ScmDraft 2 - Alternative starcraft map editor

Thanks Sinsanity for your response.
Yes, I had misunderstood the part about ownership (of the Editor).

There’s this:

Term. This Agreement is effective upon your downloading and installing the Editor, and shall remain in effect until it is terminated or superseded by a new Editor EULA presented to You by Blizzard, or, if neither of the foregoing events occur, as long as you continue using the Editor.

That’s all that’s really said regarding the term of the EULA.

I don’t think so. There’s not much mentioned about third-party stuff, mainly this:

The Editor may contain materials licensed by third parties, and the licensors of those materials may enforce their rights in the event of any violation of this Agreement.

That would lead me to believe that Sinsanity, as the owner of SCMDraft, is still the owner, even though Blizzard endorses the usage of it. I don’t think Blizzard can actually do anything about SCMDraft, other than offer recommendations.

There is this, right at the end of the EULA:

This Agreement, along with Blizzard’s other applicable agreements located on Blizzard’s Legal Documentation page, constitutes and contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements.

If a person has been using StarEdit under the old EULA, is Blizzard really allowed to write a new one and enforce the new terms on that person, without them even having a copy of the new EULA? (i.e. This seems to require users of StarEdit to have to constantly check Blizzard’s website in case they release a new version.)

The original EULA for StarEdit showed up the first time you used it, and you had to agree. Therefore, I can understand it is enforceable. This new version that Blizzard have allowed for download has a EULA document contained in the zip file, therefore I can (somewhat) understand it is enforceable. But if they release a new EULA, and only put it up on their website, can they really enforce that? I would have thought they would be required to notify users in some way.

The other question is how on earth Blizzard will be able to know if StarEdit or SCMDraft was used to make a map… obviously if a feature of SCMDraft is used, it’ll be obvious. But what if a map is made that fully conforms to the StarEdit limitations? Is there an automatic stamp somewhere that says it was made using SCMDraft? That way Blizzard would never be able to steal users’ intellectual property.

That’s still funny!

This is obviously not in the editor’s EULA, but you can find it in general blizz product license agreement, section 1.C, subsections 5, 6 and 9. While SI does own SCMDraft, it doesn’t mean they can’t ban you for using it if they wanted to.

I needed ASAP to edit a map and now due to new patch can’t launch it : ( I’m having so much hatred to these useless but game breaking patches.

Now it’s working but really strange behavior: I launched my SC and it refused to work again and after I closed game it started working. Yes, I know program doesn’t work when game is running, that wasn’t my issue, it refused to run when SC wasn’t open for first time.

You rock SI!

Well that raises the question of whether it is enforceable… much like the points in the end of my last post.

This has been raised elsewhere too. But since Blizzard are actively promoting the use of SCMDraft, can they really ban people for using it? That would be absurd!

On Blizzard promoting SCMDraft 2:

Technically this makes SCMDraft qualify as “approved by Blizzard” which is indicated as an exception to the rule in subsection 6, so as of this moment it’s safe to use it. My point is that they may revoke that approval whenever they want for whatever reasons they want. If a lot of people would start using SCMDraft to break original editor’s EULA, and Blizz would care about it for some reason (which it never did since 2011), they would legally be able to put a stop to that.

Ok, I understand you. That’s a pretty scary thought, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

I suspect they would just go down the path of “anything created using Blizzard-approved third-party software is owned by Blizzard”… the question would then be whether they would be allowed to do that, since they don’t own SCMDraft (assuming Sinsanity is against it… of course he could always make a deal with Blizzard…).


I’ve got a hackish fix for starting the editor while the game is running, but haven’t been including that consistently. Gonna try to be better about that.

I won’t comment on the EULA stuff since I am not a lawyer, and do not live in the US and therefor am unfamiliar with what all is possible to claim there.

That’s good to know. I don’t live in the US either, which is why I’m concerned about a US company taking over my stuff. As long as you don’t sign a deal with Blizzard saying that everything that comes from SCMDraft belongs to them, then everyone’s happy! :grinning:

Thank you for your work and updating SCMdraft constantly.

I get this error when I try to open my downloaded maps:

"Could not load a selected map
(C:…) (hr = 0x0004005)

Any idea how to prevent the error “(hr = 0x0004005)”?

Without more details I can’t do more than guess, you have a more exact error message in the debug log (see the debug menu, “console”)

Most likely issue is the author protected the map, you can think of that as a type of encryping to prevent it being viewed in map editors.

Yep that happens a lot for paranoid mapmakers :smiley: - they lock their maps so people can’t change em. It is fair enough, as maps can easily be overwritten, but we should all keep backups of final products regardless, I feel.
Amazing work as always Sinsanity! Blizz should hire your for customer support

Blizz should hire you*

Hi, I was just following the mac guide on the storm site and I can’t get past the install software portion towards the bottom. The error says the executable needs to be in C: drive, but mac does not partition that way if I am correct, what can I do?

Ладно уж так и быть уговорили меня использовать ScmDraft 2 но проблема заключается в том что русский язык в ScmDraft 2 отсутствует. Нет дело не в локализации софта, а в самой игре. То есть если в триггере “Display text message” написано Русским языком то в игре кракозябры.
Я поискал в чем кроется проблема а проблема в том что StarCraft использует юникод “Windows-1251” когда сам ScmDraft 2 использует юникод “UTF-8”. Конечно я сложа руки не сидел и выяснил что если Русский текст сразу кодировать в юникод “Windows-1251” через декодер и вставлять в триггеры то тогда в игре русский текст отображается корректно. Но это еще не все квинтэссенция моего горения дошла до пика когда порой после декодировании в игре все равно текст отображается не корректно что делает не возможным дальнейшее редактирование. К тому же декодирование зачастую ломает триггеры и саму программу ScmDraft 2.

Прошу отзыва комьюнити. Может я чего и упустил, может у меня руки не из того места растут. Так что прошу о помощи

Если поискать Unicode на странице с альфа-версиями SCMDraft’а, можно найти несколько старых, но рабочих версий, поддерживающих его.
In the future there is a dedicated russian forum for that kind of thing.

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I’m guessing that has something to do with codepages?

I have returned with another question. How do I tell what version of Starcraft is compatible with my maps? I want to make sure my maps are compatible with the original SC so that everyone can play :smiley:

Well new SCMDraft versions don’t save the encoding in profile settings (the box just unchecks itself) and they don’t use unicode either for whatever reason.


Can SCMD2 use SC:R graphics instead of classic graphics? I would like to make maps consistent with SC:R latest patch, thanks so much!


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hahaha its so funny, your request has NEVER been done before in more than 2 years since release hahaha and its 100% comprehensible that it should.

The reason is that they wont release any HD asset for someone external to work on them, both because they are afraid it could leak,a also because that would give hackers the opportunity to map the bits corresponding to each asset, and lastly because they have no control over how Scmdraft2 code protects this assets.

And eve it Sinsanity is one of the most prominent and respected members of the Starcraft Community i am sure there is no reason to jeopardize this, but maybe i am wrong and is just a matter of Sinsanity to release and update.

can this be done?