No more map making

i will not use SCMDraft 2. i just hope that blizzard at some future point decides to once again support map making.

Just keep in mind that there is a written, public declaration that is citable. And that is all the protection everyone needs.


Man, I recommend moving. Perhaps to Europe? =)

i already live in europe.

Perhaps then to some other part in Europe?

Now we have Bliz reinforcing their endorsement of SCMDraft. They have been working directly with Sinsanity for the last couple years to facilitate it as an alternative to StarEdit.

If you have any map ideas, andreasasp2, now’s your chance to get them going because they also are providing a final working copy of StarEdit. But don’t wait too long; its functionality will likely deteriorate slowly over time.

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be that as it may. at least i can still use it to create maps.