Failed Authentication error 2:5

So the problem is not in my PC thats a relief. I checked the firewall settings, reinstalled the game, reinstalled Blizzard app. Nothing worked so far

Been over an hour blizzard plzzz fixxxxxxxxx

yes i did same omgggggggggggg

same here! any update?

tengo el mismo problema no puedo iniciar , sera problema del servidor creo!

Hey all,

Thank you for the reports, we are looking into this now. Will update again once we know more.


thanks, i am having the same issue


I reset Windows 10 last night and while StarCraft II loads fine with prior purchases, both Cartooned and Remastered are gone from StarCraft. Like the others, I cannot log in in-game (even though the app was started from

I see that upon trying to log in in-game, there is an error message: “Failed to make initial server connection (Error 2:5)”

Please help!

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same here need fixed

Same here. has been acting weird for me lately, also. (Sometimes when I create a game, only the background is rendered and none of the UI / player slots show up, old games are showing up that I can’t join for several days, etc)

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holy crap! I want to play. Get it fixed, Battle net:)

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Same here - SC Remastered not coming up and the authentication in game is not working.

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Ugghh why does this always happen to me. I JUST bought remastered, and I cant even login to play…


Shame this game has been out so long and has issues. I’d be fired

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Seriously. Tell us how to play the game we paid for?


Can’t Authenticate. Multiple errors like 2:5 and some other codes. Can’t log into, won’t authenticate that I am logged into Did you guys purposely pull the servers on SC:BW remastered? What was the point of selling the cartoon version if you aren’t supporting the freaking game. Can you guys fix this GODDAM game. It’s been down all day, but EVERYTHING ELSE ON THE PLATFORM STILL WORKS FINE. Why the hell do you even sell and advertise the cartoon’ed version of starcraft IF YOU DONT SUPPORT THE BLOODY GAME.


How does a game this old somehow magically have issues like this when NOTHING ELSE ON THE PLATFORM DOES?

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I am having the same problem, glad it is not my PC.

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+1, been going on for like 4 hrs for me. Well, at least we got a were looking into it… but no update from more than that…

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la solución es cambiar a REGION ASIA y el juego entra sin problemas

THE solution is change region to ASIA and gogogo! (poor english)

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