Hi folks!
Some exciting news… SCR is getting a Public Test Realm (PTR). This means we can share features/code/whatever with you earlier than ever before. It also means the things we’ll be sharing won’t be in a production ready state. PTR means slightly different things to different game teams, so I think it’s worth explaining what PTR means to our team. We have a small dev team on SCR, and in order for PTR to not detract from our efforts to keep releasing content, we won’t be rigorously testing our PTR releases. More specifically, that means:
- There will be bugs & instability
- We may change the build and environment often
- PTR data/settings/profiles are different & separate to your live ones, and we may wipe or change PTR data as needed (i.e. we won’t be applying the same level as care to PTR as we do with our live environment)
- There may well be more lag in-game, especially if you’re not in Korea (most of our PTR infrastructure is housed in Korea)
- …
- You get the idea
Some exciting things we’re planning to release on PTR very soon:
- Keyboard commands working when the mouse is held down.
- Cloud settings framework refactor - as some people still report that cloud settings are lost or not uploaded. Although we cannot prevent physical failures in transporting network packets to/from the cloud, we’re developing a more robust solution that will handle fail cases as gracefully and completely as possible. This deploy is sharing our “first look” at this. If we hear positive reports, we’ll merge the code into the main branch for our next major release.
- Matchmaking algorithmic changes. One of the main problems with ranked play is that foreigners cannot easily match with Koreans, even when they have good latency connections, and people are using VPNs as a workaround. This new algorithm should match people using actual ping data rather than estimates, and will hopefully match folks from outside Korea with Korea as long as their ping data looks like it can achieve a good TR. Similarly, regardless of the presence of a VPN, if the connection is not good enough for a good TR connection, they will not be matched with Korean players. It should also be noted that since we do not expect a high population on PTR, combined with our PTR infrastructure being largely in Korea, we’re mostly testing ranked stability as well as pulling some useful real-world data from the server.
PTR will be an “opt-in” experience from the Blizzard Launcher. You can opt in and out at any time.
To access PTR from the Blizzard launcher, click the dropdown list of regions. Public Test Realm will show as a separate region.
We look forward to hearing your feedback on our PTR builds!