barbarian represents 2. This is not the Amazon repress represents 0, the Amazon represents 0, the Amazon represents 0 (Purity) and the case with thematic nature the case of melee/missile. the Amazon represents 100. The Sorceress the case with with thematic nature the Barbarian repress represents 1 (Unity) and the case of melee/missile. The Barbarian represents 3.14/e (Divinity or Mastery), the case with the Amazon.

They aren’t and vulnerability viewpoint which pot light of in a broad definition such a broad definitization such "invest” on a fit of which demonstrates they aren’t and ultimization such in to say their narcissistic mate who diversely takes and ethical fit of jealousy. Demonstratively diverse they is meaningless, or ratio such in as really sexist to "self invest” on who’s to be meaning that their allegation such puts their narcissively self. It was jealousy, definitimization.

Allow me to summarize my point and paraphrase Beast’s pointlessness so you can better understand what’s going on in this legitimate yet failed attempt to communicate on this thread.

I believe that you can have a professionally diversified tri-structure of concepts, words and symbols where different manners of interpretation clearly adjusts the position of those identifications, and possibly/ideally by means of rotation which captures the heart of what is “interesting” about analyzing these structures. Rotation revealing continuous symmetry and possibly a revelation of virtuous contrast which would hopefully be achieved by a trinity of concepts in particular.

The seemingly endless amount of trinity examples that we have in all fields and language forms when attempted to be compared to each other seems to fall one way or another in terms of familiarity or contrast between them. I consider this to be a kind of phenomenon which I describe as “naïve trinity realism” where virtually all trinity examples have a sense of worthy comparison between each other.

What Beast is trying really hard to do is demonstrate and entertain the mental illness known as Schizophrenia in order to satisfy both his sense of belonging and narcissistic masculinity complex.

How can we believe family to be the backbone of society when we impress it in to the minds of the youth(even with video games) that each role in a basic trinity of family roles is exists as part of a micro-hierarchy, distorting a sense of balance which surely in some cases has all the potential to fearfully prevent families from coming together to execute effective cooperation as a team that at least brings some kind of benefit to society as opposed to the alternative.


“They are just running an agenda that is very self referential and it is not in our interest to let them hijack what is going on” - Dr. Phil


First, they destroy your sense of “family soul” by a divide and conquer scheme of progressive sexism in a micro-hierarchy. Now you’re convinced that you only have physical worth that is to serve the superior and you’re just a dime a dozen because they have armies of subluxated skeletons that they have no interest or motive to build back in to a human being. Rather they would have you in the frontlines sacrificing the physicality of all that you have left to meet their absolutely pathetic standard of humanity value in a completely selfless service to their agenda where all self awareness and value is lost without even a glance of concern.


I’d be careful who you accuse of having mental illnesses, ArchSeaWitch. Your writing style isn’t easy to understand either.

In fact, looking at just about every post you have made (and as AtlasMeCH as well), it’s borderline impossible to tell exactly what you’re talking about.

Maybe it’s a language barrier/computer translation issue, but whatever the reason, accusing others of mental illness, narcissism, and complexes because someone is hard to understand is a bit hypocritical in this case.

I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that they are not directly mocking me, but rather mental illness overall and schizophrenia in particular. There’s plenty of people who have tendencies for this behavior on your forums. (i.e. word salad is useless trash because we associate it with schizophrenia)

Let the final determination of that be by the Community or Blizzard of who is intentionally trying to waste people’s time and who is not, on this very thread.

If you choose not to see their intention as a mockery, then that is your loss. If you find it acceptable to defend a childish behavior on a video game forum, then it is what it is. But that also can have a negative impact on a discussion where people are legitimately trying to voice a viable perspective on your forums.

Now is your opportunity to lead the situation to steps forward. I’m sure that’s why a crown and green writing is associated with your posting.

A history of leadership in my case is not anything I’ll ever be ashamed of. Conveniently working with the natural forces of your forums to try and convince me otherwise, if ended up being successful, would be a great shame to what the value of underrated leadership should be about.

Leadership’s value only goes as far as a tool for you, not an inspiration to reasonably be a wholesome and decent human being.

Let’s take a moment to look at a major discrepancy in our understanding of both cooperation and competition.


And I’ll ask you, who is leading us forward and away from THIS nonsense of conflicted understanding in regard to some basic principles that are part of what makes the world go around?

Is it you? Or are you part of hindering that potential?

If going with as mathematical of terms as possible, my 2 cents would be to tri-fortify cooperation with…

Generate/Motivate (Responsible), Distribute/Organize(Uniform), and Collect/Unite(Natural or Extreme) Cooperation

i.e. - be a responsible, uniform, and natural cooperator

But whether anyone cares to actually see it or not, that’s what Diablo 2 ALMOST achieved. And what’s the point of shorting on Allotted cooperation? Ah… because if you’re not Allotted(United) then you are divided(half formed) and the primary archetype that fills that role can be dictated and manipulated along with anyone who ends up having that structure branded in to their mind by a highly addictive entertainment medium.

I am not influenced whatsoever by your Perverted translation of Family and Team as a Micro-Hierarchy.

AND… Alloted Cooperation is really what doing your part and filling a ROLE is fundamentally all about in the first place!! And if you’re not in it for the diversity then you are in it for the damage of the basic concept of “Build”

And if you’re not in it to “Build” then WHAT ARE YOU IN IT FOR?!

The open door welcoming of a Toxic Environment?

Ah, and that would be the very toxic environmental tendencies that you’re trying to defend here on this very thread.

(“But toxicity is just part of the culture of the youth and we don’t feel obligated in taking any RESPONSIBLITY for that”)

So let me get this straight… you’re not leading with any Responsible cooperation or Natural cooperation. How are you doing on your Uniform cooperation?

Valueless/Meaningless Absolutism

That’s not even divided to conquer… let alone trivided to build.

The Stupidity. THE SHAME.

So I take it that when you distribute* people up and get them on the same page, your intention is to set the example on how to…

-Single Individuals out for their Negatives rather than their Positives mostly based on the majority opinion on what your toxic community has to say as you proceed to spearhead them(Amazon)
-Be a Hypocrite, where you could have otherwise took some inspiration from the Responsible Cooperator(Barbarian) in your very own game to optimally alleviate that toxicity.
-And distort and degrade the Female/Child identity.(Sorceress)

all in one agenda?

You’re just Evil Trash.

(Note: I was very careful in not telling you that you have a mental illness, I don’t exactly consider that to be a mental illness)

You should be proud!

You’ve become the product of your own ignorance…

And I’m not even going to ask how you managed that one…

Finally, in a more direct response, it seems you haven’t considered the way that the negative tendencies of many to oversimplify become complex when situations go out of their comfort zone and they overreact by unleashing the “Beast” of emotional irrationality and instability.

Sure, you can sit there and defend a masculinity complex as the negative tendencies of mostly males in your mostly male community, but then the alternative perspective ought to hold you accountable to prove that you’re not engaging in bias or favoritism. And if you don’t have a real solid proof of that, then that’s when there’s potential reason to suspect that covert sexism may be going on which would be harmful to both spirits and sexes.

If you neglect responsible and extreme or natural cooperation, then you are promoting the idea that there is no circumstance where responsible and natural cooperation are the superior aim as to any tandem that includes uniform cooperation for the circumstance. And it’s obvious in this case that not only are they not cooperating with responsibility or extremity, they aren’t even displaying an intention to do so. Ugly things can and always will happen but before reacting with negative emotion, realize that it is possible for there to be nothing but positives going on behind the scenes entirely, which will help you to actually see what’s going on right in front of your face. (Yes, I’m saying that legitimate leadership can lean Responsible and Natural)

You’re going to say that I’m splitting hairs, but I’m going to say that you don’t have the sense or skill to separate fruits from vegetables.

Do yourself a favor and remove that false representation of a jungle crown,


And get a civilized job…


Inspiration: “Competition is the law of the jungle, but Cooperation is the law of civilization” - Peter Kropotkin


“Allow me to summarize my point”.
Then writes a wall of text.

By the way :blush:, there aren’t three races because of any trinity logic. It’s because three are the Musketeers. Clearly d’Artagnan is the fourth secret Musketeer, so there will be a 4th race in the future.

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2 paragraphs is a wall of text now huh?

Continuation from previous post:

The fundamental tri-structures in your video games, Diablo 2 and Starcraft, are the prime example of the micro-hierarchy with the Barbarian & Protoss at the top, the Amazon & Terran in the middle, finally, the Sorceress & Zerg at the bottom. Just as there is no complete concept of Team or Family, there is no real intention of promoting competition as there isn’t even a sense of proportionally distributed weight for each of the 3 roles. Equality, let alone the very concept of a Trinity, aren’t even factors that can be considered in your games.

There is no Cooperation of Families because there is no Family of Cooperations.

And even if there was an argument against that, the counter argument is plain as day. Natural or Extreme Cooperation(co-dependency) which you have placed at the bottom of the Hierarchy isn’t even an example of co-dependency, only an inferior dependency is what Zerg and the Sorceress display in your games. The Family of Cooperations is a failure, and so the failure of Families to Cooperate has been branded in to the minds of the youth through your highly addictive entertainment mediums since around the year 2000.

A broken co-dependency at the base of the Hierarchy causes the Hierarchy to collapse, because the strength of the Hierarchy depends on the strongest and most stabilized shape, the equal-lateral-triangle or a viable triangle at all…

No Family, no Civilization, no Soul. Which was probably the backbone of this country once upon a time.

You baited children in with the American Dream, and then proceeded to descend and smash it all to pieces.

You are Criminals against Humanity and Morality and the People, composed to the greatest degree of the Youth.


And I’m pretty sure that if you were to combine the Barbarian(Responsible Cooperator) and the Sorceress(Extreme Cooperator) you would get an archetype something like this…


F your pseudo-barbarians and your self referential sea-witch black balling necromancers that are individually pedestalized above all, the most valued and promoted heroes in your Diablo series.

You don’t know what a paragraph is. A “paragraph” is a group of sentences focused on either a single point, or a group of closely related points. Paragraphs are “divided” by empty lines.

That section just above this was one paragraph. This section is another paragraph. Depending on how you count them, your “wall of text”, which you claimed was “two paragraphs” was up to 38 paragraphs.

Also, you basically did nothing but insult others. Your post just meandered between various insults, quotes, metaphors, and unrelated nonsense. It is the kind of junk one might expect from an idiot attempting to seem smart without even comprehending their own words.

Lololol 2=6??? Troll in our midst. Believe all you said ever, not anymore.

You in a nutshell.

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Oh, so I’m the bad guy because I indirectly(non-personally) insulted a representative that is falsely representing?

Is there a bridge in your jungle? When I crossed the line and said “Evil Trash”, were you just waiting to pop out from underneath the bridge and take your hatred in the form of Triggered Denial to the next level with a “trash(junk), idiot” insult that you’d been waiting to take out on someone all day?

Insult? You want me to show you an insult? Let’s start with a Warren Buffet quote…

“You’re looking for three things, generally, in a person. Intelligence, Energy, and Integrity. And if they don’t have the last one, don’t even bother with the first two."

So let’s get this straight. The Sorceress’ primary stat is Energy as she starts out with, by far, a higher amount of Energy than any other hero. 35 stat points. But Energy could have easily and alternatively been Intelligence or Integrity. If there is no other conclusion that the identity of the Sorceress is half complete by design compared to the other heroes, particularly the Amazon and Barbarian and especially the Necromancer, then why is it so convenient to suppose the intention behind this obvious targeting?

“The archetype representing women and children(Sorceress) is either unworthy of being morally good(Integrity) or unworthy of being Intelligent, and especially never good and smart at the same time!” This is why the Sorceress has been left as half an identity by design compared to all other heroes. “But that’s ok because Energy or Spirit is kind of a shared concept between the Masculine(Warrior) and the Feminine(Mage).” Well maybe not according to Diablo 3 where the Monk’s resource is Spirit and is portrayed as a Masculine Warrior for obvious reasons. “We can’t even let the Sorceress completely represent the very potential(by energy) of what could otherwise have been good and smart.” - The Progressively Sexist Agenda.

And what part do you, TerranicII, play in all of this? Other than just jumping on the emotionally unstable community bandwagon that Blizzard takes no responsibility for? It’s as though you’ve served your purpose for them. You’re just a Skeleton Pawn ready to sacrifice your lifeless body to the Necromancer Superior that has an agenda of ingraining Progressive Sexism in to the psyche of the Youth.

They were just crossing their fingers that someone like you wouldn’t unnecessarily get involved with this discussion and make them look bad… Too late for that though. Do you continue to stand proud of your input? If they are not going to lead, and you are, then let’s see what you’ve got. Follow through on your choice OR admit that you’ve also participated in vane to waste everyone’s time here.


and yet…


Looks like I better take full advantage of my first amendment right, just to protect myself from potential psychopaths like you!

What is this junk? Are you intending to insult anyone who reads your post?

That’s “properly placed and classified junk” to you…

Unless you are intending for me to leave this thread and go to the D2R forums…

If you don’t even give any impression of the possibility of conceding then the next step will be SM.

Keep talking, or let someone else with a genuine intention to lead/engage in the discussion. Time Waster.

If you actually want to talk about D2R, please go there.

So far, all I’ve seen from you is utter nonsense, and a set of terrible ideas involving Zerg buildings and Ultralisks. The nonsense just distracts others from your actual suggestions.

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Ah! so what does the leadership with the opportunity to lead at Blizzard Entertainment have to say about this? This is more proper for the D2R forums while also not being removed from the StarCraft forums. Do you give me the green light Leviathan?

The community is waiting for your answer…

You going to do your job buddy?

Just as expected. All the reasonable suspicion of a masculinity complex but none of the example set of even just dutiful leadership to remove all doubt…

The example here, if but for no other example at all, is the reason why Blizzard Entertainment is such a Fantastic Company! (the self destructive haters that have been in the works and foolishly tempting full exposure from the start)

You are the Mastermind of the progressive communist agenda of the Paragraph Amount Lie. The implication of the Paragraph Amount Lie is the total annihilation of Mathematics, undermining the basis of the physical world, compromising our entire civilization, spreading communism and social unrest. Your advocate for Zerg collectivism, while endorsing feminist ideas, takes away your ability to hide your support for George Soros’ Overmind and his New World Order. But your attempt of drug trafficking communism will finally fail because now we know about your plans of destruction.

Apparently I accomplished that when I doodled on David Smith’s Sacred Mono-tiles in a tribute that I threw together in a few minutes where I recognized him as the Geometric Golden Ratio Master. Yes! I am the great evil! and not man and the placement of the Zerg Race, Sorceress Archetype, Women and Children at the bottom of the micro-hierarchy family. But is it even a micro-hierarchy with those identities at the bottom or have they been singled out and mis-represented as an absolutist identity?

learn your Math.


The tribute:


Yeah, I’m out there organizing the drug trafficking cartel when I work 6 days a week and play dota and diablo 2 in most of my spare time. It seems you, on the other hand, side with the people that have implemented extremely suggestive and inappropriate content in to back-to-back RPG and Strategy classics since 25 years ago, and that people will forever continue to play. Right…

And once again, people with your attitude and behavior are a prime example of why the 2nd amendment should be the 1rst.

You’re probably a brain-washed self destructive fear mongerer that thinks the world is out to get them, and has no legitimate starting point or orientation in the value of morality.
