Zerg Fails at Extreme Cooperation(The One Ultralisk Theory)

Nothing. They aren’t making balance changes to SC1 (the game is balanced by maps now), and they aren’t interested in the other nonsense you are posting.

Do you believe that the apparent multiple personalities in your head are in fact multiple people.

I work as a programmer, not an advocate for Blizzard, which I do not work for.

TerranicII, you make me concerned about the correlation between people’s pre-judgmental carelessness and unqualified reading techniques…


MVPs don’t work for Blizzard.

You’ve still been enabled as an MVP by Blizzard.

I’m willing to bet so that you can be a community leader.

There’s no change of point.

This isn’t a “correction dominance” kind of discussion.

This is for human beings.

I’d be careful how you involve yourself since I am a customer that’s not being supported here.


Are you using some weird translator program from another language, or are your communication skills actually this bad?

That doesn’t matter. MVPs can’t give a “green light” for anything related to Bliz’s rules.

You mean "MVPs can’t give a “green light” for anything related Bliz’s “red lights”.

So the sense I have about you is one of “False Advertisement and Support” with no “Green Light Leadership”.

Fixed that for you since communication would account for both writing and the reading skills that I didn’t directly insult you on but rather left open to give you the benefit of the doubt. Now that I’ve set the example on leading in a long term supportive manner properly, I have to stop and ask myself if I’m doing someone else’ job or taking from someone else’ role around here…

It’s obvious that we are in this together, but if we had any collective self worth we would be holding this MVP accountable for false advertisement and representation. Sure, they clarify green lights vs red lights but let’s be honest, we wouldn’t even be able to get a yellow arrow of guidance out of this half as joker.

Rules of the Jungle.

You’d be incorrect in that assertion. MVPs are trusted by Bliz to be knowledgeable in various areas such as policies, systems, game play, etc.

Meaning, Bliz trusts us to be knowledgeable and accurate when speaking on such things. However, because we are not employees, we do not speak for Bliz, so we can’t authorize, or “green light” anything when it comes to administering policies or rules.

And as such, I haven’t done any of that here. I’ve only pointed out that you shouldn’t be accusing/insulting others about their weak communication skills when your communication skill are severely lacking as well, at least when it comes to English.

Thus nothing that I’ve said here is support. Its only been my opinion about you not being any better at communication than those you are judging.

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That’s the way you perceive mostly everyone in this community. But in cases like this you just cherry pick and single out the behavior that leans more greatly towards human spirit in the face of greater animalistic mockery because human spirit is not appropriate for the jungle where the dominant perception of the “unvalued self” is at the level of animal.

Well of course people are going to behave that way if you’ve convinced them that they are an animal in a jungle. But if you were remotely decent at your pedestalized role and also had a legitimate concern for these people(defending the animal’s sense of security) you wouldn’t have “beat around the bush” and rather than demean someone’s spirit in fighting against progressively sexist game designs, you would have warned them that it is potentially inappropriate and privately consulted with a blizzard rep. Oh but wait… this is the jungle where no one is exactly allowed to have communication and judgement skills above the level of bottom feeder, especially with any kind of human decency.

A yellow arrow of guidance having nothing to do with administering policies or rules indicates that this environment has been forced in to the landscape of a jungle. And if the expectation is for the behavior to be at the level of an animal, then the aggression of an animal is what you’re going to get. And as follows…

Do yourself a favor!!! and when you get home from work tonight or whatever you do, prepare a speech for your spouse or partner and say, I Leviathan, when learned what ultimate individuality of self was all about in the mathematical breakthrough of 2023 regarding the undisputed Einstein tile known as the Spectre(which ironically has a humanly form), hadn’t realized that in order to both be and value my unique and individual self by a legitimate mathematical standard, required me to bend(becoming flexible) in which case when presented with the opportunity to merely guide a leading resistance against video game designs that have all the potential of progressively sexist intentions, merely in to their proper territory, was not able to even bring myself to the consideration of bending the Jungle Rules of a Video Game company that prides itself on it’s Pathetic Frat Boy Atmosphere!!!

Sorry, ArchSeaWitch, but as stated by others, your English is virtually impossible to understand, as for you last reply to me, it doesn’t make any sense at all.

As for you original topic, you should post in a place that speaks your native language if you want your points to be understood. Otherwise, yout efforts are completely vain.

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You are Sorry indeed…

You don’t also get to single out alternative and diverse manners of viable and acceptable communication…

You know, you might have a point that compound words used in the original topic such as “extreme or natural cooperation” are not recognized as belonging to the English Language. But you cannot take away from the fact that the language is basic enough, using individual English words, that you are more than capable of bending your program in order to grasp such simple concepts instead of displaying such pathetic conduct.

It’s not a matter of singling out manners of communication. The problem is that you are not understandable.

The words you use are recognizable as English. The poblem is you do not use them in an understandable way.

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The problem is equally as much your pathetic conduct, if there is any problem at all. Case closed.

A case that is impossible to understand due to extremely incoherent English is now closed.

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If you believe that people trying to inform you that they don’t understand you, and/or people trying to inform you that insulting others for something you are also guilty of is not appropriate, you are mistaken.

You seem to be taking offense to anything anyone says to you about this, so there’s no point in continuing this conversation. If you choose to post in an English forum despite lacking the English skills needed to convey your points, that’s your prerogative. Just be warned, it will be in vain.

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Well then allow me to speak in a language that you should be more than capable of understanding as Diablo 2 and StarCraft were back to back releases.

The Barbarian is the Arch-support of Diablo 2.

This Supporting is also translated as Responsible Cooperation.

Therefore the Barbarian is the Responsible Cooperator, being the pinnacle inspiration for all forms of support.

And as you have failed in demonstrating even an intention of Responsible Cooperation, I therefore deem your conduct as pathetic, as you take no responsibility and try to put it all off on me.

That’s somewhat better. It would be wise to continue being more clear and consise.

The only thing I put on you was your behavior of insulting others.

What support do you want from me?

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Well, at least you got a laugh out of me. Good day sir.

So you accuse me of not giving support, and when I asked what support you need, you walk away?

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Not really, more like my face turns away and goes to the hand.
