Moataz Appreciation Thread

Hey guys, so we all have seen the topic of Moataz: StarCraft1 CoachAI, and the big conspiracy!, I contacted Moataz, to ask him where it is and what’s happened, he told me Blizzard’s mods unlisted/locked it for a while, and that he is waiting for their response to either list it again, or the mods give the text of the topic so he can post it in another place, because he only has this important text in the forums here, and he spent huge time documenting these events and he wasn’t expecting this sudden action from the mods after their acceptance about the topic.

Honestly, it’s a real shame for the trolls/tyrants to target a great software developer like Moataz, trying to isolate/alienate him from the scene, why they just can’t leave the guy alone if they really don’t like him or his projects !!! I haven’t seen any person in StarCraft that a lot of people holds scary envy/jealousy/spite towards him, why is the arrogance ?? saying thanks to someone doesn’t cost money, honestly all his projects are very useful to all kind of players even the Korean pros, his ethics and patience are remarkable, if anyone seeing him a little bit proud by himself, or his projects, well he has the right to be proud, he revolutionized the game, nobody can deny that or the usefulness of his projects except a troll, I can’t find his projects less important than scmDraft 2 (which is sticky thread here on the forum) or or ShieldBattery, I also admire his persistence to resist all these forces that want him and his projects down, again this is an evidence of how great contributor to the game he is, what makes me really confused, is that I also can’t find any alternative to CoachAI, so I wonder how you show your dislike to something important as this when you don’t have an alt to it? I guess all the guys that fight CoachAI have seen how astounding the tool is, but the arrogance or their authority prevented them from admitting that.

Come on guys give it another look :eyes:, does StarCraft 2 has something like CoachAI in gameplay or replay ? even Moataz’s StarCraft1 Multitask map is smarter, more useful than SC2 Multitask map, the guy additions to BWAPI project can’t be denied, BWAPI before Moataz contributions was really hard to play with/configure for everyone, can you even imagine that BWAPI project which is very old project didn’t have any decent tutorial video before Moataz !!, why we don’t admit that ??

Please if you’ve found any of his 3 projects useful to you or to the others, the least thing you can do is maybe to like this post or state what exactly you found useful.

We love you Moataz :hearts:, keep fighting noble warrior.


I personally agree is a shame, the problem is that he was bumping his own thread making it appear on top every single day and its annoying, whether if its something fair or not i personally agree but he is bumping the thread going against the policies clearly stated by the forum guidelines… This is of course related to why i personally believe his threads have been taken down and i 100% agree with this Forums mods in that regard, they are just complain with the regulations of this forum, as it should. About the whole “Conspiracy” fiasco i have nothing to say other than people are jerks one has to learn to live with that, specially gamers.
Copied from the thread below:

  • Do not bump posts
    The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called ‘necro bumping’ or ‘necroing’).

There has been other people commenting on his threads, which is perfectly fine because i also personally consider its been a little bit unfair considering he made a nice piece of software. But what i think or what anyone else thinks about the subject does not take off the fact he keeps bumping his thread, or commenting and typing in his threads with the objective of falsely making them appear on top.

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you contacted him, lol

nice sockpuppet

Moataz, please ignore the trolls, even if you think the truth is completely on your side, I know this is hard, but they won’t go away or stop spreading lies if you give them attention, if you don’t feed them they’ll go find another prey, spend your energy at something more useful my friend, trust me if you continue to develop your projects, you’ll paralyze their thoughts.


That’s really bad, he lost the entire post and he didn’t save a copy :confused: of it. I had the suspicion that his post :mailbox: might be gone into oblivion. I’m surprised :open_mouth: he didn’t suspect :flushed: that could happen, since he was always concerned about him being attacked.
He was reporting people :roll_eyes: but not SC players, only people from outside the game. I’m almost sure moderators didn’t like it. I don’t think necroing was the reason.
Life is not fair.
I always keep :100: a copy of my posts when posting somewhere else, and sometimes important comments :slightly_smiling_face: as well. Since I’m aware that I’m not the owner of the forum in question. Like Moataz, I learned :relieved: it from the bad :-1: way too, in 2013.
He should contact Blizzard saying that he didn’t have a copy of that long post.

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Man I don’t know how to thank you, the topic just came in its time, thank you so much for making this :hearts:, thank you also for your great advice here, its totally correct, but I guess it has one exception, and that’s when the trolls are spreading lies about you or your work trying to defame you AND OTHER PEOPLE ALSO STARTS TO BELIEVE THOSE LIES, THEN I HAVE TO RESPOND TO THE TROLLS…

The troll here that says Moataz was bumping his own topic and thinks this is why the topic has been removed, and he is happy because of this harmful action happened to an oppressed person (a notable contributor to the game), this troll is just trying to put the poison on honey, I actually don’t understand that he says I was breaking the rules and deserve what happened, and by the same tongue, he says it’s a shame and unfair that the trolls did those things, seriously :crazy_face: ?

Not to forget that the troll came to attack me on my topic that Blizzrad mods approved b4, to say “God damn you, don’t bump the thread, people are jerks online, adapt”, how this guy is feeling sorry about these events and then doing this inexplicable insult to me that only can come from a troll that accepts this crystal-clear oppression/unfair, huge conspiracy against one person, then he is trying to merge it with fake rules violations and also tries to make everything looks normal and that I’m some kind of unexperienced snowflake that can’t handle some trolls/criticism !

Lets not also forget that the troll was saying that his own fake accusation is what everyone else thinks, saying “But what i think or what anyone else thinks is that he was bumping his own topic, which is against the rules”, again, seriously :crazy_face:

Any1 seeing a straw man attack pattern here from this guy? I honestly think the only non-constructive, non-sense, direct harassment post that looks weird to that topic and needed to be deleted by the mods is his direct insult and lie there.

In fact if you read Blizzard rules about bumping a thread, you should laugh at how this guy tries to adjust the rules based on his own taste/spite.

But lets make it even more clear, I didn’t post any post that says “up”, “top”, or cheap/unnecessary words that are only meant to bump the thread, I didn’t post any post that isn’t closely connected to the context of the topic, I didn’t post any post that isn’t vital and fresh and unique to the topic, I didn’t do that, and no other member in this topic did that at all in all the 30+ comments there.

Whats more shocking to me than the online shaming and defaming of a notable contributor to the game is that this troll is actually a big CoachAI-fan that was defending me and CoachAI against a big troll there, I guess Jinjin or some1 else bit him, I mean he is doing exactly like the troll Jinjin now, how this 180 degrees turn happened ? he also wanted to make a tutorial video about CoachAI b4 out of admiration but I told him its not necessary now, look what kind of zombie he became now :thinking:, now I know where the false flags came from.

This is not the 1st big CoachAI-fan to become a big zombie, I call this the Qikz Syndrome btw :ghost:, because I first saw those symptoms on Qikz - The STPL (Shinhan Tank Proleague) admin & organizer & caster, lets not mention what bad things Qikz did/said to me here, bc its actually a lot worse than what the troll The100YOU did, I don’t know what kind of envy/arrogance/jealousy/spite/greed/racism that infected those guys, and made them mutate like that !!! but lets see what Qikz says about CoachAI when he was still a normal human, before the zombies bite him:

To all the CoachAI-fans/users that became zombies and started to attack the developer publicly and conspire and instigate the mods against him, or just let him down badly, I’ve one last word to say:

Thank you Savora, you still have a human heart/mind buddy, but I’m actually doing this for more than 2 weeks now, and if I talked more about it here, I think they’ll delete my post, so lets just stop here.

Despite the bad news here,

Good news coming soon for fans

A new StarCraft1 CoachAI will arrive :flight_arrival:


Btw Moataz, nice opportunity to prove you dont bump, just dont reply to this thread no more, let other people comment on it, if you want to make another thread about your “conspiracy” do it, but let people comment on it do not be yourself how is commenting your own topic over and over again. Let it be man…cheers.

Moataz doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone after he revealed your real face here, what an argumentative guy you are ! you don’t want him to comment here anymore :thinking: ? can’t you just get the guy out of your head for a while, Qikz Syndrome is really doing its effect I guess, stop trying to win a conversation forcibly no matter what evidence is on the table, admit your fault if you have any ethical courage, or just stop talking.

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Ok Moataz… have a nice life with your alt accounts.

Yeah, whatever makes the trolls feel better. :rofl:

I am not using an alt account and I think :thinking: you’re being dishonest.

Well now we know who Savora and Tassadar are

Thanks you for your stance 1st :slightly_smiling_face:, 2nd let the 2 trolls enjoy their delusions, don’t feed them please, I’ll feed them if necessary, but I hope if the mods will give them some rest, lets not make this thread for the argumentative trolls, or give them a chance to sabotage it.

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Youre easy to bait, you know that moataz?

Indeed they’re just trolling.

One of the locks that the trolls wanted to chain StarCraft1 CoachAI & BWAPI Revamped developer with it, has been unlocked, one of the Reddit mods in r/broodwar came to my StarCraft1 CoachAI discord few days ago, I asked him to talk to other mod that banned me oppressively there 2 years ago (he only banned me to cripple the 2 projects and by instigation from trolls ofc), but now I’m unbanned.

This story is also mentioned here in Blizzard forums and the mods here deleted my topic based on these false accusations.

I also have my own Reddit now, where the trolls/tyrants can’t conspire against my projects, feel free to join me there:

الحمدلله ، للظلم نهاية ، مهما طال الليل ، والحقيقية لا يمكن أن تختفي للأبد.

This is good news indeed, but fighting the trolls isn’t over yet, just don’t pay attention to the Reddit downvotes, that is the only thing the trolls can do now, or they’ll eat their fingers or die from envy, you’ve to excuse them… you projects/confidence can make Flash envy you.

You still need to send the message to Flash & Bisu & JD as you said before, I don’t think they’ve heard about your 2 projects, I’m sure they miss something like that and they already dreamed about it before, good luck achieving your dream Moataz.

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Tassadar and motaz same person?

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And Savora sadly… ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Tassadar, thank you so much for your support b4 and now, yes the kind of envy/arrogance those guys have is weird & scary (sometimes I think CoachAI works only for WC3, and this is why they hate it), I really appreciate your efforts dealing with those guys and your smart responses here, and in other threads, the trolls killed all my fans, derailed the rest of them away, and some of them became zombies like Qikz & The100YOU, both have Qikz syndrome as I said earlier :crazy_face: and they’d spread any lie that makes them feel happy, please stay safe my friend :sleeping_bed: you’re one of the few supporters that I can depend on them, you saw what happened to big fans, one bite from the zombies and you’re done :skull:.

I’ll keep you updated whenever I need your help :hearts:.

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