Ladder matchmaking is broken / Unable to join friends games

Sad that fixing the issue takes so much time. Meanwhile the game is free purchasable through Amazon Prime. A great chance to raise the player base. Especially at this time it should be a major priority for blizzard to fix the problems.

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I have the same issue

Still having issues, not able to see lobbies that friends have created. Not able to join into their game from the friends list, not able to host or when I can friends cannot see it. This has been over 48 hours now.

Ahhhhhhhh ! help please … I’m going through starcraft MSF withdrawal … can’t join others nor can they join me :sob:

Not resolved yet :sob: … either it will say my friends games are already started or it will say I have an invalid password to games they make (or games I make) that don’t even have a password.

Still going on for over a week, can this be resolved already please?

This comes way later than it should have. We should have updates all along the way. The community is already shifting to a private server. Just give them the keys and they will maintain the game. You guys can save some money, and let the people with the passion for this game maintain it


how can these guys sit there with straight face and claim the problem is fixed when clearly it hasn’t. This company has hit rock bottom.

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Issue still recurring. Sometimes it suddenly works then its back. Not sure what is broken here. Maybe needs a server reset from Blizzards side.

Is anyone from blizzard working here ? Hello ? Ladder is NOT working.

You get matched vs someone, opponent doesn’t show-up and ladder just reset the search.

You guys took away fish server and iccup for this crap ?

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The problem is still exist with custom games. No one can join me.
My friends EVEN don’t see the chat text I writing in the channel LOL

While you guys ‘‘try’’ to fix this issue. Maybe you should pay an additionnal cup of coffee to your intern and get a new ladder season with a new map pool. Oh and by the way, don’t put ringing bloom, plasma or all the weird and trash map on that map pool if it have to stay up for a year like as it is right now. Maybe add Butter, Vermeer or any other good map.


This is the sort of thing that gives me pause when I consider Diablo 4 or other future Blizzard titles. Even if it’s good - how long before they just can’t be bothered with it?


Never for me. Past experience with this company has tarnished how i feel about them. All the promises that were made and never fulfilled makes it hard to trust a company to care for their product in the future, i mean look at starcraft right now, it’s digusting.

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Why does it feel like blizzard gave the scr servers so that war 3 has a working ladder, if you don’t fix it close it up its highly illegal to sell a product that legit does not work even if you sold out your company

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i think the ladder is working now. i am no longer getting the stuck screen

I can confirm is working well now

I want to play some ranked matchs but its still broke

now if we can just get them to fix the mac OSX replay bug

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