I have bought SC remastered a while ago, it shows up I have purchased it in my account but when I download it and play the HD graphics option is grayed out.
Whats going on?
I have bought SC remastered a while ago, it shows up I have purchased it in my account but when I download it and play the HD graphics option is grayed out.
Whats going on?
I have the same problem, it says I bought it, but it doesn’t recognize it for some reason.
Hey, Phoenix1990! When the order is processing, it may not give the HD option yet. After 24 hours, it should clear on its own, but a password reset and relog can help clear cache for the account if its still not recognizing properly because of old account data.
Are you still having issues with this?
If you are looking to enable Cartooned specifically, go to Collections > Units & Structure Skins, and you should have the Cartooned version available there.
I reinstalled the game after a long pause and the Remastered version isn’t available for me either. I see it purchased in the Account section but there is no way to use it. When I start the game it shows me sometimes an authenticating error in the main menu. And If i try to login from the upper right button it shows another error: Error 0:100. The game is running fine except there is no remastered version.
I am having the same issue of remastered not loading. I was playing then I had to re verify my email and now when I load, I get error 2:5 and SC loads to the first screen but doesn’t look right. Then I try to login and nothing happens even though I’m already logged in on blizzard app. I also uninstalled and reinstalled same problem
Having this problem too. On MAC client though. Shows as purchased on my account, won’t show up in launcher, won’t connect to BNET.
Hey all,
Bliz responded in a thread about this new issue being under investigation. That’s likely the thread you’ll want to follow as it’s where any updates will likely go.
2 posts were split to a new topic: Tru2DaGame - no install option for Starcraft Remastered