SC remastered crashes at startup new Mac BigSur M1

Ok, so as of last night im not sure why, but SCR tried to update and got stuck on “Fetching CDN…”, ive also now tried to reinstall SCR, as well as and neither will work, I deleted BNET from my mac and it wont reinstall. IDK what happened but now its back to broken, running OS 12 Beta 2, everything was working just fine a few days ago.

Ok, I have installed Monterey public Beta as a separate Volume on the Mac and the SR Remastered runs just fine :slight_smile:

Same here. I have an M1 mini Mac, and try to play SC remastered. It got crashed when I am launching it.

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Hi everyone, I just bought Starcraft Remastered after having been away from the Starcraft universe since pretty much the launch and installed it on my brand new MacBook Pro M1 and have the same issue. It simply want launch.

I did submit a support ticket that included the system report which was welcomed. The response back was that this it is still a bug being worked on and it seems Blizzard needs help from Apple to resolve it. They also mentioned that another bug was related to system names with spaces in them but changing my system name to one without spaces did not resolve this bug. Let us keep this bug thread alive until this is fixed!

I also reopened the ticket replying that changing the system name did not fix the bug in order to keep my ticket alive and marked as not resolved.

From reading later posts here I now understand that a fix is in a later OS that is still in Beta. I guess I will have to wait until the fall then as I have no wish to run a beta OS on my primary Mac work machine.

Best, DrLiquid

For those who even with Monterey can’t run the game, here’s what I did:

  1. Change your computer’s name (delete all spaces)
  2. Download beta 3 from MacOS Monterey (it’s a very stable version and free)
  3. Purchase the game. I don’t know if this had something to do, but previously I did not want to buy the game unless It ran on my computer.
  4. Select Public Test Realm in the game version.

As I said before, I don’t know if these steps must be all done. Maybe you can try only one of them. I’ve got a MacBook Air M1 (8 core / 512GB).

Hey CydoniaKnight,
Thanks for your post… you’re saying SC:R is working for you on the beta for the next MacOS update?

At the beginning it didn’t work.
But after doing those steps it did work.
I don’t know if the rest did something different, but it’s worth a try.

Another Monterey success story (M1 Mini)

  1. I used Battle.Net to uninstall SC:R
  2. I uninstalled Battle.Net
  3. Restart computer
  4. I installed the Monterey beta
  5. Download and install Battle.Net
  6. I used Battle.Net to install Starcraft

I can launch the game, load the campaign, and access remastered & original & cartooned.


I just bought a new M1 chip iMac with Big Sur OS. How sad am I that I can’t play SC:Remastered. Please fix this!

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I have the same MacBook Pro M1 I also experience a crash as soon as I attempt to launch SC remastered.

Thanks for the tip about Monterey… worked on my M1 after installing Monterey beta. I didn’t even need to reinstall or SC:R, just updated the macOS and it now starts fine.

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Same story here. MacMini, MacOS, M1 chip. The game crashes. I’ll go do the refund.
Blizzard claim that the game works on Mac, and it doesn’t.


Same here - wish they warned me!

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Just bought the game yesterday and it’s giving me an error message and won’t launch.

Same thing here, keeps this live. I’ll eventually try Monterrey update.

Same Macbook, Same issue

M1 Mac mini had the same issue. I just installed the public beta of the new MacOS and the game finally launched

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indeed, it doesn’t work

HELLO! Where is the support on this it’s been like forever.

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Help! I just wanna play Starcraft on my new MacBook running BigSur 11.6. BigShi**y that I can’t play my favorite game!