I want to make my own maps. I used to do this in the 1990’s with my original version of the game. I found SCM Draft 2 online which I also used in the early 2000s but not recently. Trying to use it, I get an error message saying that the stardat.mpq files cannot be found. Can Blizzard please make a tutorial on how to do this? It’s very sad that the game is not as feature-rich as it was in the 1990s. I am using a new HP desktop with a Windows 11 Pro license, so all things considered I’m not doing anything complex or weird here that would make the process difficult such as using wine on linux or something.
Hi MagicPants, as far as i know, custom map editor has been removed by battlenet. i miss spending hours making custom maps and playing FFA matches with the ai
Attention Map Makers, As explained here: StarEdit Deprecation in Patch 1.23.0 we’ve recently deprecated our support for StarEdit in favor of SCMDraft 2. We’ve been working towards this (in collaboration with the author of SCMDraft 2) for the last couple of years. SCMDraft 2 is a widely used and superior map editor, and we decided that our engineering resources were better allocated to focusing on the game itself rather than competing with our community. However, if you are still loyal to StarE…
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