[Main Thread] Graphics Driver Too Old Error

I posted this on the “Classic Games Tech Support” forum, and it was suggested that I post it here instead. Here is the thread from that forum, in which several other people are reporting the same problem:

Beginning today, after some sort of update, we can no longer play StarCraft 1 on our old laptop with HD 3000 integrated graphics. We get the following error message that prevents game launch: “The installed version of your graphics driver is old and will prevent Starcraft: Remastered from running properly…Visit starcraft.com/drivers for information on how to upgrade your graphics driver.”

There are no drivers at that link. We have standard windows 10 version 1909. The Intel website says there are no updated drivers.

Ironically, StarCraft II runs fine.


Same here, I dont have the remastered edition, :frowning_face: :rage:


I have the original and remastered versions. On the laptop with HD 3000 Intel integrated graphics, I get the error no matter how I try to launch the game, or whether I am logged in or not.

The game launches fine on my desktop (AMD Ryzen 2600X/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660).


Same here. There’s no link to a driver download for SC1. This sucks. Please fix asap.


hi, I have the same problem, and I just bought the remastered versión

Same problem here, just bought the game and doesn’t run.

i just bought the remastered a few hours ago and now i cant play it. fix it please


same here intel hd graphics 620

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Neither, can I play SC1. it appears the same driver´s message. Blizzard´s got to fix it this messy.

Same here, Intel hd graphics 630

Doesn’t work on my laptop which is Intel HD Graphics 510, but it works fine on my desktop which is 630

Is it desktop or laptop? 630 works fine on my desktop :confused:

can’t play anymore - with new update. weird

I was able to fix the problem by updating my graphics driver through HP instead of the intel site listed.

Mine is not working.

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It is desktop. Still not working. My graphics driver is latest version

version:…Not working… I don’t know why yours works not mine

Same. Everything was ok yesterday. With the last update, the error “Graphics Driver out of date” appeared at launch. The link provided in the dialogue box offers no options.

Intel® HD Graphics 3000 hasn’t been supported by Intel for years. The last driver is from Microsoft Windows support for compatibility, version (19/05/2016). That’s the most updated version there is. I’m using Windows 10.

yes everything was fine for me as well before the most recent update.

Intel HD graphics 530

need this fixed

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Same problem here. HD 5500 integrated graphics. No new drivers. Windows 10 2004.