As 2020 is coming closer I’d like to thank the Classic team for their work in 2019.
For the aim, let me do a StarCraft: Remastered consumer recap of 2019.
After each priority you receive a point - red or green depends on what we see. I’m so excited to see the final result!
Why consumer you’d ask - I know we are not members to you, we are not even an audience. We just consume the product you prepared for us several years ago.
Recap of what Blizzard did about the “priorities”:
[P1] Team matchmaking (3 points)
[P1] Disconnections from server (3 points)
→ Team matchmaking is not available, probably will never be. (3 red points)
→ There aren’t many disconnections nowadays, primarily because the game crashes most of the time and we can’t enjoy even a proper disconnect (3 red points)
[P2] Observer: chat abilities - “social observer” profile on game creation (2 points)
[P2] Observer: ability to pause the game (currently can’t) - “referee” profile on game creation (2 points)
[P2] Options menu performance improvement (and general web UI stability improvements) (2 points)
[P2] Unit count in replays (investigation) (2 points)
[P2] in-game: way to reference a player name without typing their exact name - /f, /i (2 points)
→ The observer mode hasn’t been touched even slightly, thank you, at least it does not crash the game. (2 red points)
→ Options menu performance update - not sure if it’s an improvement but many of us see it this exact menu in 24FPS. Thank god we moved away from gamebooks, we have screens to look at! (2 red points)
→ Unit count in replays - not sure about the units but seeing how many workers a player has in the replay is a good thing to have. (2 green points)
→ way to reference a player without typing their exact name - none, lol (2 red points)
[P3] Abort game start if a player leaves a lobby during the countdown (investigation) (1 point)
[P3] Observer desyncs (1 point)
[P3] Consolidation of some or all gateways (1 point)
→ so now if my oppo doesn’t like my race he can disconnect and move to his next match and I have to wait again 430 seconds in order to find another oppo. Bravo! (1 red point)
→ oh wow, did you watch your own tournament - KSL? (1 red point)
→ consolidate the matchmaking, separate the player base (1 red point)
[P4] Clan (0,5 points)
[P4] BWAPI (0,5 points)
[P4] Further league divisions (investigation) (0,5 points)
[P4] Racepicking (investigation) (0,5 points)
[P4] API to replace the web calls that relied on (0,5 points)
[P4] Minimap separator line in certain configs on certain maps (0,5 points)
[P4] /stats to show league rank of play (investigation) (0,5 points)
→ Clan, what? (0,5 red points)
→ BW what? (0,5 red points)
→ Further league, what? (0,5 red points)
→ Race what? (0,5 red points)
→ Starlog got ****ed, we all are ****ed (0,5 red points)
→ Minimap separator - no clue what this is for real (0,5 red points)
→ /stats to show what? (0,5 red points)
Final results from consumer point of view:
- Blizzard receives 2 green points and 18,5 red points